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Thread: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

  1. Default Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

  2. #2

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Would be a dumb reason to fire him but it was an even dumber move by the contractor to wear the shirt...Like working at Chase coming in wearing a B of A shirt

  3. Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    What if he had simply said, "Hey, my parents said you did a really good job on their house. You came highly recommended. Which is surprising - I see you're a Sooner (laughs). We're looking to have a big year at OSU, have you seen the pix of our new uniforms?"

    Really, what a dumb thing to fire a contractor for.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Not a good reason to fire him. However if he did no work he lost no money. Tough rocks for him.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Git em Spikey Mikey!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    I'm not sure of the veracity of this bit of trivia . . . But I think I heard--or read (maybe it was in Alexander McCall Smith's "First Ladies Detective Agency" series?)--that in one of the African dialects--I think it is one of them found in Botswana--the word "gundi" means "person with head made of [alt."full of"] cattle manure."

    Pretty amazing coincidence, huh.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    He seems to be a very good coach but, if there is any truth to this, it appears that he may sometimes have anger management issues. It's not impossible, but I can't imagine a similar incident happening with Bob Stoops.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    I've worked on a number of OSU construction projects around the state. Absolutely no OU insignia of any kind is allowed by OSU. They make a big deal about it. You can ask anyone who has been there. It's stupid and petty. (They do not do that at OU or anywhere else in my experience and I've worked at quite a few.)

    Edit to add: Okay, just read the article, thought it was at one of the schools. He can do what he wants at home, I guess. Why be different there?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Think the pressure to beat OU has gotten to him? Wound awfully tight and the season hasn't even started.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Dumb reason to fire him and couldnt see Bob Stoops doing something like that..? Please. It's obvious most of you are OU fans. Gundy can fire his contractor for whatever reason he wants and this seems like a valid reason to me. This was an obvious show of disrespect by the contractor to wear something like that, and no way I believe that he didn't know what shirt he had on.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Oh my gawd, all you guys are OU fans... you would at least say some kind of crap to an OSU fan you saw walking around in OSU gear. I wont lie, I'll jive OU and Texas fans for wearing their fan gear when I'm behind the counter at my job. Maybe the man went a little far as in firing the guy but that same guy knew who Mike Gundy is and he knew he was in Stillwater, which you'd have to be blind and deaf to not know that that is Orange Country!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    (Announcer--excited): It's time to play . . . FIND THE AGGIE!!!
    (Announcer--semi-whispered, golf-coveragesque, voice): Here is The Situation . . .
    Contractor (A) lines up "$30,000 worth of work" at a well-known coach's house, then "accidentally" puts on a shirt from a rival university and wears it to the job.
    Coach's Wife (B) gets upset and offended (even though it isn't clear that she knows what the two letters on the offensive shirt spell or how to pronounce it).
    Coach (C) comes unglued, goes ballistic and fires Contractor (A).
    Contractor (A) considers a lawsuit for "lost earnings" based--probably--on nothing more than a verbal agreement, (if that).
    Lawyers (D) and (E) mumble a bunch of clichés . . .

    (Announcer--excited again): So . . . FIND THE AGGIE!!!

    (Announcer--conspiritorial tone): Is it . . . Contractor (A) . . . Coach's wife (B) . . . Coach (C) . . . Lawyer (D) . . . or Lawyer (E) . . .?

    (Announcer--excited): Trick Question!!!: The Answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    I think the hair gel overdoses have led to rage issues.......

    It is pretty stupid for someone of his stature to go off on someone for something like that, an action like that is to be more expected from an unhinged fan, not the head coach of a major college football program. I know all about unhinged fans living in the middle of Whorn country and have run across a few that would act the same way, but they also weren't officially associated with the university in any way. The contractor was recommended by his parents so it isn't like the guy was hired out of the yellow pages. Sometimes it pays to consider your surroundings though, my wife can't have her Texas Tech marker board up on her office door like some have UT boards up because she is right by the major conference room where many of the donor meetings are and "it might offend" some ultra-sensitive UT fans. Thankfully most people aren't that stupid and have realized that Austin is no longer a UT only town as there are a lot of us from everywhere now.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    I guess the automatic assumption here is that Gundy actual did this? I'd like to see a little bit more proof than just what a contractor says after he lost his job.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Probably right Brett...Contractor likely left out the OSU Sucks hat he also had on

  16. #16

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Oh my gawd, all you guys are OU fans... you would at least say some kind of crap to an OSU fan you saw walking around in OSU gear.
    I am an OU fan and one of my best customers is a huge OSU fan. He often wears OSU gear when he comes into my office and it doesn't bother me in the least. Mature people are able to get past things like that and get along. If an OSU fan was doing some work in my home and wearing an OSU shirt I might tease him a little but the odds are that I wouldn't even mention it. To fire someone for something like that is just plain silly and immature.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I am an OU fan and one of my best customers is a huge OSU fan. He often wears OSU gear when he comes into my office and it doesn't bother me in the least. Mature people are able to get past things like that and get along. If an OSU fan was doing some work in my home and wearing an OSU shirt I might tease him a little but the odds are that I wouldn't even mention it. To fire someone for something like that is just plain silly and immature.
    You're just some guy in an office. A little different than someone going into the house of the head football coach wearing the rivals shirt. Night and day difference.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I am an OU fan and one of my best customers is a huge OSU fan. He often wears OSU gear when he comes into my office and it doesn't bother me in the least. Mature people are able to get past things like that and get along. If an OSU fan was doing some work in my home and wearing an OSU shirt I might tease him a little but the odds are that I wouldn't even mention it. To fire someone for something like that is just plain silly and immature.
    My mom's boyfriend is a diehard OU fan and I asked him about it and be thought the contractor was d-bag! Lmao. Dude claims he gets dressed in the dark and doesn't figure out what he's wearing til he's ringing the doorbell??

    I guarantee you your buddy makes sure he wears that OSU gear when he goes and sees you. He doesn't mistakenly put it on. I know this cause I 'mistakenly' wear opposing teams colors when OU is playing someone to see if my friends notice..haha.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    My mom's boyfriend is a diehard OU fan and I asked him about it and be thought the contractor was d-bag! Lmao. Dude claims he gets dressed in the dark and doesn't figure out what he's wearing til he's ringing the doorbell??

    I guarantee you your buddy makes sure he wears that OSU gear when he goes and sees you. He doesn't mistakenly put it on. I know this cause I 'mistakenly' wear opposing teams colors when OU is playing someone to see if my friends notice..haha.
    I don't know the contractor so I can't speak to his motives and you don't know me or my customers so don't dare to think you know anything about our motives. I have mutual respect with the customer (not a buddy) that I'm talking about and there is never any joking or kidding about the other person's school or team. Many times he may be wearing some school apparel and the subject is never even brought up. He is just a fan of his school and I respect that.

    If the contractor was fired for the reason stated, even if the contractor dressed that way on purpose, it is still immature on Gundy's part to not be able to see above that and act like a 40 year old man.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    So . . . Are you suggesting that a "40 year old man" doesn't have the right to "release his inner child" within the confines of his own home? No. I didn't think so. =)

    This whole episode is very nearly "Onionworthy."

  21. #21

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    So . . . Are you suggesting that a "40 year old man" doesn't have the right to "release his inner child" within the confines of his own home? No. I didn't think so. =)

    This whole episode is very nearly "Onionworthy."
    Yes, the whole thing would have been very silly without the "firing" and lawsuit. I'm sure Gundy just wishes the whole thing would go away but when you're a high profile football coach in Oklahoma it's part of the territory.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Plus . . . (speakin' o' "the territory" . . . You need to bear in mind that this incident doesn't just involve a state college Coach in Stillwater . . . It also involves a "contractor" from "Choctaw" (just west of Indian Meridian) . . . =)

    Edited to Add: I only put Choctaw in a different font because I used to live in a little town 5 miles north of there. (Residual rivalry thing I guess . . . Kid's stuff.)

  23. #23

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    I wonder if he kicks his brother Cale out of his house when he comes over wearing his employers gear?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Even without a written contract, if the contractor showed up and started work or in any way started performing the verbal contract, that means that at that point, they had a contractual relationship where a duty of good faith is implied. It boils down to whether Gundy's choice to terminate the contractor was done in good faith, because partial performance is enough. The contractor might have a pretty good lawsuit on paper. Now--picking a jury in Payne County to potentially stick it to the OSU head coach? This will test the jury system if it ever makes it that far, which is unlikely. Gundy will likely settle out of court for an undisclosed sum just to do away with the negative press.

    The contractor also has potential obligations to subcontractors and did pass on real and identifiable work according to his Petition, so damages aren't going to be tough to prove.

    Gundy acted like a classless clown here and is probably going to end up paying something for it. Serves him right. What a toolbag.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Contractor claims OSU coach Mike Gundy fired him because he wore an OU shirt

    Never gets old!

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