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Thread: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

  1. Default Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    2NEWS Chief Meteorologist Dan Threlkeld has been hospitalized after he had his gall bladder removed and he was diagnosed with Gullain-Barré Syndrome. Gullain-Barré is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nervous system.

    Dan was left with numbness in his hands and feet, and Bell’s Palsy paralyzed part of his face. He’s expected to make a full recovery, but not until after he undergoes a long and painful rehabilitation process. He's had a rough several weeks.

    Dan worked at KFOR many years before moving up to Tulsa and joining channel 2.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    Sorry to hear that. So many times we feel like those on air personalities are almost members of the family. My wishes for his speedy recovery.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    Yes! Him and Kevin Foreman were probably my favorite meteorologists when I was a kid. That's too bad but glad he came out on the positive side of things. I hope his recovery goes well!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    He sat in front of me at a Tom Petty concert once.

    Good times, good times. . .

  5. Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    He should've stayed with us to reign Mike in.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    i remember when during a tornado outbreak (the '99 tornados?) he started talking to the kids watching and said something like "quit farting around and get in your safe spot!"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    I never will forget the weather preview segment they did when Kevin Foreman was on KFOR during the 5pm news...


  8. #8

    Default Re: Do you remember Dan Threlkeld?

    He was my 2 nephews football coach. Dan is a super nice guy. Prayers to him.

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