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Thread: Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

  1. #1

    Default Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

    Howdy Normanites. Are there any areas in Norman that feature mainly Cape Cod or Victorian houses besides the Vineyard and Victorian Crossing? Any info and addresses would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

    Carriage Lane in central Norman is the Victorian style that I think of...

    Last edited by blangtang; 12-22-2010 at 06:50 PM. Reason: bad linky

  3. Default Re: Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

    You could find some individual homes in Chautauqua that meet your style. They might be a little pricey though.

    Vineyards is a good neighborhood, they're definitely doing some interesting things with the roundabouts and the mill in the greenbelt. It's just in a somewhat isolated part of Norman. The street names are cool too. I wish they would do "Clam Chowda Court" or rename a few of the roads/lanes "Pawkway."

  4. #4

    Default Re: Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

    Have a friend that lives in the Vineyards, very nice area indeed. I like the fact that the developers left many greenbelts and large trees on lots standing. If Ettie is looking for a sort of modern take on old Cape Cod that might be a place worth checking into.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Cape Cod/Traditional/Victorian Neighborhoods in Norman?

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Have a friend that lives in the Vineyards, very nice area indeed. I like the fact that the developers left many greenbelts and large trees on lots standing. If Ettie is looking for a sort of modern take on old Cape Cod that might be a place worth checking into.
    Yeaaahh. It'll be 10 years before I could afford to get into the Vineyard, though it is a beautiful area. I looked into the houses in the Chardonnay area, the starter neighborhood just north of Vineyard 1, they are also very nice, but smaller. The premium there over the price of construction is waaaaay more than I can swallow for a tiny lot with no mature trees though. Carriage Lane/Marian Drive is an older neighborhood, I may have better luck shopping over that way.

    Thanks for the info all

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