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Thread: Quaratine

  1. Default Quaratine

    Anyone going to see this one? Looks scary !!!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Quaratine

    i haven't seen it yet... but i've seen the original version called rec which was produced in spain last year. it's pretty intense... i loved it. i've heard that quarantine isn't quite as good... a bit more drawn out than the original and the acting not quite as convincing... but altogether not a bad adaptation. i'd recommend it and will probably go see it.


  3. Default Re: Quaratine

    Two guys I work with that live for that kind of movie went and saw it...They hated it.

  4. Default Re: Quaratine

    I thought it was good besides the camera man point of view. If you can't watch Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield without getting sick then this movie is not for you. I was overcome by motion sickness within the first 30 minutes.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Quaratine

    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    I thought it was good besides the camera man point of view. If you can't watch Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield without getting sick then this movie is not for you. I was overcome by motion sickness within the first 30 minutes.
    I love horror movies!!!

    Thanks for the heads up on that aspect. I was really looking froward to seeing this movie, but now I may sit it out. My eyes and funny camera work could be disasterous for whoever sits near me

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