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Thread: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

  1. #1

    Default OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Someone sent me this video earlier today... found it quite interesting. Can someone explain to me what is going on here? I honestly cannnot figure out why the OHP is so pissed and why they would attempt to arrest an EMT with a patient in-transit?

    AN UPDATE: I just found an account of the incident by the paramedic. I could find no statement from the officer:


  2. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Wow!!!! I read the whole story. I can't wait for those officers to be fired and stripped of everything they have!

  3. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Speaking as a former state police officer, the video you shared is typical for what is referred to as "Contempt of Cop" scenarios.

    This happens when an officer is unable to keep his/her emotions in control when he/she gets angry at a situation. This most often occurs in attempted traffic stops. For some reason (usually something very silly, like not having a driver's license) the driver speeds off and a pursuit is initiated. The officer in the meantime (in his mind) basically says, "Oh, no you didn't!" and engages the pursuit. By the time the suspect has crashed, abandoned the vehicle, or come to a stop, the officer is so worked up emotionally and with the inevitable rush of adrenaline, that he proceeds to act unprofessional. Then a video, like the one you have provided with the EMT story surfaces and the rest, as they say is history. Just a note, you may also see that Officers 'enraged' often see the camera filming the acts they are undertaking, (as in the video provided) but they only see red and are so focused on how they are 'spanking' the individual(s) that their mind simply doesn't compute that they are doing wrong.

    In this video instance - just my opinion - Officer 606 was engaged in another situation, that either upon its completion or call-off, returned to the ambulance still pumped with adrenaline and obviously still mad that someone appeared to 'dis' him. It is very probable that no matter what was said or done, the Officer thought he was in the right and through the series of unfortunate events, lost control and abused his authority and mission to 'protect and serve'.

    Now in defense of police officers everywhere, regular folks like you and I have the ability to lose ourselves emotionally in a high octane situation. But an Officer is most suseptable(sp?) as in most cases they work day and night keeping their emotions in check. Going from arresting a child molester to helping an elderly lady through a door. Its a roller coaster. So when the few that do snap, snap - they snap bad. This is why it is so important for officers to learn to communicate with their loved one, a close friend, or trusted confidant their feelings and thoughts. Keeping them penned up can lead to disaster. Of course there is so much more to the job too.

    Don't get me wrong - most officers handle themselves very well. Having people get mad at you or 'flip you off' just comes with the territory. We deal and move on.

    Here's a video and story of a most recent event involving 5 Alabama officers that were recently terminated. The suspect was the target in a high speed chase that almost killed at least one officer slapping out 'stop sticks' but the emotions here, between officers were running pretty high. Someone should have tried to diffuse the situation. I'll let the story speak for itself, but note the suspect/victim is obviously unconcious at the time of the abuse.

    5 Officers Terminated for Abuse

    OK - off my soap box, now.

  4. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Shipwreck, still....no excuse for the way they acted, especially the involvement with the ambulance! They were informed that a patient was inside enroute to a local hospital. The officers did not once check on the patient, did not once ask the status of the patient, and was basically out of line.

    Think of this, what if the patient was in serious medical condition and needed to be at the hospital in order to survive? The situation could've been serious and the patient could've died during this whole ordeal. Now, imagine the uproar in the community and the family suing the OHP department for wrongful death.

  5. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Shipwreck, still....no excuse for the way they acted, especially the involvement with the ambulance! They were informed that a patient was inside enroute to a local hospital. The officers did not once check on the patient, did not once ask the status of the patient, and was basically out of line.

    Think of this, what if the patient was in serious medical condition and needed to be at the hospital in order to survive? The situation could've been serious and the patient could've died during this whole ordeal. Now, imagine the uproar in the community and the family suing the OHP department for wrongful death.

    Oh - don't get me wrong - I am just as mad as you about it. Officers should know better. I was just offering a little insight on 'how' something like this could happen. I certainly am not defending the guy. He bought the ticket - let him take the ride.

    I also think that the officer misunderstood the EMT's resistance as one of 'fighting back' and not one of trying to continue doing his job of caring for the patient. Just one of a series of unfortunate choices. Note how the camera was right in their face and they still acted inappropriately? The second officer is just as much at fault for not pulling his partner away when he saw where it was heading.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    I would hope these officers are made to publicly apologized.
    And for a period of 10 years kept from getting advancement.
    And I would like them to accompany EMTS, all over the state preforming less then glamorous duties.
    This shows the lack of concern for not only this patient, but their ultimate duty.
    To protect and to serve.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    I feel sorry for 606. He's got a terrible road in front of him. I don't feel sorry for his actions in the video. He didn't once seem upset that the family member was even filming so he must have thought he was absolutely right. It's too bad things like this have to happen. I do hope the mother of the family came out alright in the end.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    606 should be charged with the crime of interfering with an EMT.

  9. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    And since when do cops get to hold you by the throat when they're talking to you? That picture says a thousand words, and it's absolutely infuriating to see someone treated like that. This is not some guy that burst into a liquor store to rob it, this is an unarmed guy with a decent job, and the cop is treating him like an animal.

    This is the kind of crap that makes people hate cops, and we see far too much of it lately.

    The other story recently, the cops gang-beating an unconscious man after a chase was unbelievable.

    A public apology is not enough from these cops. They need to also apologize in person to the guy they did this to.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    They need to be charged with the above-mentioned crime and given the choice of resigning or attending therapy to deal with their anger issues. Letting cops like that out on the street is only going to eventually result in someone getting killed because of that officer's inability to control himself.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    So this link on KOCO explaining the incident and how the EMT is being let off the hook is rather... surprising.

    Paramedic Won't Be Charged In Incident - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City

  12. #12

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    They need to be charged with the above-mentioned crime and given the choice of resigning or attending therapy to deal with their anger issues. Letting cops like that out on the street is only going to eventually result in someone getting killed because of that officer's inability to control himself.

    No...they should be given no choice at all but to resign with no benefits whatsoever and to never again be a law enforcement officer..

    They should also be given jailtime mixed in with the general population along with no chance for early release..

    This is the problem...law enforcement officers and law makers are allowed to do whatever they want with minimal punishment once caught doing something that the so called average citizen would get sentenced for..

    The punishment for so called cops and law makers should be twice the punishment we would get for breaking the same law..

    It's the only way they will ever learn..

    And if they cant keep their emotions and anger under control they should be arrested just as you or I would be if we were involved in a public incident..

    Cops and judges think they can do whatever they want..

  13. #13

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    um, wow, talk about one's emotions not being under control

  14. #14

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    um, wow, talk about one's emotions not being under control
    Oh mine are under control...trust me they are very under control..

    Oh I get it...you must be a cop...figures

  15. #15

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Quote Originally Posted by Curt View Post
    Cops and judges think they can do whatever they want..
    You don't know many cops or judges do you?

  16. #16

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Let's see,
    a desire for double punishment, based solely on occupation.
    a lifetime ban on employment, for exhibitng stupidity.
    mandatory jail time, with not even a chance of early release for an action, that while it was beyond dumb, would warrant a fine (possibly) for the common man.
    Rash and dead bang wrong assumptions leaped to without a single basis in fact.

    Yeah, when it comes to control, you got it all wrapped up there. Not sure how I missed it. Guess I was just overwhelmed by the calm rational nature of your thought processes.
    Yeah, that must be it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    You don't know many cops or judges do you?
    Um...Yah I do thats how I know how they are and what they do..

  18. #18

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Curt, my father used to be a judge. I know many current and former Oklahoma County judges and see them regularly outside of the courtroom and outside of their professional capacity. Long story short, you're 100% full of sh** when you make that assertion about judges, at least in Oklahoma County. There have been a notable few who abused their power and are now called ex-judges because of that abuse.

    If you know of a current sitting Oklahoma County judge who, as you essentially said, thinks they can get away with everything, name names. Inquiring minds want to know. Give particular instances. Put up or shut up.

    As far as cops go, there are good cops and there are complete douchebags. I've never met one of the douchebags as all of my encounters with the OKCPD and Oklahoma County Sheriff have been non-eventful (but I'm a white male, well-spoken, etc.) I count a couple of good ones amongst my friends and acquaintances. The problem with abuse of power on the bench is usually quickly solved (we have an election and c'ya), cops are not so simple. I do think the community could stand to do more about bad cops, for example, maybe having some sort of elected or appointed tribunal to deal with grievances against particular officers as I'm sure some communities already have. Who knows..

  19. #19

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    I think this whole event is a complete embarrament to the state of Oklahoma. Is this what we want spread around our country about Oklahoma?

    It really ticks me off that these type of public service personnel think it's ok to get on a power trip over something so insignificant. I've been on the recieving end of some of those power trips and I can tell you I DID NOT do anything to deserve it. (FYI, I was not dragged out of my car or experience any physical abuse, but I've sure been on the end of some verbal abuse) I wonder sometimes if someone has pee'd in their cheerios and it gets taken out on innocent people. Sure wish I could act like that and take my bad day out on one of them sometime, but if we did....guess who's in the wrong???

    I really hope this guy gets terminated and losses some of his pention plan. If the rest of us act that way we get penalized, so why shouldn't he. He is NOT above the law, even though he is an officer. Although, we all know that in a court situation an officer is ALWAYS right, just because he's sporting a Barney Fife badge.

    Anyway, I think this whole thing is ridiculous and the officer better be darn thankful that the woman who was intransit did not die or suffer some other tramatic health aliment because of one dumb a**.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    the only way to remind law officers and politicians to remember who they work for is punishment x2, for those breaking the law, or just plain common sense.

  21. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    NEWS 9 this morning told us that they finally released the dash-cam video, and I'm sure it's available on their website. I'd watch it, but dial-up just won't work with videos. So for the rest of you with high-speed Internet, surf over to News9.com and report back on what you saw!

  22. #22

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Thats more disturbing to me than the you tube video...

    The medics were nothing but respectful, and the cop just goes off!

  23. #23

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    The link to the video from the dash cam:


  24. #24

    Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    This definately gives a broader perspective then the cameraphone video.

    What really gets me, is the amount of time that he spent at the call he was en route to when the ambulance "failed to yield". That couldn't have been more than 20 seconds, and he didn't even get out of the car.

    The next thing that strikes me, is that the officer seems to deliberately escalate the situation once he finds out who is in charge of the ambulance.

    Worst of all, this cop is getting a paid vacation for making a bad decision.

  25. Default Re: OHP vs. EMT Fight Caught On Video -- Can Someone Explain This?

    Trust me, it's all over the news, you can watch it there.. FOX reporter was in Oklahoma... ugh. What a tool.. pulling over a freaking paramedic ... it someone had died because of this.... a lawsuit would be filed so quickly. He'll get terminated.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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