Does anybody have an opinion on this:
What if somebody dropped a dime on the State of Oklahoma to inform Colonial Ardillo of activities in the State of Oklahoma that were unbecoming of a community that deserves to benefit from the presence of the United States Military and its mission to protect the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic?
Have any of you perhaps taken notice of the oath of the military?
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[1]
Oh snap! I think somebody done dropped a dime on you, Okies……..
What is this supposed to be?
I dunno. I lacked sufficient eyesight to formulate even a clue what the folks in the committee room at the capitol were looking at on the screen in the beginning post.
The subsequent posts/clues dinna really help me much.
Man, FF, you are coming off weird. Is that YOUR letter you linked to?
I don't know what this is...I zoomed way in on the picture and could read it but I didn't see anything that was odd.
Still corrupting young minds
This is the ‘values’ section, right? I seem to keep on having my posts deleted in other sections. So, I’ll post here in the ‘values’ section.
The question is - to all of you on this board who seem to believe that you know EVERYTHING that is happening in OKC - how do you feel that the State of Oklahoma and the community of the Oklahoma City metro area are doing in relation to living up to the concerns of the Oklahoma BRAC Retention Committee concerns for maintaining ‘values’ consistent with the United States Military and how that might be taken into consideration in future BRAC rounds?
Say, if perhaps all other considerations were equal and it came down to perhaps an issue of one community showing more appreciation for the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution - as a value that is highly regarded by the United States Military……one that they are giving up their lives for around the world in this ‘time of war?’
How do you believe that Oklahoma is doing in that regard? Is that specific enough for you or do I need to elaborate further?
I aim to please…….
Maybe it’s not so much a case of me being ‘weird’ as those of you who believe you have your finger on the pulse of OKC need to pull your heads out and realize what is happening right in front of you……and how it may impact your state if corrective action isn’t taken.
Impact from BRAC may or may not ever happen, but the reputation of Oklahoma is really taking a beating and deservedly so. It’s too bad that so many of you know it all’s who seem to care so much about the well being of OKC and the state of Oklahoma aren’t clued in and demanding resolution before it becomes any more public than it already is.
It’s late - I’m a bit weary of posting elaborate detail of my belief of my situation here, but I’ll see if I can muster a quick summary…..
I’m diagnosed as being a ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ for what I believe and what I believe is probably the most typical sort of ’paranoid delusion’ that a schizophrenic might relay as their perception of reality. That would be why I was awarded Social Security Disability and have been diagnosed by several psychiatrists as a ’paranoid schizophrenic.’
Regardless - this is my opinion and I believe I should have the right to share it here or otherwise. It is purely by my ’intuition’ that I do not accept my reality to be that I am merely insane. I am still under the care of my psychiatrist and he is aware of my resistance to accepting my diagnosis. He has himself made mention on several occaisons that he thinks of my case at times even while I am not there for my meds checkup. He has expressed that I am in the least different than 99% of the cases that he has seen and he questions my diagnosis, but is reluctant to change it.
The short version of my story is that I believe myself to have had a number of associations in the late 90s that upon a move to Austin, TX lent to me being noticed by then Governor of the State of Texas George W. Bush. I was a life long straight ticket voting Republican from an extremely conservative family and I expressed to my father how I thought it would be cool to be a part of Governor Bush’s Presidential campaign - and that may have gotten around. I really don’t know.
At any rate - I ended up taking a job in Richardson, TX in 1999 and while there I believe that Governor Bush declared to his ’friends’ that he had me ’under surveillance.’ I had been sober from alcohol for five years until that point and soon went off the wagon. I was very disturbed to believe that I had been ordered to be ‘under surveillance’ in some public fashion. My father had been on the surveillance team for the Oklahoma City FBI as an Agent for the final years of his career in the FBI and I was somewhat familiar with the nature of confidentiality regarding official surveillance activities.
I went on not telling anyone about my belief of my situation for a few years until I got into legal trouble in 2001 and confessed to my lawyer of my beliefs and she had me go in for psychological evolution and I was first diagnosed.
I ended up living with my parents and being on SSDI. In the years following - while living in Oklahoma’s Fourth Congressional district - the ‘home’ of Halliburton. I believe that my privacy was invaded used for the exploitative entertainment of President Bush and a number of others. I’m really not certain who all was ‘in’ on the activity, but it seemed to me as though a number of celebrities were aware and I have ever since then hoped to appeal for their assistance in my relief of believing that I am insane.
I have made numerous attempts to have my situation investigated. From Congressional Committees to the Fourth Estate to literally thousands of professors of various disciplines of the top programs in their respective fields of study. I actually have a folder on Google Documents that I have been sharing with the political opponents of the incumbents up for election this fall who I believe have had intimate knowledge of my situation.
In 2005 I marched on Martin Luther King day up to the Capitol and this may very well have been an ’auditory hallucination’, but I swear that Governor Brad Henry stated to me that’George Bush is the reason your opinion is so important.’ Implicating the State of Oklahoma as being complicit in the invasion of my privacy and very likely having profited from the political favor for allowing it to take place - as if the no bid contracts to Halliburton and ties to oil and gas weren’t enough.
I’m going to wrap it up here…..basically, at this point, I believe that I have raised international awareness of my situation and my next effort will be to petition the United Nations Human Rights Council. I seriously doubt that the State of Oklahoma would like to have any sort of international investigation conducted of how political corruption has allowed for the invasion of my privacy for exploitive entertainment. Read the Human Rights declaration number 12:
You can dismiss my assertions as paranoid dribble if you like, but you are doing your community a disservice to not take my claims seriously and petition for resolution. I will dedicate my life to making sure Oklahoma is known for its role in the violation of my rights and my torment.
I have no love for Oklahoma. There will be no ‘business’ in my name in the state of Oklahoma in reparation for my ordeal. I will not have taxes paid and Oklahomans employed in my name. Oklahoma has enjoyed the benefit of my living here quite enough already by my estimation.
If it is brought to light that I am not insane I have no intention of staying here and keeping it ‘our little secret’ as I believe a number of people would like to see happen.
I'm no doctor, and I don't, and won't, play one on this board or elsewhere.
God speed in your continued treatment
Last edited by kevinpate; 08-02-2010 at 01:34 AM. Reason: typo
What Kevin said.
What Kevin said about Kevin...
Took an impromptu ride up to Enid yesterday……..
Crazy me….. I felt as though the story of my situation preceded me. (Actually, I believe my internet activity was being monitored while I looked up routing information and addresses to local watering holes and this led to a flood of awareness of my trip up…….that’s how a ‘police state’ functions, no?)
Thought that might make interesting reading……. I debated on revealing too many personal details on a public forum in the event that I am mistaken that practically everyone knows every detail there is to know anyway……….I decided to live dangerously.
I believe the relevance of this particular document to be that I have alerted those of the military and police who take their oath of upholding the US Constitution seriously……I was of the impression that my contact with them paved the way for a more tolerant reception during my little weekend scooter trip……(only wish it hadn’t been 103+ or it might have been far more enjoyable)
Speaking of paving the way for a more tolerable reception……
Maybe you’ve caught the campaign ad on youth for human rights that has aired recently? In the event that you may not be aware of what your Human Rights are (check 12 in particular):
Here is that new ad campaign that they are promoting:
Meet the members of the United Nations Human Rights Council:
I have a story that I would like to share with Professor Decaux, his Center for Human Rights at the University of Paris, and a number of the French newspapers……….
What began for me in about 1997 as an infatuation with an incredibly beautiful Victoria’s Secret supermodel from France named Laetitia Casta – who also just so happened to become the Marianne symbol for France in 1999……evolved into me collecting an embarrassingly nerdy amass of Laetitia Casta photos and videos that I shared and collected from various sources including the binary newsgroup by her name. I eventually setup a ftp server on my home computer to share her images and videos…… I was enamored with the young Ms. Casta to say the least.
With my belief of the declaration of my ‘surveillance’ and my subsequent outrage over believing that my privacy was being invaded I went around being virtually terrified by what I thought might happen to me if I revealed to anyone what I believed was happening and my opposition to it.
Now, I really don’t know if Ms. Casta ever had the first clue about who I was, but upon tuning in and recording an interview she did on David Letterman in those very early years I became aware of her being from Corsica and a bit of research into her reference to Corsica provided at least a hope for comfort in that she might know who I was and that she would help to ensure that nothing happen to me.
Here is my personal capture of that interview that is surprisingly not available on Youtube otherwise:
The movie, The Professional, was an all time favorite of mine for various reasons – including difficultly that I had in accepting that my biological father killed someone in a bar fight and knowing that just prior to having been made aware of that – I had myself been jumped by four or five guys outside of a bar while in college and ended up stabbing one of them multiple times….
I suppose it reinforced the image of who Laetitia may have had connections to that could provide protection to me. Even if it weren’t true – it did at least give me some degree of comfort in those early years when it seemed that I was extremely isolated and vulnerable.
Ironically, as a side note – Laetitia ended up having the children of Stéphane Sednaoui – who was a prolific music video director in the 90s. I am known to be a huge fan of the music video and have a fair collection of them that is rather outdated as I don’t keep up as much as I used to, but Stephane even directed the video to a song that is very near and dear to me by probably my all time favorite artist Fiona Apple – ‘Never Is A Promise’, but that’s another story…….though not totally irrelevant to the big picture.
In the years since those early days I believe my situation has become widely known amongst a variety of people – music artists in particular, but not exclusively. Maybe you have seen Ms. Casta in a recent music video release by Rhianna ‘Te Amo” or more likely in Chris Issak’s ‘Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing.’
I believe that perhaps Ms. Casta would indeed now be able to verify to her countrymen who I am and what the reality of my life is. That reality being a unimaginable infringement of privacy and subsequent clinical diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia that has been exploited for what seems to purely be some kind of demented form of exploitative entertainment.
I am hoping that this story will help to provide the background that might be helpful in establishing the petition that I would like to make to the United Nations Human Rights Council member, Professor Decaux.
I will be dedicating my spare time to gather up e-mail address information for both the French contacts and the German contacts that I intend to make. I have found an e-mail address for Professor Heinz, but I do not believe that CompuServe is still in operation - I intend to keep searching.....he it not listed on the staff page at Otto-Suhr Institute for Political Science as stated on this page either:
I don’t have quite as a dramatic story to convey to the Germans, but I believe that the Germans have their own dramatic story of privacy invasion and subsequent intolerance of privacy violation that will provide for it’s own means of resonating with the German people. This would be my hope at least. We shall see.
I believe that I already have a fairly well established awareness in the UK and Ireland through various music artists that I believe that I have been able to achieve support from over the years. Hopefully that will be of benefit in petitioning the United Nations Human Rights Council for assistance in relief from being forced to be made to believe that i am insane and being forced to endure invasion of my privacy for exploitative entertainment in the State of Oklahoma.
I personally would love to see their assistance come in the form of an official investigation that makes this situation international front page news.
That is all.
I’ve got a project for you all……see if you can come up with the relevance of this:
The Drudge Report didn't even have an on official Web presence until at least several months into its existence: it started off as an email newsletter that Drudge also posted to various UseNet newsgroups.
He soon worked his way up to manager and would be able to obtain inside information that founded his Drudge Report, which started as an email newsletter that was posted to the alt.showbiz.gossip Usenet forums. He eventually started to gain a following, even though it was only the early days of the Internet.
The original issues were part gossip and part opinion. They were distributed as an e-mail newsletter and posted to alt.showbiz.gossip Usenet forum. In 1996, the newsletter transitioned slowly from entertainment gossip to political gossip and moved from e-mail to the Web as its primary distribution mechanism
I’ll give you a hint…..I’m a fan of the Drudge Report:
Maybe I should take a moment to once again express my appreciation for Ms. Portman’s effort to ‘pave the way’ for me in Boston…… it doesn’t always work out as hoped, but I’m sure it didn’t hurt. This will always be one of my favorite photos of my more active campaigning across America effort days…….
Baaahaaaahaaa…….think that all sounds crazy? Ever hear of reality being stranger than fiction?
I sent e-mails to the French UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee member, Emmanuel Decaux, the UN Human Rights Council Civil Committee ? and an assortment of French news media…..
Damn, I am just now seeing the e-mail for the committee as a whole:
Really, I’m not even sure what the ‘committee’ function is, but they sound like good people to contact on an issue such as this…..
Next, I’m going to gather German news media contacts and e-mail the German committee member, Mr. Wolfgang Stefan Heinz. I will be sure not to miss the above e-mail address this time… fact, I should have taken more care in looking for the UNHRC contacts in general.
I’m hoping that a contact to the Germans with an emphasis on their current high regard for privacy concerns will resonate with the German people and help to rally support for bringing justice to my situation…..
Just FYI
If you would quit huffin’ that oil and gas…… would see the truth…..
Your links have nothing to do with what you are talking about.
LOL, really?
I have to admit that I was pretty toasted when I posted – hey, that would make an awesome lyric……
Anyway, this was one of the better Jordan and Rodman interview clips on Youtube that I found from a quick search……
The relevance you ask? I had just made a run up to the liquor store – where I griped just yesterday on another forum about how tired I was of hearing about what a hero George Bush was……
Some Okie in line spouted off what I might assume has been the latest line to go around in some desperate effort to make George Bush out to be a hero in my life and what an ungrateful piece of **** I am for not appreciating his graciousness in declaring a field day on my privacy…….
The dude said that ‘George Bush put him on the superstage’ if I recall accurately…… referring to how this Okie (I’m trying to censor myself) believed that it was George Bush who ‘made me known’ I suppose……
Ha! Yeah, right……. I was ‘known’ before George Bush decided to violate my privacy and cause me to go off the deep end with paranoia and eventually be declared insane…
If you recall……there was a certain basketball player from a small Oklahoma town in the 90s who rose to superstardom and was a part of a team that dominated the sport……
This is purely speculative… is all of the assertions that I have made here, but I believe myself to have been spotted by Rodman at Pompanos on Texoma during the late 90s and ‘taken under his wing’ so to speak……..
I already had a number of other associations that lent to me being recognized in certain circles, but the Rodman connection kind of put it over the top…….
It is my belief that not only did Rodman take me under his wing, but that Michael Jordan himself lent his name to my association……creating quite a massive amount of recognition of me wherever I went. I have to say that I enjoyed it – for what it was. A sort of intangible presence…
I can remember going to this little rave club in Austin on my first move down and all these kids mostly younger than me…..and this club just went on and on for hours and I left, but went back for some reason and they had seemingly only been keeping it going because I was there…..they had started to pack it in and it was a total trip to see their reaction when I showed back up…..
Some of these ‘kids’ would have been Jenna and Barbara’s classmates in Austin………
Anyway, yeah, I have detailed documentation available in a Google Documents folder that I have made available to the French and a few others that delves into my speculation of how George Bush may have enjoyed exploiting my connections to celebrity that were present well before he came along to invade my life………..
Here are a few more links to things that have nothing to do with what I post……
I particularly love it when I can draw upon the young ladies of pop….. I thrive on the feeling of emotional support and support for spreading awareness of what I am being subjected to…..
It’s sorta my shtick to play it up to the ladies…….
I have been sitting in my room/house for a majority of the time of the ‘surveillance’ attempting to manipulate it to my benefit……
I generally sit around and drink beer and string music videos together for hours on end……building rapport with the artists to appeal for them to help my cause…….
I believe it tweaks them out to have their songs being played by someone who has been declared to be insane and forced to endure the most unfathomable invasion of privacy that anyone has ever heard of…….not to mention my battle to be free from this situation that repeatedly causes me to endure threats to my life – for merely fighting to have my rights recognized.
You all look like a bunch of pricks for making it so difficult…….there was a particularly noteworthy threat upon my life the week before Taylor Swift came through town…..I had quipped that if ‘you’ were going to kill me that it be my dying wish that you make the pig noises first like on Deliverance – and oh, how hilarious everyone thought that was…..
Yeah, I suppose for a bunch of really bent Okies that was pretty hilarious to make a joke out of threatening my life……it did lend to making a special song out of a plea for Ms. Taylor’s support……
I’m not entirely sure if Taylor is currently on board or not at this point….there was a tiff over the weekend that left me wondering where she stands……
I used to be really super into it…..I could string songs together into not only a story, but I could make it have references that left it ambiguous as to what I was actually conveying…….
Sounds totally insane…… yea, but it’s true……
I think your Thunder boys aren’t too happy to learn of the basketball connection to this whole ordeal either and how it turned out…………
Man, you have got to be the strangest individual I have ever encountered on the internet. I thaink you are totally dilusional, but you did come up with a great line with the "toasted when you posted" line.
Fast, you do need to go see your doctor. Let him know what's going on.
My psychiatrist is fully aware of what my story is……and that I’m not taking the Risperidone that has contributed to me gaining over 80lbs since 2007 when I was forced to start taking it again…..
I was a fairly trim 165 in 2005…..even though I’m only 5’6” I can carry 170lbs pretty easily with my build…… 250lbs – not so much. I look and feel like the f’n Octomom now no thanks to Risperidone……
I told him on my last visit my plans to contact the United Nations Human Rights Council…….I went into pretty deep detail on my most recent efforts.
He really doesn’t care to hear about it all…’s just a meds checkup – he’s not really a ‘counselor’ so to speak. If I don’t want the script for the anti-psychotics then he doesn’t write it….. I keep in touch and have another appointment set for another check, but it’s totally up to me to take it or not and I’m doing quite well without it.
I would like to clarify a few things……
I mentioned how I used to be super into it and create ‘ambiguous’ stories……and I think I got picked on for saying that – if it must be clarified…..perhaps saying that I played songs in sequences that created a ‘duality’ of meaning that left people wondering if it meant one thing or another……at least it seemed that way to me at the time.
I think I was still a bit drunk when I posted this morning……
Generally speaking – I stand behind everything I said though……
I think the overall sentiment is that the artists and celebrities who know about this situation want me to be given the restitution that I should be given for the unimaginable nightmare that I have been forced to live through for no apparent reason…….
They aren’t alone……there are a number of other people who know about this ordeal and are supportive of there being a resolution including restitution for my mental anguish and violation of rights.
It’s too bad that those who could have dealt with this have forced it into an international fiasco now……..
I’m as patriotic as the next person… fact, a whole helluva lot more than most…..and sadly I believe that has actually contributed to me being taken advantage of…….
I’m done with waving the flag and demanding my rights…… I hope there is an international investigation into this that embarrasses the **** out of everyone who has been involved in either the commission of the privacy exploitation or the neglect to perform their duty to protect me against it.
This could have gone a whole different direction if I had so chosen…. I could have stuck with that patriotic theme and petitioned the right wing extremists to step in and provide justice……
I’m instead sticking with the choice to hope for a peaceful resolution and I believe that the United Nations Human Rights Council may be one of the few options for that left…..
I know Jordan would be pleased for me to stick with pursuit of a peaceful resolution…..and I hope that if he’s paying attention that he will chime in for support of it…..
He and Rodman mostly dropped off the radar a long time ago as far as any association with me as far as I could tell…....
Anyway, can’t spend my entire day posting here…….
I think it’s going around now how my ‘surveillance’ is excused by me having attempted to manipulate it and build support for resolution……..
So, how about let’s hear your defense of monitoring my internet activity and the breach of the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act in doing so? Felony. Most egregious violation of it likely known to ever exist. Complete and total disregard for enforcement of it – blatant 14th Amendment violation.
Wanna talk about my work computer and how I believe that information gathered from monitoring of it is disseminated to the public? Fourth Amendment violation. Plain and simple.
How about making an argument that because I believe that I may have been able to manipulate the ‘surveillance’ by playing music………
That it is excused for my bedroom to be monitored 24/7 and if I fart in the middle of the night EVERYBODY knows about it?
This would be why I have chosen to abstain from sexual activity while the ‘surveillance’ has been taking place…….
Would you care to put a number to what a jury might declare a decade of abstinence to avoid performing live sex acts for your exploitive entertainment might be valued at?
So, you bring your ‘excuse’ for why the surveillance is somehow justified in your Okie eyes to court……..or an international tribunal if you like……. And I will tell the straight truth of what I believe has happened and we’ll see who wins out in that argument.
Have a nice weekend…….
You become more enigmatic with every post. I can't decide of you are lucidly delutional or delusionally lucid. We throw little insults at you and you respond as though we hadn't--kind of the oposite of the kneejerk reactions most of us have on here. I'm just wondering a few things, ferinstance, do you REALLY think Jordan and Rodman know who you are? And one more direct question, are your initials RDS, and I mean the name given you at birth not some substitute.
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