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Thread: What happened at Classic 50's?

  1. #1

    Default What happened at Classic 50's?

    just wondering what happened at classic 50's on 1/5/2011.
    went there for a bite to eat about 5 pm or so. they never took our order and eventually turned off all their lights.
    as we were driving away we saw a bunch of people standing around and a lady with an OSDH jacket on.
    please tell me the dept of health didn't shut down my beloved classic 50's. noooo!
    thanks to any replies.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    I'm not sure how to interpret the notes, but according to the OSDH site it looks like there was nothing wrong during that inspection.
    "Inspection Date: 1/5/2011
    Approved Source/Sound Condition
    Approved Source/Sound Condition
    Demonstration of Knowledge / Person In Charge"

  3. #3

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    Closed temporarily for water line replacement. The sign says that, I guess people haven't noticed that as I saw multiple cars sitting there today that kept pushing the button to order.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    Looking at the website indicates that both of the entries " Approved Source/Sound Condition,
    Approved Source/Sound Condition" were highlighted yellow, which indicates at the bottom of the page that they were in violation for both. I think I will stick w/ SONIC

  5. #5

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    thanks for the reply folks.

    guess i'll give them a couple of weeks before trying again. it's a bit of a drive for me but well worth it.
    i absolutely love classic 50's...osdh violations and all. lol!

    thanks again. have a good day.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    there were cars there on monday... it looked to me as if they were open for business. -M

  7. #7

    Default Re: What happened at Classic 50's?

    On a somewhat comforting note, a friend tells me that the Cleveland County health folks are very tough and that temporary shutdowns are way more common in Norman than you would think for things that wouldn't yield such severe results in OKC.

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