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Thread: Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

  1. #1

    Default Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

    It just aired. Basically he was saying how unemployment rates for most cities are elevated but OKC's is low. He then interviewed an OKC "representative" who remarks on how low unemployment is and citizens of OKC work as "change collecting specialist" (homeless beggar), "cash redistribution manager" (bank robber) and "horny dude pleaser" (hooker). I know a lot of people don't care for Conan's style, but I thought it was hilarious. And it's good publicity for OKC, I think.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

    I caught it. I thought it was funny. I also agree it was good publicity. The mentioned conditions exist everywhere so there were really no slams at us.

    It should be on Hulu tommorow. I won't be around to post it, but someone should.

  3. Default Re: Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

    Good stuff. This should take you there: NBC Video Rewind starts at about 8:25.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's OKC spoof?

    I've always preferred Leno to Conan--I prefer Leno's laid back style to Conan's sometimes childish antics. However, I must admit, Conans been having some pretty good skits lately. this and William Shatner's poems are hilarious

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