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Thread: How much rain do we need?

  1. #1

    Default How much rain do we need?

    Just wondering how much rain would it take to bring lake Hefner back up to normal? I guess Canton Lake has to fill up first?

  2. Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    We were somewhere between 8 and 12 inches below our average...so that is probably close to what we need, on top of what we should be getting anyway.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    If it rains enough in the Lake Hefner runoff area it doesn't matter what happens at Canton Lake.

    Lake Travis is about 19 feet below average, the "Sometimes Islands" are starting to show again. All of those storms that have been hitting y'all up there fizzle out about Waco, just like it did during our drought a couple of years ago.

  4. #4

    Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    If it rains enough in the Lake Hefner runoff area it doesn't matter what happens at Canton Lake.
    The problem with that is that Hefner really has virtually no direct runoff area. It's higher than the surrounding area and relies on the runoff to the North Canadian river and what Canton can send down for all of it's water. Since the development of the Oklahoma river was done keeping it full and then providing the downstream water flow required by law is the first priority. Putting water in Hefner is second. Hence my boat is pulled out and dry docked.

  5. #5

    Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    I know, but having sailed out there some I know one summer it seemed like we would have storms camp out on top of the lake every sailing event....and then the next summer the lake was down from the parkway construction and drought conditions. They didn't do a release from Canton until late July that year after we had some rain to soak the riverbed, they do not like to do a release when everything is dry because they lose something like 50% or more of the water released to absorption and evaporation. Our sailing season was very short that year.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    Just wondering how much rain would it take to bring lake Hefner back up to normal? I guess Canton Lake has to fill up first?
    Canton has been at/near 100% for several months. Hefner may have taken a hit due to they had the east basin downtown drained starting in January for repairs on one of the dams and a wall of the park, and just filled it back up the end of February so needed to replenish Overholser first. The drought we have been in is somewhat regionalized, their has been plenty of water coming from upstream. Given the condition downstream of us with seemingly everything east of Tulsa is at or over flood stages for the last few weeks it is surprising the army corp of engineers were not filling it to capacity.

    edit: apparently they prefer storing it in Eufaula, they have 10% of it's flood capacity being used.

  7. #7

    Default Re: How much rain do we need?

    Looks like water is on the way.

    Corps to release water from Canton Lake
    (May 27, 2011) - The Army Corps of Engineers will begin releasing about 29,000 acre-feet of water from Canton Lake in northwest Oklahoma into the North Canadian River today, Friday, May 27. The water is expected to reach Oklahoma City on Monday, May 30, and will be captured in Lakes Hefner and Overholser. The release will increase the lakes’ levels about four feet and will take about two weeks to complete.

    Canton Lake’s water level will lower, making it easier to remove floating storm debris left by the May 24 tornado. The debris has no impact to the river or drinking water quality. Any debris that may have dissolved into the water will be removed in the water treatment process.

    The Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust has used water from Canton Lake since the 1950s. Water utility officials meet with members of the Canton Lake Advisory Committee to carefully plan all water releases so they are conducted in the best interest of both lakes.

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