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Thread: Joe Paterno near death...

  1. Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    I think most expected that once he would stop coaching he would probably die pretty soon afterwards. Shame it went down the way it did.

  2. #3
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    I think most expected that once he would stop coaching he would probably die pretty soon afterwards. Shame it went down the way it did.
    Was it Bear Bryant who answered the question "what are you going to do after you retire?" by saying "I'll probably drop dead in a week..."?

    I think it took a few weeks longer than that, but that's pretty much what he did.

    I'm sorry too about the way it went down. It won't seem like a normal college football Saturday without seeing Joe Pa on the field.

  3. #4
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    According to CBS Sports a few minutes ago, Coach Paterno has died.

  4. #5

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    What a year for the Paterno family...Sad ending to a disgusting past few months

  5. #6

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Great coach

  6. #7

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    He may have a fatal condition but that report of his death was premature.


  7. Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    He officially passed away this morning.

  8. #9

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    A sad ending for a pretty good man. Fired from his home since forever. I think he was intellectually unable to deal with the problem that presented itself to him by his so-called friend, Sandusky. He is the culprit who started all this because he could not control his problem. He brought untold misery to this great school. All because he could not get a handle on his own sexual drive. There is a lesson here. I have zero respect for these people whose silly sex needs make them destroy everything around them.

  9. #10

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheetkeecker View Post
    A sad ending for a pretty good man. Fired from his home since forever. I think he was intellectually unable to deal with the problem that presented itself to him by his so-called friend, Sandusky. He is the culprit who started all this because he could not control his problem. He brought untold misery to this great school. All because he could not get a handle on his own sexual drive. There is a lesson here. I have zero respect for these people whose silly sex needs make them destroy everything around them.
    I don't think he had a problem intellectually with trying to cope with it. With the subsequent information that has come out about the program, even unrelated to Sandusky, I think Paterno was a guy who would do anything to protect the program, even if a reasonable person would consider it moral or right. There was another story about him where a disciplinary officer at the school resigned because he stopped punishment of football players for one thing or another because he felt it should be handled in house.

    I think when he was told about it, he wanted to defer it to the school, and when they decided not to do anything, he felt no desire to do more and potentially hurt his program. While he's not the culprit Sandusky is, I think Paterno is another in the line of coaches who put winning above all else. I don't think being unable to cope with it has anything to do with not acting on the allegations against Sandusky.

  10. #11

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    RIP JoePa.... you will be remembered for all the good that you did, which was a lot.

  11. #12

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Sorry, he will be remembered for the lives he allowed to be destroyed by his assistant coach. I always respected him but his failure to stop and report to the police Sandusky's abuses negates any good he may have done. I am only sorry for his family, I'm sure they had no idea.
    C. T.

  12. #13

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    RIP JoePa.... you will be remembered for all the good that you did, which was a lot.
    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    Sorry, he will be remembered for the lives he allowed to be destroyed by his assistant coach. I always respected him but his failure to stop and report to the police Sandusky's abuses negates any good he may have done. I am only sorry for his family, I'm sure they had no idea.
    C. T.
    He will be remembered both ways by different people, don't make it sound like the man is an angel and don't make it sound like he's a demon. I don't care how strongly you feel towards him one way or another lets just send our best wishes to the family and remember a legend (no obligation) even though he made a huge, regrettable mistake. And no, it doesn't negate everything good he's done, it just badly blemishes them because bad overrides good everytime. I in no way find what happened acceptable or excusable but lets not exaggerate about it, Jerry Sandusky is the devil, not JoePa.

    RIP to the man no matter what he failed to report to the police, he's gone now so you can either celebrate him dying with such a terrible reputation or you can celebrate the life of a legend (even though he screwed up big time).

  13. #14

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    I think it depends a lot on if your son was the one he messed with. I know what I WOULD DO if I knew anything like this was happening, anywhere, anyplace, at any time, to anyone. I would create all hell at the spot and then go to the police and STAY ON THEM until they did something. I can't see how anyone could see or hear of this and not feel obligated to MAKE IT STOP. However. I just don't understand people.

    I also don't understand why sporting events keep hiring creeps who HATE America to sing the National Anthem at sporting events, and make a screeching joke out of something that DOES mean a LOT to some people.
    I would like to start a movement where when t his happens, the WHOLE STADIUM gets up and WALKS OUT and DEMANDS their money back. It's unacceptable.

    Sorry to complain so much. Just get pissed sometimes.

  14. #15

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Sheetkeeker (et. al.):
    Paradigm Alignment Question (from one pissed off semi-moderate to another, based on previous comments):

    Was Joe Paterno "Good" or "Bad"?
    (not snipin' nor trollin' . . . jist askin')

    I'm reminded of an old saying (paraphrased) . . .
    "No person can ever be accused of being worthless . . .
    They can always be used as a bad example."

  15. #16

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheetkeecker View Post
    Sorry to complain so much. Just get pissed sometimes.
    We know, most of your posts are you bitchin' about something. LOL

  16. #17

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by MDot View Post
    We know, most of your posts are you bitching about something. LOL
    Life is starting to make me feel old, even though I am not THAT old.

    Paradigm Alignment Question <--- had to look that one up! Still not sure what it is.

    I thought bitchin' was what you are supposed to do here. Wrong? It's what people do. ~~~~

    Interesting things to read here mostly. Some are just strange.
    Maybe people only comment on something when they get irked. That's me!
    just have a problem, mostly, with people who can't tell right from wrong, when it is a simple situation. I know, I know, nothing is simple. Well, lots of times it is SIMPLE.

  17. #18

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheetkeecker View Post
    Life is starting to make me feel old, even though I am not THAT old.

    Paradigm Alignment Question <--- had to look that one up! Still not sure what it is.

    I thought bitchin' was what you are supposed to do here. Wrong? It's what people do. ~~~~

    Interesting things to read here mostly. Some are just strange.
    Maybe people only comment on something when they get irked. That's me!
    just have a problem, mostly, with people who can't tell right from wrong, when it is a simple situation. I know, I know, nothing is simple. Well, lots of times it is SIMPLE.
    Haha, no you're right, that's what OKCTalk is all about. I was just kidding, most of the time I agree with your posts which goes to show how I feel about things if you're bitchin' most of the time.

  18. #19

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Paradigm (paraphrased): Your "mental map of reality".
    (No. I'm not votin' for Mitt Romney. Nor Steven Covey nor his minions and/or cohorts. =)

    Alignment (paraphrased and condensed): See "Venn Diagram".

    Check: To take a reading , of, for example: Paradigm Alignment.

    Advice: Don't get irked. Get even. =)

  19. #20

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Paradigm (paraphrased): Your "mental map of reality".
    (No. I'm not votin' for Mitt Romney. Nor Steven Covey nor his minions. =)
    I do learn some things here.
    But, I sure don't grasp what a "mental map of reality" is.
    But, I am looking things up. No one knows anything until they know it, no one is born with these things in their head.
    Like running a circular saw, not a skill you are born with. You better study up on it first.

    I did learn how to get those little smileyfaces

  20. #21

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    First, I celebrate no ones death and maybe "negates" is a little strong but he certainly is no longer a man to be admired for all of his achievements. His desire to protect his program (coach Sandusky) rather than report him to the police as a child molester trumps anything else. That's of course my opinion. What else was overlooked in the Paterno years? I hope nothing. I realize reporting to his superior was the proper thing to do, but when no action was taken, he should have fired Sanduskey and reported him to the police. The activity was illegal as well as immoral and he needed no ones permission to report it. At least that would have stopped Sandusky from molesting any other children.
    C. T.

  21. #22

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    First, I celebrate no ones death and maybe "negates" is a little strong but he certainly is no longer a man to be admired for all of his achievements. His desire to protect his program (coach Sandusky) rather than report him to the police as a child molester trumps anything else. That's of course my opinion. What else was overlooked in the Paterno years? I hope nothing. I realize reporting to his superior was the proper thing to do, but when no action was taken, he should have fired Sanduskey and reported him to the police. The activity was illegal as well as immoral and he needed no ones permission to report it. At least that would have stopped Sandusky from molesting any other children.
    C. T.
    This makes sense to me. It was the acceptably small (to him) overlooking of something OUTRAGEOUS that doomed his legacy.
    Shouldn't the thought of your whole life's work going down the sheeter due to a
    (one of my favorite excuses) "lapse in judgment" that happened to ALSO SAVAGE some kid's LIFE.

    Turn your back on this stuff, and it will be everywhere.
    I hate people who think their little sex needs overrule another's well-being. If sex rules your whole damn life, do it by yourself.

  22. #23

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    First, I celebrate no ones death and maybe "negates" is a little strong but he certainly is no longer a man to be admired for all of his achievements. His desire to protect his program (coach Sandusky) rather than report him to the police as a child molester trumps anything else. That's of course my opinion. What else was overlooked in the Paterno years? I hope nothing. I realize reporting to his superior was the proper thing to do, but when no action was taken, he should have fired Sanduskey and reported him to the police. The activity was illegal as well as immoral and he needed no ones permission to report it. At least that would have stopped Sandusky from molesting any other children.
    C. T.
    I hope nothing else happened as well and you're right, he should have went way beyond the steps he did take but he didn't which is why he died in vain. I was more than disgusted with the whole situation and wish with all my heart that it didn't happen but I pray for the poor people that it happened to and hope justice is served towards Sandusky.

  23. #24

    Default Re: Joe Paterno near death...


    I would attempt to explain the "mental map" concept, but then I would be imposing my translated view of its interpretation on you.

    Read (at least) the first part of: "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".
    (After, of course, reading "Your Erroneous Zones" . . . By that bald pop psychologist--Wayne Dyer--who once Letterman'd Letterman, live. =)

    And please note that posting on OKC Talk is mentioned nowhere in the record. =)

    Follow that up with "Wake Up Calls" (Allenbaugh) . . .

    It is a good idea to have [an understandable] version of The Bible nearby to check the veracity of what is said in the other written observations of "What A Life Story Can Be" . . . .

    X's and O's on a Football Game Plan are, well . . . ask Joe . . .
    He might have wished, at some point, that he had been a carpenter instead of a coach. =)

    P.S. Did I leave off the suggested reading list "Man's Search for Meaning" (by Viktor Frankl)? Probly.
    "Darkness at Noon" . . . was it Malreaux?
    And Anything/Whatsoever by Dave Barry and Jean Shepherd? . . . to retain balance? =)

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