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Thread: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    From ABC News
    Anand, a 24-year-old public relations professional, keeps a dirty little
    secret -- his parents proudly fill their house with mementos from
    hotels and restaurants around the world. Though they are well-off
    financially, they rely on the five-finger discount.

    "My mom has to do things the right way, but she enjoys what falls
    into the suitcase after they go on a trip," said Anand, who lives in
    Boston, but is too embarrassed to disclose his parent's home.

    They started small: a few hotel shampoos and lotions, but it
    escalated. From there they moved on to corkscrews with insignia
    and expensive sandals.


    Ethicist Kaminer said people justify theft by assuming the hotel "can
    afford it," but those costs are passed on to the traveler. She also
    dismisses the idea that stealing is a way to stick-it-to-the-man.

    "If you are upset about the political clout of the modern corporation,
    stealing a bathrobe is not the effective way to address that,
    especially if you give that bathrobe to yourself."

    Still, she concedes, "there are different moral stakes for taking an
    ashtray than snatching some sweet granny's purse."

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    From ABC News They started small: a few hotel shampoos and lotions, but it
    Taking hotel shampoos and lotions with you from your room is not stealing. Those are put in the room to be consumed by whoever rents the room. You are paying for those since they are figured into the price of the room. The same thing would be true of other consumable products like coffee or bottled water that are not in a minibar with stated charges.

    Obviously things like towels, ash trays, etc. are much different.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Taking hotel shampoos and lotions with you from your room is not stealing. Those are put in the room to be consumed by whoever rents the room. You are paying for those since they are figured into the price of the room. The same thing would be true of other consumable products like coffee or bottled water that are not in a minibar with stated charges.

    Obviously things like towels, ash trays, etc. are much different.
    Much different, and keep adding to the ever increasing cost per night.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    That's a pretty awful thing to teach your kids.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Much different, and keep adding to the ever increasing cost per night.
    I imagine the rate of hotel thefts has remained a constant.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Taking hotel shampoos and lotions with you from your room is not stealing.
    Obviously things like towels, ash trays, etc. are much different.

    I find it hard to believe that hotels still provide ashtrays for your stealing convenience.

    (On the other hand, the last time I tried to wash my hair with an ashtray the results were less than satisfying . . . and I guess one of the primary differences lies therein.)

  7. Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Taking hotel shampoos and lotions with you from your room is not stealing. Those are put in the room to be consumed by whoever rents the room. You are paying for those since they are figured into the price of the room. The same thing would be true of other consumable products like coffee or bottled water that are not in a minibar with stated charges.

    Obviously things like towels, ash trays, etc. are much different.
    My thoughts exactly.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    I darned sure HOPE the previous person takes the consumable toiletries. I'm not one of these folks who rents soap.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    I darned sure HOPE the previous person takes the consumable toiletries. I'm not one of these folks who rents soap.

    +1 . . . or even +2! adjusted for inflation. =)

    Maybe someone needs to start an "Occupy Fairfield Inn" or "Occupy La Quinta" or "Occupy Holiday Inn Express" movement.

    Oh. Wait . . . I think I saw that advertised.
    (How quickly The Movement is co-opted these days) . . .

  10. #10

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    When I stay at a hotel I take ONE hand towel... They are great as sweat towels during the summer when I'm doing anything outside...

    I'm not particularly proud of it, but I justify it anyway. lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    . . . which makes you an Outlaw
    and, by definition, part of The OTHER 1% . . .

    I think I saw the "leader of the pack" in the above clip selling carpet or cars on a different channel.
    Or maybe it was a time share at the Florida location of Hotel California?

    (I vote for "Harmless Thrill" . . .)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Taking towels is wrong, I don't think they are built into the price you paid for your stay. The soap is a different story, but believe it or not, I just take the soap that we used, put it back in the wrapper, and put it in the plastic carry on bag. I rarely take unused soap, even though it's happened a time or two when it's really good.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?


    You're a different cat. You keep this board interesting.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Taking towels is wrong, I don't think they are built into the price you paid for your stay. The soap is a different story, but believe it or not, I just take the soap that we used, put it back in the wrapper, and put it in the plastic carry on bag. I rarely take unused soap, even though it's happened a time or two when it's really good.

    Yeah . . . I'm different. =)

  15. #15

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Taking towels is wrong, I don't think they are built into the price you paid for your stay. The soap is a different story, but believe it or not, I just take the soap that we used, put it back in the wrapper, and put it in the plastic carry on bag. I rarely take unused soap, even though it's happened a time or two when it's really good.

    Yeah . . . I'm different. =)
    Maybe i'm a little different too.....lol

  16. #16

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    But in a good way. =)

    I would insert an old Sister Sledge video ("We Are Family") at this point,
    but I don't want to get all maudlin or whatnot.
    Plus I feel sort of like Frank Zappa did about disco.

    Speaking of Stealing From Hotels (and Frank Zappa) . . .
    File THIS one under "Deeper Problems" rather than "Harmless Thrill"
    (they stole the fishing poles)

    From 1971 (confirming the rate of theft as a constant):

  17. #17

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    We must be about the same age.....i was hatched in '53.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Taking towels is wrong, I don't think they are built into the price you paid for your stay. The soap is a different story, but believe it or not, I just take the soap that we used, put it back in the wrapper, and put it in the plastic carry on bag. I rarely take unused soap, even though it's happened a time or two when it's really good.
    No, no, no.... a 500 room hotel has a normal towel inventory of 6,000 towels... and they replace them quarterly... so hotels throw away A LOT of towels every quarter.

    Now, it would be better if all these towels would get donated to people of need, but unfortunately they don't... So, all I'm really doing is taking ONE hand towel out of the landfills...

    See, I told you I justify it.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    I arrived the same year as this fine automotive product . . .

    (The people in the car are all smiling because they just left a hotel with all of their soap and towel needs for the next year taken care of. Heading to a gas station for a .19 a gallon fill up. =)

  20. #20

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    No, no, no.... a 500 room hotel has a normal towel inventory of 6,000 towels... and they replace them quarterly... so hotels throw away A LOT of towels every quarter.

    Now, it would be better if all these towels would get donated to people of need, but unfortunately they don't... So, all I'm really doing is taking ONE hand towel out of the landfills...

    See, I told you I justify it.
    Wichita, if the statistic you provided is anywhere near accurate across the board - linens effectively washed 90 times, then discarded -, it would seem obvious that an opportunity exists to get these sorts of items from the various hotel chains to organization such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or related entities. There are bound to be organizations who would find usable bath linens as a Godsend. I won't make any pretense of being someone who has been at the front of recycling, because I'm not, but to think that volume of what are almost certainly perfectly usable, if used, linens are getting thrown away is ludicrous.

    Are there any health code regulations that would inhibit something like this?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    I too am guilty... Whenever I stay at a hotel/motel I'm usually on the bike doing a road trip and I take a towel (smaller hand towel) down to the bike to get the dew off and toss it in my saddlebag.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?


  23. #23

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Looks like about a '52 chevy ? Unfortunately, not a ton of those left....

    So I'm in good company.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    yup. =)

    (I'm not sure . . . but I think Truman was still president when I was hatched.
    Although at that point I was too little to understand the difference between Democrats. =)

  25. #25
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Stealing From Hotels: Harmless Thrill or Deeper Problems?

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    When I stay at a hotel I take ONE hand towel... They are great as
    sweat towels during the summer when I'm doing anything outside...
    I knew a guy who always stayed at a Holiday Inn when he was on
    tour. He liked the size of the towels for his instrument, euphonium.
    He talked a manager into selling him one. Every time he'd stay at a
    Holiday Inn he'd leave the towel and take another. He bragged that
    they'd been doing his laundry for free for years.

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