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Thread: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

  1. #1

    Default A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

  2. Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    Posted on Sat, May. 28, 2005


    By Rick Herrin

    Star-Telegram Staff Writer

    Greetings from The Brick,

    Downtown Oklahoma City has a little something going with the newly constructed area around the SBC Bricktown Ballpark, which is the site of this year's Big 12 baseball tournament.

    There's a River Walk with boat rides, reminiscent of San Antonio without the atmosphere; plenty of restaurants, a movie theater and a new Outdoor World. Most of the Big 12 coaches favor playing at Bricktown over Ameriquest Field in Arlington. It's easy to understand why. Smaller park fit for a college tournament, and players can walk to the field and restaurants from their hotels.

    Coaches, players and fans don't need to worry, because the Bricktown Ballpark hosts the tournament through 2007. Don't expect the tournament to return to Arlington any time after that.

    A true only-in-Oklahoma moment came late Thursday night during the Texas Tech-Missouri game. Two mallards were camped in the outfield with no desire to leave. Luckily, no balls were hit their way in deep center. But there was a stoppage in play for one of the ducks, which did a fly-by around the field before returning to its outfield spot.

    Then a fan broke out a duck caller late in the game. Who comes to a baseball game with one of those in their pocket? Must have stopped by Outdoor World before the game.

    copyright 2005, Star-Telegram
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #3
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    I always think it's funny how DFW media always talks as if OKC is some kind of Bubba metropolis. When DFW has just as many small town folks hanging around as OKC if not more.

  4. #4
    HKG_Flyer1 Guest

    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    You'd be surprised. Things are slowly starting to change. More and more people in Dallas are starting to look at OKC as a kind of interesting place.

  5. #5

    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    What? Is that Deuling Banjo's i hear playing in the backgound?

  6. Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    The joke very well could be on him with the duck caller. The game was between Missouri and TEXAS Tech. Not OU-OSU.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    The joke very well could be on him with the duck caller. The game was between Missouri and TEXAS Tech. Not OU-OSU.
    Definately, but the fact remains that he could have actually bought the caller right next door to the downtown park. There's no escaping that angle.

  8. #8
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP
    Definately, but the fact remains that he could have actually bought the caller right next door to the downtown park. There's no escaping that angle.

    Yeah, thats right I forgot about that un-written rule that states Saks's and The Gap and Starbucks are the only stores that should be permitted in a tourist district.

    Besides how do we know this spectator bought the duck call at Bass Pro. For all we know the spectator may carry it own him, just like some people carry a cow bell to sports events.

    This writter should get over himself. He was at a ball park in flyover America not the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.

    I am so tired of these people that think you should have a high society mentality regardless of where you go.

    I am almost tempted to email this writer and tell him to pull the silver spoon out of his rump and live a little.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    I am almost tempted to email this writer and tell him to pull the silver spoon out of his rump and live a little.
    Oh, relax.

  10. Thumbs up Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    guys, maybe you are taking the story way too personal.

    Honestly, i think it was a sort of fluffy story that the media always does when there is nothing else happening. If this is true, then feel honoured that FtW picked OKC for a fluffy, happy story - how often does that happen.

    I didnt read the story and have the same reaction as you did. In fact, I was quite surprised that the story was in ft w star telegram and not the daily diss-appointment. Why would ft w write about an OKC event, fluffy or not, unless the writer was in OKC for some fun and excitement? There must not be anything happening in Ft W so he came to OKC! There must not be anything newsworthy in Ft W so they published his fluffy OKC story.

    Also, the article made it seem like going up to OKC is a rather common event for ft w. It did not seem like the, oooh, look at what OKC has to offer .. type tourist article where cities compare each other. It was a , hey I was in bricktown and this happened. Just like OKC were part of DFW or at least a common enough destination that people in DFW would know what the author was talking ab out.

    that is my honest opinion. i dont see the negative angle you guys do, especially when I read the article and posted it here. It just seemed weird that ftw would publish a fluffy article about OKC, thats all.

    Maybe this is proof of what HKG_Flyer is talking about "that OKC is becoming a destination for N Texas and dallas"?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  11. Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    Since I have family that lives in Fort Worth, I visit quite frequently and I must say that the area is very similar to OKC. Both are going through major downtown revitalization and if you look at Fort Worth by itself with only it's suburbs, it's just like OKC. I think with FW proximity to Dallas, they are growing faster than OKC, right now. I've never been to Sundance Square before. How does it compare to Bricktown??

  12. #12

    Default Re: A Blurb in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram...

    When I read the article, I didn't have any negative reaction. I, like Hot Rod, thought it was nice to be featured in another city's daily.

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