Originally Posted by
Video Expert
I won't debate the merits or quality of the SA these days, but have any of you priced their commercials and/or remotes in the past? How about lately? Their commercial time hasn't gotten any cheaper, I can assure you. I would argue that the reason for more commercials is not because their space isn't as valuable, but they actually have sold out their inventory and have added more commercials to increase revenues.
Large sports stations in general have to generate much more revenue than a music station in order to pay the large salaries of some of their on-air talent. That's why they are always doing remotes. Not only does that typically drive up the traffic at the business who has the remote (justifying the high remote price), but the station can also charge an "appearance fee" of several hundred dollars that goes primarily to the on-air talent.
Whether you like them or not, there is a huge demographic (M 25-54) that still listens to that station. Perhaps the added commercial time may start to erode that audience somewhat, but I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon unless a real competitor with a strong signal and big budget arrives on the scene.