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Thread: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

  1. #1

    Default Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Oklahoma City teens charged in driver’s death
    Two accused in fatal shooting
    Published: November 25, 2008

    Two Oklahoma City teenagers were charged Monday with first-degree murder in connection with the Nov. 7 shooting death of a pizza delivery driver.

    Zonta Vincent West, 17, and Rondell Trayvon Griffin, 16, are accused of killing Jeremy D. Moore during a robbery.

    Mobile Breaking Oklahoma News | NewsOK.com

  2. #2

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    If anyone deserves the death penalty, [if guilty] these two animals do. How depraved and inhuman does someone have to be to actually plan and carry out a murder over less than $100?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    I am sure they will reach a plea deal on this case. Their stupid if they go to trial. Since the Gilchrist Disaster OCPD goes the extra mile to put their ducks in a row before filing a charge.

    You can guarantee these guys will see the needle room if they go to trial.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    > can guarantee these guys will see the needle room if they go to trial.

    Not if a jury truly thinks about it. Some will, most won't. But consider, lock 'em up a few years and then needle them, or lock 'em up, and leave 'em locked up, in their tiny lil' cages ... until some maybe not so kind trusty is helping them with their Depends way on down the road.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    I say bring back the chair for these guys!

  6. #6
    Chicken In The Rough Guest

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Three thoughts:

    1. They're both minors which I think is a problem in Oklahoma death penalty cases.

    2. But, they are both suspected of having committed armed pizza delivery robberies in the past.

    3. It's ironic that Jeremy wouldn't have wanted the death penalty for these two.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    I glossed right past the ages. Assuming the reported ages are correct, neither defendant is death penalty eligible under Roper v. Simmons, decided by the US S.CT in March of 05.

    Looks like cages it is.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    3rd Person Arrested In Shooting Death Of Delivery Driver

    OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma City homicide investigators arrested a third person Monday in the shooting death of a pizza delivery driver on Nov. 7.

    Police believe Christian Otis Holder, 18, played a role in the homicide of Jeremy Moore. Officers arrested Holder at 6:45 p.m. at 912 Greenvale Road, interviewed him and then booked in on a charge of first-degree murder at the Oklahoma County Jail.

    Vonta West, 18, and Rondel Griffin, 16, have already been charged with first-degree murder in Moore's death.

    KOCO says that two of the three are 18---so who knows if they'll get the death penalty or not

  9. #9

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    I this goes to trial I see seperate trials (or at least one seprate trial) one of them is bound to be willing to squeal on the others.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    That whole story was creepy to me....hearing about 1/2 the apts there being vacant, and other deliveries not being made after a certain time.....I can almost bet Jeremy had a bad gut feeling when getting out of the car.....I know I would have.....

    Justice for the family!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    They are looking for a 4th according to his family.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Someone's singing.

    At least, maybe, that means one of these cretins is showing some guilt/remorse. That'd restore my faith in humanity a bit.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    After Jeremy was killed, I drove by the apts. It was on a Friday and it was 11:00 am. It was still a spooky place. I am a field worker (family visits) and work OK county. Most of my visits are SW, NW. I have driven by those apts. many times, but never had a visit there. They are in worse shape than the last time I had been by. I drove on every street in the complex. Sort of my way of saying goodbye to Jeremy and DARING anyone to do anything. Kinda crazy, I know. He was such a good person. I know that is said of almost everyone that something like this happens to, but it is still true.

    Would Jeremy want them executed? Probably not, but then he had never had to face the death of someone he loved as we have had to face with his death. Still, I believe he would not want them executed. However, I am not that forgiving.

    Yes, they are turning on one another. The more they find that were involved, the more I see the pack mentality arise and yes, the shooting was more likely. If there had been only one or two, perhaps their courage would have been less and their fear greater. Who knows??

  14. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    My only question is... what yokel parents raised these filthy f**king primates?
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    .............and not very bright to use a traceable phone call.....

  16. #16

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Well, at least 2 went to the Western Heights ALTERNATIVE High School....a sign to me that they were probably not the brightest bulbs in the pack!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    This is from KOCO channle 5 youtube page very sad I hope they make an example out of these guys.

  18. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    I'm glad they caught these murderous thugs.

  19. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Forget u guys

    I hope my homies get out quicc

    Ill tell u this though

    Rondell didnt even kno that the guy was gonna get shot..

    and that was the first pizza man they had ever robbed get your facts straight

  20. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by redcup View Post
    Well, at least 2 went to the Western Heights ALTERNATIVE High School....a sign to me that they were probably not the brightest bulbs in the pack!
    all 3 did

  21. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by redcup View Post
    After Jeremy was killed, I drove by the apts. It was on a Friday and it was 11:00 am. It was still a spooky place. I am a field worker (family visits) and work OK county. Most of my visits are SW, NW. I have driven by those apts. many times, but never had a visit there. They are in worse shape than the last time I had been by. I drove on every street in the complex. Sort of my way of saying goodbye to Jeremy and DARING anyone to do anything. Kinda crazy, I know. He was such a good person. I know that is said of almost everyone that something like this happens to, but it is still true.

    Would Jeremy want them executed? Probably not, but then he had never had to face the death of someone he loved as we have had to face with his death. Still, I believe he would not want them executed. However, I am not that forgiving.

    Yes, they are turning on one another. The more they find that were involved, the more I see the pack mentality arise and yes, the shooting was more likely. If there had been only one or two, perhaps their courage would have been less and their fear greater. Who knows??

    not very smart...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 View Post
    that was the first pizza man they had ever robbed get your facts straight
    I guess that means the DA should go easy on them and give them community service.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I guess that means the DA should go easy on them and give them community service.
    Yeah I agree them thugs need to get there destiny. Trial, conviction, and firing squad!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    Again, under Roper, the 16 and 17 year old face very long cage matches only. those involved 18 and up, well, it is Oklahoma and someone will likely pay with a death sentence ... unless the departed's family makes it very clear to DA's office they are opposed to that option being on the table.

    In making a decision to seek, or not seek, a death penalty, it does tend to matter to the prosecution whether the dead person's loved ones are neutral or favor a particular result, on the case outcome.

  25. Default Re: Suspects Charged in Jeremy Moore Murder

    This is 2008 yo

    why are we still killin people for killin people

    its inhuman

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