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Thread: OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

  1. Default OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

    I made a happy little discovery at the downtown library today. In Monday's edition of the Journal Record, columnist Ted Streuli (a new member of this forum) honored OKCTalk as the "Best OKC Business Blog".

    Congrats to Todd, his dutiful moderators, and their restless contributors for making this the top source of unpublished business info and discussion -- in the city!

    Commentary: Blogahoma
    By Ted Streuli

    It's time for the annual Inkslinger Blogahoma Awards.

    They're annual because all awards programs are annual events, and there's no good reason to be the one bronco bucking the system on this. They could be the First Annual Inkslinger Blogahoma Awards, but that would infer that a column very much like this one is going to appear next year, and that's a grave uncertainty. And they can't really be the first annual until there's been more than one, at which point it would probably be OK to refer back to 2006 and call them the first annual. Sort of like churches. There are a lot of firsts, not so many seconds. Someday we'll see a 24th Presbyterian Church on a corner, but probably not in the immediate future.

    OK, time to roll out the virtual red carpet so the virtual limos can disgorge the watchers and winners.

    Best OKC Business Blog: Without hesitation, that little statuette goes to OKC Talk (okctalk.com). Check out the OKC Metro Area Talk section, which has more than 21,000 posts. A chunk of it is people with a genuine interest in the rebirth of downtown Oklahoma City chewing on stuff they've read in this and other newspapers, but there's usually a fair amount of local business gossip and rumor. It makes for a fun read, and a surprisingly high percentage of the unsubstantiated chatter eventually proves itself. The Downtown Guy might have had this award once upon a time, but his old site is now peddling gift baskets (downtownguy.blogspot.com). The new site is still fun to read if not the hotbed of discussion it once was (www.downtownokc.blogspot.com).

    Best Tulsa Business Blog: Well, it's really more of a political blog, but there's entertaining Tulsa reading at BatesLine (www.batesline.com). Michael Bates is making himself famous - or perhaps notorious - with a blog, a column in Urban Tulsa Weekly and, if you're willing to get up that early, a weekly radio gig on KFAQ. The Blogahoma judges took points off because the hyperlink to his alleged MySpace space doesn't work, but technical aptitude isn't really a prerequisite for running a good blog. Oh, wait. It is a prerequisite. Well, he probably knows how to fix it. There's a tendency here to run off about how much one can fit in a shopping cart at an Albertson's going-out-of-business sale, but when he's on point he makes some good observations. I disagree with most of comments on those observations because his politics can make Todd Hiett look more vegan than dairy farmer by comparison, but they're still good observations.

    The Well Ran Dry Award: Unfortunately, most of the blogosphere isn't nearly as good as the two Inkslinger Blogahoma Award winners. Most of it reads like this narcissistic entry from Minus 5 posted Friday. No, I'm not making this up. I promise. You can even Google it: in a few minutes i'll be getting back on the road and heading up to oklahoma city. i just finished eating a fancy lunch with my granny. we went to wendy's. she was supposed to pick the restaurant. this is always the case. i will eat with granny wherever she wants. thankfully she never picks asian food because she knows i don't like it. if she did pick it, i would still go. granny speaks few words these days, but she laughs when i tell her stories. and so i do.

    Ahhh, citizen journalism.
    Streuli regrets the end of Downtown Guy's interesting and provacative blog. I do too.
    Continue the Renaissance

  2. Default Re: OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

    Kewl find!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

    Streuli regrets the end of Downtown Guy's interesting and provacative blog. I do too.
    He's not keeping up to date, then. See http://www.downtownokc.blogspot.com/

    But, back topic: Very nice! (even though I didn't realize this is a "blog"! :boff: )

  4. #4
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

    Wow! I had no idea.

    Doug, you can be in charge of the press room.

  5. Default Re: OKCTalk - The Best in Business Blogs

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd
    Wow! I had no idea.

    Doug, you can be in charge of the press room.
    Hmmmm ... guess you've not been reading my blog, either! Here's one I did last Thursday ... Superman's Back! ... http://dougdawg.blogspot.com/2006/08...mans-back.html , complete, of course, with ...

    GREAT pics of TDG , a boffo script, and, ahem, a pic of yours truly ... :tweeted:

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