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Growing up in my neighborhood was rough. For many reasons. But about this topic - I was in 3rd grade the first time I was offered drugs from a local gang of kids. All around my neighborhood kids had to join a gang to survive. If you didn't pick a side, you were beaten. Some even killed. I was very quiet growing up. No opinions. I just smiled and kept my head down.
Once a group of girls had to send someone to the ER as part of their initiation. I was chosen as the person to be jumped. It was a neighbor kid that stepped in and saved my life. Had he not pulled me under his protection, I would be dead. Because of my sex, my race, and size I was a prime target for fights. One of the things required of the gang members was (I don't know if this is still true or not) to get a letter of their gang name tattooed across their chest for every level they had achieved. If you aren't aware, gangs are set up like military with one main captain, then rankings follow below. My neighbor had all the letters of his Blood gang tattooed. He was next in line to take over their group. My choice was either to accept his protection and hang out with them or be killed by them. I chose to befriend him. Because of this choice, I saw a lot of things that most people don't see on a daily basis. One of my boyfriend's father was killed in a drive-by shooting. He was a preacher. I've played craps on a piece of cardboard in a back alley. I've had a gun in my face. My neighbor protector ended up going to prison for murder. I was eventually of age and moved away. After a couple of years, I was able to move on and they left me alone. I haven't looked back. And no, it's not 3 or 4 kids. Or even 300 or 400. It is massive. An entire life you probably wouldn't be aware of mallen. But then - have you been impacted by any ravers? Those kids come in millions too.
There are many things about our city that the average person isn't aware of. Not because they are ignorant, but because unless it personally impacts them - they just aren't aware. I'm glad you haven't ever been impacted by this. That is a blessing. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't a problem.
One side of it you could look at is the political side. Who wants to advertise their state as being a huge gang, drug, or sex trading state when they are trying to "upgrade" it and get things like MAPS approved and pull people in from other states?? It's not something politically to be proud of. It's not something to brag about. Oh yeah....those other things are huge problems too.