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Thread: Mark Shannon

  1. #1

    Default Mark Shannon

    Didn't find an existing thread. Thoughts and prayers are with Mark Shannon, talk show host from KTOK and long-time radio personality. He's in bad shape, best I can tell from news reports, at Integris Baptist.

    Mark's struggle with Leukemia has been a long one and, according to his interview on KFOR, he's looking at the end of the road.

    If you pray, pray for Mark and his family.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    I'm in...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Definitely in my thoughts.

    Here's a link to the interview Radio host Mark Shannon not giving in to death - KFOR

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    Definitely in my thoughts.

    Here's a link to the interview Radio host Mark Shannon not giving in to death - KFOR
    Thanks for the link. I should have done that.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    I interned on his show at KRXO for awhile 1997-1998. Despite what alot of people feel and still feel about him I found him to be a very kind and friendly man behind the scenes. I hope for the best for him.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Prayers to you here, Mark.

    I know his conservative politics alienates him to many, but those who have gotten to know him even a bit know he's a thoroughly decent guy, who's never let radio notoriety go to his head. He's been steadfast in his faith, and has treated his health issues with the same no-nonsense, no-excuses, and no-whining attitude he approaches everything.

    Prayers to ya, Mark. Keep fightin, dude!


  7. #7

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Lee Matthews did a minute of silent prayers for Mark today on the show. It was extremely moving. Mark and his wife are in my prayers.

  8. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    KOKH FOX 25 :: Top Stories

    Here is an interview done on Channel 25.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Mark and family, friends, and colleagues of him -- you all are in my prayers.

  10. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    As you all know, Mark passed away early Saturday morning. I can't believe he is gone. I am going to miss the man I have gotten to know, and the voice I invited into my life every afternoon. Mark was an inspiration to many of us. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family. I'm sure gonna miss that guy.

  11. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    I personally didn't agree with many of Mr. Shannon's political views, However; I certainly admired his ability to connect with his audience, as well as his loyalty to his politics. He was knowledgeable and dedicated to his beliefs. I wish his family well, they are in my prayers.

  12. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    I will miss Mark and I will always admire that he fought for his beliefs. So few do that these days. I remember listening to him during his "Shannon and Spinozzi" days, as well as in later years. He also had one heck of a website.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    R.I.P., Mark. I miss you already.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    You may already know that Mark's memorial service is today, 5/13/2010 at 2:00 PM at Faith Bible Church in Edmond. Mark's voice is deafeningly absent. Now we need to find another voice to fill the void. He was courageous on so many levels.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Courage to be outright racist. I'm sure the FCC, and secret service will still be listening to whatever shock jock takes over.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Is it your personal goal to urinate on this man? You hijack every thread about him to go about your personal attacks on this guy, whom you've probably never met.

    Start your own thread....

    Rest in peace, Mark.

  17. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Courage to be outright racist. I'm sure the FCC, and secret service will still be listening to whatever shock jock takes over.
    Have you listened to some Hip-Hop stations and their morning shows? Many of the black hosts HATE white people and make it very clear. Do you protest all over the Internet as you have done with Shannon? Your "Markkk" trademark is on TulsaWorld.com, NewsOK, all over. You have a personal feud with this guy that goes back a long time. You joined this forum to bitch about Shannon!

    Those thuggy Hip-Hop DJ's (and their music) have incited more crime against WHITE people than Shannon ever caused against BLACK people, you can bet on that.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    MikeOKC, you could have saved a lot of effort, and just said "WHITE POWER"!!

  19. Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    MikeOKC, you could have saved a lot of effort, and just said "WHITE POWER"!!
    Offensive to the max. You're a troll, plain and simple. Most forums you would be gone by now. I could turn this around and ask why you didn't just spare us and write, "Black power!" Thinking about it, I think I know who you are. One of your 10-12 "personalities" here at OKCTalk.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    Courage to be outright racist. I'm sure the FCC, and secret service will still be listening to whatever shock jock takes over.

    I am sure you have already got a letter writing campaign going under ten different aliases by now.

    You’re the one with problems.... not Mark Shannon Dead or Alive.

    You are one of the many sensitive weenies we have in society that just cannot comprehend the idea that some people see the world differently than you.

    Contrary to what your therapist and support group says, not everyone has to agree with you or like you.

    The more trash you post on here the more pathetic you look to everyone who reads this board.

    It is time you grow up and be an adult and move on with your life. The weather is clearing up out there. Get out of the house and do something productive. Go borrow the minivan from your mother and take some friends to the comic book store or go drink coffee a Starbucks.

    I am sure there are plenty of pasty white folks like you lonely for conversation in both places looking for good company. Who knows you might even hook up with somebody with lowered expectations.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    "pasty white folks". How racist!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    back to topic, people. -M

  23. #23

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    back to topic, people. -M

    I think the topic is pretty much covered....

    Were down to one person doing everything short of going to the mans grave and urinating on it.

    How about closing the thread?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Mark Shannon

    agreed. -M

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