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Thread: Speed limit/just a thought

  1. #1

    Default Speed limit/just a thought

    So everyday I take broadway ext all the way into edmond. Yes the construction sucks but oh well. My thought/question I would like to pose to the edmond residents is "do you drive the speed limit between 33rd and 15th?" I know I don't. Its posted at 45mph but I barely do 40. It seems like all the other drivers around me do the same. Just wondering at what rate anyone drives at. Always struck me a odd/interesting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Between 33rd and 15th? Heck, I'd be happy to get all the way up to the speed limit anywhere in town at all! It's 40 on 2nd street from east of Bryant almost to Boulevard, but I'll be danged if I ever see anyone get faster than 30 or 35. Heaven forbid there should be a cop nearby, then it's 25! Usually, we don't have the road construction/extra busy road excuse - it's just 2 doofuses driving next to each other who don't have anywhere to go, I guess. Well, I have somewhere to go, get out of the way!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    I've never really noticed slow drivers between 33rd and 15th... maybe it's just me!

    I do (and I don't think I'm alone) go between 45-50 (instead of the posted 40) on 15th between Broadway and Western everyday...

    ((And on a complete side note, I was driving on Memorial between I35&Broadway today and I can't even put into words how much the whole road needs repaved!))

  4. #4

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Maybe its because the city finds it wise to put a traffic light every 5 feet...why try to get up to speed if you are just going to have to stop to let one person out of Academy....

    And another rant - the stupid light at Home Depot doesn't even work well. I've been there countless times when there were about 6 or 7 cars in the line trying to get out onto 15th, and the light only allows about 2 MAYBE 3 cars to get out. If you are going to put that many lights up, at least make sure they do what they should.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Maybe its because the city finds it wise to put a traffic light every 5 feet...why try to get up to speed if you are just going to have to stop to let one person out of Academy....
    Amen! I avoid Broadway like the plague because of how many lights there are combined with the amount of traffic (and yet so many people drive on it). Boulevard is so much easier. If I'm going to a business on Broadway, I'll just drive on Boulevard and just cut over to Broadway when I have to.

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    And another rant - the stupid light at Home Depot doesn't even work well. I've been there countless times when there were about 6 or 7 cars in the line trying to get out onto 15th, and the light only allows about 2 MAYBE 3 cars to get out. If you are going to put that many lights up, at least make sure they do what they should.
    And Amen! There's nothing like sitting in a four car line to get out of the parking lot at Home Depot/PetSMart. 'Cuz you know if you're that 4th car, you're not going anywhere. Heaven forbid if there are more than 6 in front of you (been there, done that!) Pretty sure that light is on a timer that assumes there are only a maximum of 2 cars waiting. And yet, if you need to go left, it's your only option, thanks to that bee-yoo-tee-full median blocking all other exits.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    And Amen! There's nothing like sitting in a four car line to get out of the parking lot at Home Depot/PetSMart. 'Cuz you know if you're that 4th car, you're not going anywhere. Heaven forbid if there are more than 6 in front of you (been there, done that!) Pretty sure that light is on a timer that assumes there are only a maximum of 2 cars waiting. And yet, if you need to go left, it's your only option, thanks to that bee-yoo-tee-full median blocking all other exits.
    I've actually found that a better option is to exit out onto Broadway from one of the exits further north, then whip over to the left lane and do a U turn to get going that way - much quicker than the pointless left turn lane.

  7. Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    I usually drive the speed limit whenever I can. I haven't noticed any problems out side of the construction on Broadway.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    I've actually found that a better option is to exit out onto Broadway from one of the exits further north, then whip over to the left lane and do a U turn to get going that way - much quicker than the pointless left turn lane.
    I'm usually coming out of PetSMart, but I may start cutting through the Home Depot parking lot or over to Earl's. You have a good point! PetSMart was PetsDumb when it came to parking lot exits. There are none that exit to the actual street.

    Crazy Cat Chicken: I need to ride with you. I don't know how you do it. Are you doing all your driving at 2 a.m.?

  9. Default Re: Speed limit/just a thought

    Quote Originally Posted by jsibelius View Post
    ...Crazy Cat Chicken: I need to ride with you. I don't know how you do it. Are you doing all your driving at 2 a.m.?
    No, I'm actually in the middle of work at that time.

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