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Thread: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

  1. #1

    Default What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    So I have a 12 yr old who has been hyped up over a movie that apparently opens today, "Twilight". Is it a reflection of me as a parent that I'm getting text messages to check her out of school early so she can go see this? Ahh, I'm generations too far to understand this.

  2. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    Basically an emo vampire movie.


  3. #3

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    i'll pass

  4. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    Join the club.... all the tweens are excited about this movie ...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    I've read the first two novels in the series and I'm very much looking forward to the movie.

    So I'm lame. I can deal. They are well-written books. Just because they aren't Great Expectations or Wuthering Heights doesn't mean they aren't good for teens to read. Just be happy they are reading!
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. #6

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    SPOILER ALERT!- If you haven't read all the books and you're also crazy into Twilight, you might get irrationally upset if you read the following:
    It's a pretty ridiculous not-quite-emo/not-quite-goth fad. I'm all for kids reading, but as usual, a lot of them are taking the books and movie way too far: dressing like vampires at school, starting riots at Hot Topic(really), looking for fictional people in real towns that appear in the books.

    Here's what the movie's star, Robert Pattinson has to say about the book:

    “When I read it, I was convinced (author) Stephenie (Meyer) was convinced that she was Bella, and it was like a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy, especially when she said it was based on a dream and it was like, ‘Oh I’ve had this dream about this really sexy guy,’ and she just writes this book about it. Like some things about Edward are so specific, I was just convinced, like, ‘This woman is mad. She’s completely mad and she’s in love with her own fictional creation.’ And sometimes you would feel uncomfortable reading this thing. It’s kind of a sick pleasure in a lot of ways.”

    That's about all you need to know. Oh, also Meyer is a Mormon who claim the books' moral message is meant to encourage teen abstinence (despite overtly sexualizing the teen characters). I'm curious how that claim holds up to her latest book in which--so I'm told-- SPOILER ALERT the main characters end up having premarital sex anyway?

  7. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    LOL I can't believe Pattinson said that. Does he want to get fired??

  8. #8

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    It gets even better. I just read this quote from the girl who plays Bella, Kristen Stewart:

    Of obsessed fans crowding the set, Stewart told MSN:

    “I was like, ‘You guys are celebrating something that has not come true yet. So, you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process and I really don’t want to hear you celebrate in front of me. Get out of here! It’s my responsibility!’”

    “You can go online and it’s very intangible. I mean, who knows how many of these girls there are? It’s probably just the same five girls going on every message board and gabbing on about it,” Stewart says. “But to have literally, like, a room of over 5,000 people screaming at you makes you want to cry. It’s not like, ‘Oh, this is so great.’ I think it’s literally like an instinct. To have that sort of energy forced at you? You start to wither.” [via RopeofSilicon]

  9. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    Those are very weird comments. Are you sure they are legit?

  10. #10

  11. Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    This is good.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    That is good. So was this week's South Park, which was all about the Twilight craze. They nailed it just like they did last week with High School Musical.

    South Park Studios

  13. #13

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    Bottom line, teen love bites .. it's just a lil' messier this particular go around

  14. #14

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    LOL The posts here are funny! So my daughter got to see the flick, and I honestly could not sit through the whole thing. Tried to be "cool dad", but every time one of those little girls shrieked when the lead boy got screen time...I ducked out to laugh in the hall.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    mturner, your post takes me back a few years, taking my then lil' girl and some friends to the Spice Girl movie. No greater love hath a poppa than to endure shrieking kiddos in da movie house.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What is the deal with this new movie "Twilight"

    I read all of the books in about 2 weeks! It was fun reliving 17 again! I preferred the book over the movie. I read somewhere that the actors were not very good all in all and they had to use a lot of tight closeups to get the emotions across...I agree. Good thing, I am good at suspending reality!

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