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Thread: Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

  1. #1

    Default Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

    How much social media surfing is too much while at work? How much waste could be avoided if employers made it clear their expectations? How many jobs will be on the line once employers get their collective heads around what could be emerging as a giant “heat sink” for productivity?

    Link to The Journal Record Social Media Blog: Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

  2. #2

    Default Re: Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

    Perhaps I'm overstating it, but it would seem easy enough to block the access and avoid any heat sink aspect.

    Far cheaper to do so than cover the time which is likely spent whena ccess is available.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

    Nothing has changed over the years, just what people waste time with. Employees have always "wasted time" whether on coffee or smoke breaks, walking over to someone's desk to chat, etc. Big time wasters are going to be that way no matter what they do or don't have access to. All the talk of "lost productivity" is a crock 99% of the time because an employee is never going to be 100% productive.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Study: Social media is literally a waste of time for employers

    ^^ exactly.

    I spend more time wasted going around the blocks at work than I would spend on the actual sites I am going to. Like this one.

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