what is your favorite local news station in Oklahoma? Mine is KOCO 5
what is your favorite local news station in Oklahoma? Mine is KOCO 5
None. What I consider news, the local "news" doesn't even cover anymore. (Think news from the legislature, city hall, etc.) Or, it has to be a very major story and then they don't know what they're talking about. There was a day when all the major TV stations in the state had a capitol news reporter, and in the case of a few - reporters. Today, local news is more about crime, fires, accidents and feature story after feature story. It's changed so much it's sad. For those of a certain age - you know what I am talking about.
Mike, you just need to experience the sensations with KOCO and enjoy the thrill on the Live Wire. Now, that is glorious news at its finest!
You're right, Mike. The local stations keep expanding the amount of time spent on news broadcast but they greatly dilute any significant coverage of events (I don't count hour after hour of weather broadcasts). The last time I was really impressed with local stations was during the OKC bombing.
What's sad is they rarely get the story right. My job brings me in contact with the players of the events covered in the first ten minutes of most newscasts. I have seen news stories unfold in front of my own eyes and the friends I have made on the job are the first responders who work the scenes. On most stories you only get a small segment of the story. You don't get the whole story especially when they can use that small segment of the story to make a company or organization look bad.
I used to be a big time news junkie. Now, I can't even turn it on because I know they are not telling the truth. OKC Talk is my main news source these days. Just simply because I know most of the people here are legitimate and they have nothing to gain by sharing the things they know.
My favorite news channel? The Norman Transcript and here. LOL
TV news is so full of fluff it is annoying. The only one I can really tolerate for "news" is KFOR. KWTV is so fake and bubbly now. KOCO has always come across as a joke. FOX25 isn't even worth mentioning. :-X
My favorite news source is http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/ plus OKCTalk for local information and weather forecasts... Currently the BBC has a better report on the Blanchard home invasion and shooting than does today's Oklahoman!
"BBC" report on home invasion (actually a report that quotes KWTV/The Oklahoman and wouldn't exist without the two): http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_1...ting-intruder/
The Oklahoman/NewsOK story: http://newsok.com/alleged-accomplice...rticle/3637495
By "better" I meant more background, rather than more detail...
Personally I don't care to know any anchor's 2 cents worth on any subject. He needs to get a blog if he wants to talk about his personal thoughts.
Any newscast that does NOT have an Ogle clone on it.
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