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Thread: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

  1. #1

    Default OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    The South Side Locos were profiled. Pretty interesting stuff. They focused quite a bit on the shooting at Crossroads Mall. I know it's not necessarily what we want everyone to see about our city but I'm glad people will be aware of what's going on. Many in our city are in pretty big denial about our gang problems. Maybe this will spur some more discussion.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by gracefor24 View Post
    The South Side Locos were profiled. Pretty interesting stuff. They focused quite a bit on the shooting at Crossroads Mall. I know it's not necessarily what we want everyone to see about our city but I'm glad people will be aware of what's going on. Many in our city are in pretty big denial about our gang problems. Maybe this will spur some more discussion.
    Gang problems in OKC are terrible, have been for two plus decades, it would be nice if people would wake up to that fact.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OUGrad05 View Post
    Gang problems in OKC are terrible, have been for two plus decades, it would be nice if people would wake up to that fact.
    I'm surprised the PD went on the show. They are typically slow to call anything gang violence and don't like to highlight these facts. They did give some props to the good work of the Gang Unit. The problem is 12 guys don't have much of a chance against estimated 4,000 gang members.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OUGrad05 View Post
    Gang problems in OKC are terrible, have been for two plus decades, it would be nice if people would wake up to that fact.
    Terrible would be a little bit of a stretch

  5. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    The gang graffiti on the south side isn't just on every available wall of hospitals, businesses, and offices.. now there's literally graffiti all over people's homes that are along busy roads.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Yeah I saw the episode tonight (It on right now if anyone is interested). I definitely agree that while OKC isn't Watts or Southeast Houston in terms of gang levels, there is a pretty heightened level here for a city of our size. It would be shortsided to say that the booming hispanic population this area has seen in the past decade as a culprit. OKC is a huge trafficking point for drugs coming out of TX and CA on I35 and I40 respectively, and gangs have been fighting for control of it since the 70's.

    I'm not familiar with issues on the southside, but I will say on my way to work on NW 10th street I've definitely noticed a lot of tagging lately, especially between 44 and Western. Are the gangs starting to migrate north now?

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    They're rerunning it right now and I'm tuned in.

    This show seems to exaggerate -- and glamorize -- the gangs on the Southside. This is just the kind of pub these gangs want to strengthen their rep. Thanks a lot, History Channel.

    On a lighter note, I'm getting a kick out of how the narrator calls OKC "The OKC."

  8. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    "What's up this is OKC every day! Suicide every day yo! [pow pow]"

    What could we have done to get them to not do this and air this? Seriously, we need to try and get our city's gangs on board with this whole "The New OKC" message.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    I'm actually a little tickled by it. It makes us look badass.

    It really is exaggerating the problem, though. I grew up on the south side. Live here now. I've never had problems with gangs, and I know some live in this neighborhood. I have never felt threatened.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I'm actually a little tickled by it. It makes us look badass.

    It really is exaggerating the problem, though. I grew up on the south side. Live here now. I've never had problems with gangs, and I know some live in this neighborhood. I have never felt threatened.
    I agree on the badass side. But I don't necessarily think it's exaggerated. Gang violence isn't typically a random crime, so most of us on here would never feel threatened, even though it's a bad problem.

    A few months ago, a co-worker that lives in Putnam Heights Historic District had a bullet enter his home at 8:00 am. He watched two groups of 4 guys basically unload on each other. All those guys and all that was hit was a car and a house... but a house with an 8-yr old, who, if she hadn't been watching TV, would have seen a bullet land in her bedroom.

    The gang problem is out there, but it's not well known.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Its ok guys - maps3 will fix the gang problem.

  12. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Its ok guys - maps3 will fix the gang problem.
    I was wondering about that, especially since any talk about current criminal activites prior to the MAPS vote was met with severe criticism.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I was wondering about that, especially since any talk about current criminal activites prior to the MAPS vote was met with severe criticism.
    The idea is that the gangs and the vagrants will battle it out and kill each other off trying to claim the new park as their turf

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Typical reactions.

    The OKC has been called that since I can remember by gang members. Or The 405.

    The gang problem is huge here. Ask someone who works on our Specialized Gang Task Force. Or someone in their family who worries about them on a daily basis. It's been bad since I can remember.

    For those of you who think it's not - I invite you to hang out at the Crip Wash for a night. Or watch a 13 year old girl get initiated into one. Visit the Southside Loco's "hood" on a Friday night. I have done all of the above. It's as real as the homeless problem downtown that is still being overlooked. Yes, we do have people sleeping under bridges at night.

    If anyone remembers back in the late 80's there was a huge gang riot between the East coast vs. West coast. Guess where they met?? In the middle! That would be...oh yeah, OKC! There were huge gang fights in the streets of neighborhoods, drive bys every night, gang wars in public places such as Frontier City. This isn't anything new, it's just getting some awareness. And is growing!

    Btw...I'm pretty sure gang members aren't sitting around waiting to be the headlining act on the History Channel...that isn't really what does it for them.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    If anyone remembers back in the late 80's there was a huge gang riot between the East coast vs. West coast. Guess where they met?? In the middle! That would be...oh yeah, OKC! There were huge gang fights in the streets of neighborhoods, drive bys every night, gang wars in public places such as Frontier City.
    Yeah, I remember seeing Biggie Smalls and 2-PAC riding the log ride together.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerLakers View Post
    Yeah, I remember seeing Biggie Smalls and 2-PAC riding the log ride together.
    They seriously closed the park one night. Helicopters everywhere. About 100 cops. Guns drawn...from both sides. Parents and kids running and screaming. It was crazy. I think only 3 people got shot, but still. I met 2 people whom I later saw on America's Most Wanted.

    Don't ask why I was there or how I know all of this. It's amazing I am still alive today. I've lived through a lot! Interestingly enough, gang members are what saved me growing up and kept me from harm. I was one of the few people considered a middler. That's one who doesn't have to pick a side or actually join the gang to be protected.

  17. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    Typical reactions.

    The OKC has been called that since I can remember by gang members. Or The 405.

    The gang problem is huge here. Ask someone who works on our Specialized Gang Task Force. Or someone in their family who worries about them on a daily basis. It's been bad since I can remember.

    For those of you who think it's not - I invite you to hang out at the Crip Wash for a night. Or watch a 13 year old girl get initiated into one. Visit the Southside Loco's "hood" on a Friday night. I have done all of the above. It's as real as the homeless problem downtown that is still being overlooked. Yes, we do have people sleeping under bridges at night.

    If anyone remembers back in the late 80's there was a huge gang riot between the East coast vs. West coast. Guess where they met?? In the middle! That would be...oh yeah, OKC! There were huge gang fights in the streets of neighborhoods, drive bys every night, gang wars in public places such as Frontier City. This isn't anything new, it's just getting some awareness. And is growing!

    Btw...I'm pretty sure gang members aren't sitting around waiting to be the headlining act on the History Channel...that isn't really what does it for them.

    Not once has a gang impacted my life in Oklahoma City, ever.

    "Huge" is a stretch. Let's not be overdramatic.

  18. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    They seriously closed the park one night. Helicopters everywhere. About 100 cops. Guns drawn...from both sides. Parents and kids running and screaming. It was crazy. I think only 3 people got shot, but still. I met 2 people whom I later saw on America's Most Wanted.

    Don't ask why I was there or how I know all of this. It's amazing I am still alive today. I've lived through a lot! Interestingly enough, gang members are what saved me growing up and kept me from harm. I was one of the few people considered a middler. That's one who doesn't have to pick a side or actually join the gang to be protected.
    Why were you there and how do you know all of this???

    You sound like you have a very interesting and unique perspective.

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Why were you there and how do you know all of this???

    You sound like you have a very interesting and unique perspective.
    Growing up in my neighborhood was rough. For many reasons. But about this topic - I was in 3rd grade the first time I was offered drugs from a local gang of kids. All around my neighborhood kids had to join a gang to survive. If you didn't pick a side, you were beaten. Some even killed. I was very quiet growing up. No opinions. I just smiled and kept my head down.
    Once a group of girls had to send someone to the ER as part of their initiation. I was chosen as the person to be jumped. It was a neighbor kid that stepped in and saved my life. Had he not pulled me under his protection, I would be dead. Because of my sex, my race, and size I was a prime target for fights. One of the things required of the gang members was (I don't know if this is still true or not) to get a letter of their gang name tattooed across their chest for every level they had achieved. If you aren't aware, gangs are set up like military with one main captain, then rankings follow below. My neighbor had all the letters of his Blood gang tattooed. He was next in line to take over their group. My choice was either to accept his protection and hang out with them or be killed by them. I chose to befriend him. Because of this choice, I saw a lot of things that most people don't see on a daily basis. One of my boyfriend's father was killed in a drive-by shooting. He was a preacher. I've played craps on a piece of cardboard in a back alley. I've had a gun in my face. My neighbor protector ended up going to prison for murder. I was eventually of age and moved away. After a couple of years, I was able to move on and they left me alone. I haven't looked back. And no, it's not 3 or 4 kids. Or even 300 or 400. It is massive. An entire life you probably wouldn't be aware of mallen. But then - have you been impacted by any ravers? Those kids come in millions too.

    There are many things about our city that the average person isn't aware of. Not because they are ignorant, but because unless it personally impacts them - they just aren't aware. I'm glad you haven't ever been impacted by this. That is a blessing. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't a problem.

    One side of it you could look at is the political side. Who wants to advertise their state as being a huge gang, drug, or sex trading state when they are trying to "upgrade" it and get things like MAPS approved and pull people in from other states?? It's not something politically to be proud of. It's not something to brag about. Oh yeah....those other things are huge problems too.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    Growing up in my neighborhood was rough. For many reasons. But about this topic - I was in 3rd grade the first time I was offered drugs from a local gang of kids. All around my neighborhood kids had to join a gang to survive. If you didn't pick a side, you were beaten. Some even killed. I was very quiet growing up. No opinions. I just smiled and kept my head down.
    Once a group of girls had to send someone to the ER as part of their initiation. I was chosen as the person to be jumped. It was a neighbor kid that stepped in and saved my life. Had he not pulled me under his protection, I would be dead. Because of my sex, my race, and size I was a prime target for fights. One of the things required of the gang members was (I don't know if this is still true or not) to get a letter of their gang name tattooed across their chest for every level they had achieved. If you aren't aware, gangs are set up like military with one main captain, then rankings follow below. My neighbor had all the letters of his Blood gang tattooed. He was next in line to take over their group. My choice was either to accept his protection and hang out with them or be killed by them. I chose to befriend him. Because of this choice, I saw a lot of things that most people don't see on a daily basis. One of my boyfriend's father was killed in a drive-by shooting. He was a preacher. I've played craps on a piece of cardboard in a back alley. I've had a gun in my face. My neighbor protector ended up going to prison for murder. I was eventually of age and moved away. After a couple of years, I was able to move on and they left me alone. I haven't looked back. And no, it's not 3 or 4 kids. Or even 300 or 400. It is massive. An entire life you probably wouldn't be aware of mallen. But then - have you been impacted by any ravers? Those kids come in millions too.

    There are many things about our city that the average person isn't aware of. Not because they are ignorant, but because unless it personally impacts them - they just aren't aware. I'm glad you haven't ever been impacted by this. That is a blessing. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't a problem.

    One side of it you could look at is the political side. Who wants to advertise their state as being a huge gang, drug, or sex trading state when they are trying to "upgrade" it and get things like MAPS approved and pull people in from other states?? It's not something politically to be proud of. It's not something to brag about. Oh yeah....those other things are huge problems too.

    Thank you for your post. I grew up white in NW/SW Albuquerque, NM. I too was what you describe as a "middler."

    I cherished a lot of the people who wouldn't be on a person's "people I'd like to meet in a dark alley" list as friends and neighbors.

    It seems to me that a good population of this city chooses to turn a blind eye to situations simply because they are "not affected." This makes no sense to me. These are the people generally unaffected by anything remotely bad or more heinous than a city-wide vote passed in confrontation to their own.

    Someone stated that they live on the southside, and have never been affected by gang violence. I would challenge a person who claims such to limit their field of view to the areas north of SW. 74 and South of NW 23, and then East by almost any mileage. These are areas rarely encoutered in ones travels acrossed the Broadway Extension, or in commute to work.

    There would seldom be reason for many on this site to frequent these areas, as in fact, there are no Lattes vended, or Iguana lounges in which to sit.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post

    Not once has a gang impacted my life in Oklahoma City, ever.

    "Huge" is a stretch. Let's not be overdramatic.
    Just because it hasn't impacted your life doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist and isn't bad.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Yea, I've been to some of the rougher hoods around OKC. They are definitely there.
    but anywhere you have people, there will be gangs. All across the world.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Someone stated that they live on the southside, and have never been affected by gang violence. I would challenge a person who claims such to limit their field of view to the areas north of SW. 74 and South of NW 23, and then East by almost any mileage. These are areas rarely encoutered in ones travels acrossed the Broadway Extension, or in commute to work.

    There would seldom be reason for many on this site to frequent these areas, as in fact, there are no Lattes vended, or Iguana lounges in which to sit.
    I think you're trying to suggest this site consists of a bunch of latte-sippin' yuppies, and for the record, you may be right. However, a lot of us do have experience living in bigger cities with more dangerous neighborhoods in them. But, to your point, Iguana Cafe is south of NW 23rd Street, so it falls within the area you describe, as do numerous places where one can be served java in town (at least one of which had its own very meandering thread).

    KMF563, I have almost always enjoyed your posts here, and I'm fascinated to learn more about your life (as far as that is possible on a public forum).

  24. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    I still think it's bad for our city's image. I propose using the MAPS3 use taxes to fund a sensitivity training program in order to get our gangs, particularly the SouthSide Locos, on board with OKC's new friendlier, more big-city pro-tourism message. Perhaps we could contact the gang's leader and get him to change the name of the gang to Big League City Locos .. that sounds terrifying.


  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Ha ha Spartan. I'm sure they would be down for that!

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