Ok first of all I need everyone's prayers (for those who believe.)
The reason?
Last night, a lady goes to the carwash to wash her car. she goes to the side of her car, only for a truck to slam her from behind, but hard enough to hit her, knock her back.
This lady is in critical condition, with bleeding in the brain, broken hip, collar bone, arm, wrist, and hip.
This lady is 72 years old, and she is my hero... My grandmother. An angel among grandmothers who is a strong believer in god.
Here is where it gets funky.
The people who ran her over aren't in any trouble at all. They're the ones who called the cops, and got to go home to nice food and a good bed, while my grandmother lies in a hospital bed, hanging on to life.
GET THIS!!! It was a dad and his daughter who were occupying the truck. The dad decided to let his TWELVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER drive. She gets gas happy, while pops teaches her how to drive, and my grandmother gets to lay in a hospital bed for it.
Bad dad in my eyes.
Seems the cops say that since it happened on private property, no criminal charges can be filed. Yep... They get off scot free.
Dad probably traumatized his daughter, since its her first time trying and she nearly kills someone. That's even if she feels bad.
I am closer to my grandmother, than anyone else in my entire family, and I feel without everyone's prayers, she won't make it.
I always promised her I would walk her down the red carpet when I go to a movie premier of a film I made sometime down the line.
Now I can only rely on God to help pull her through this.
The laws here are stupid, and aparently I can let my 7 year old son drive in a parking lot if I wanted to. Sad to say, if I held a grudge against someone in the lot, I could freely run them over, or have my son do it, and guess what? Wouldn't be in trouble.
Not that I would, but still. This is idiotic. A driving lesson for someone who won't drive for 4 more years, lands a blow to the most important lady in my life.
Pray for my grandmother if you would please. Her name is Peggy. Thank you.