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Thread: Water and Trash

  1. #1

    Cool Water and Trash

    I see there is a vote coming sooner than I imagined. I read the following article and to me it seems the city is being vague (again) in their requests for $$ from the populace. I will vote against the increases, if for no other reason than the current economic climate. The Tranny has quite a few letters to the editor today that are worth perusing should anyone be interested in the sexy subjects of water and solid waste policy!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Water and Trash

    I'm a definate yes vote, Norman must continue to improve infrastructue and Find new water sources to continue the quality of life we are accustomed to.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Water and Trash

    Well the thing(s) failed, and by pretty big margins. After the library vote and this one, what will the mayor and city council dream up next? I just wish they would hire some company to scrape off all those hideous obstacle course speed tables.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Water and Trash

    I think they plan to expand the presence of the bumps over the next year or three.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Water and Trash

    I voted no on the water increase because we're being told that the water treatment plant is now operating under a more efficient system. Why more money? Why does the city want us to vote away the right of the citizens to be able to vote on future increases? It's our liberally spending Mayor Rosenthal. The same mayor that wants to spend around 360 million to run a pipeline all the way to the southeast part of the state into Lake Sardis. The same mayor that based the Wastewater Master Plan on several areas of town that don't even drain into Lake Thunderbird. The same mayor that based the 2011 budget on this latest rate hike winning.

    We DO need to constantly maintain and look for ways to improve our infrastructure but we need actual facts to back up any proposed plan before we accept it. IMO, too many in Norman are willing to believe anything that they're told by the mayor and/or the city. The other side of that problem is that we can't trust our newpaper to cover anythng but fluff stories. That's how we wound up with a spendaholic again as our city leader.

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