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Thread: Major projects here in Norman

  1. #1

    Default Major projects here in Norman

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any upcoming major projects in Norman for the next few years. Obviously there's the UNP development going on, but I'm curious if there's anything else worth paying attention to.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Pretty sure the University will come up with something to build, just don't know what.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    The biggest projects by far are Norman Regional Hospital's new 9 story healthplex at I-35 and Tecumseh and the 10 story Embassy Suites in UNP. Then there's the rest of UNP that is planned or under construction and several OU projects including the 5 story Devon Hall (engineering) at Boyd and Jenkins, 2 story Rawls Engineering Practice Facility at Felgar and Jenkins, 3 story Wagner Student Center next to the Fieldhouse (which is also getting an expansion on the northside), 3 story Gaylord Hall addition at Lindsey and Asp, and an addition and full renovation of Old Science Hall by the library. On the research campus there's the 3 story Three Partners Place building U/C and the 4 story Stephenson Life Sciences Center just starting along Jenkins. A 4 year-long renovation of the dorm towers also wraps up this year. The biggest residential project ongoing is the East Village with one 4 story building finished and occupied, another almost complete, and a third just starting. The townhomes as part of this project are about half finished and occupied with the other half not yet started.

    As far as future projects go there's plans to eventually remodel and expand the stadium again but no firm date yet. Gould Hall (architecture) is slated for renovation and expansion starting this fall (the college has already temporarily moved to the old Hobby Lobby on Main) and the Fred Jones Museum of Art will add another floor for the Adkins art/sculpture collection starting this fall. A $45 million aquatics center that includes 2 indoor pools and an outdoor pool connected to the Huffman Center should also start within the next 1-2 years. I've heard that could be an even bigger project but will depend on funding.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    I heard they were going to tear down the blender (math building) and rebuild a new, modern looking building of about the same height (10-15 stories). Do you know if this is true?

    From what I remember from College, this building is a fire trap. It has no windows on the bottom four floors.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Don't forget the rennovation of the athletic dorms at OU. Also, they plan to completely re-do the Cate Center dorms that are on the south side of Lindsey across from the South Oval. The plan is to eventually create a "green space" that connects the South Oval and the Walker-Adams mall between the two dorms. Parts of the Cate Center dorms will be demolished to clear the way for this green space and then they will be completely rennovated and reshaped (I could describe what this will look like as I've seen renderings but it wouldn't make sense unless you have very intimate knowledge of the area). This should begin in the next 2-3 years, probably immediately after the athletic dorms are rennovated.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner52 View Post
    Don't forget the rennovation of the athletic dorms at OU. Also, they plan to completely re-do the Cate Center dorms that are on the south side of Lindsey across from the South Oval. The plan is to eventually create a "green space" that connects the South Oval and the Walker-Adams mall between the two dorms. Parts of the Cate Center dorms will be demolished to clear the way for this green space and then they will be completely rennovated and reshaped (I could describe what this will look like as I've seen renderings but it wouldn't make sense unless you have very intimate knowledge of the area). This should begin in the next 2-3 years, probably immediately after the athletic dorms are rennovated.
    Can you post renderings? I did a studio project while at OU that proposed something similar. I proposed continuing the south oval at the same width all the way down to the Walker-Adams Mall and then building new housing facing the green as well as along Lindsey, Asp, and Hoover. I would much rather see something NEW built there instead of a renovation, Cate is laid out really badly. Another proposal we explored was moving the athletic dorms to a new building at the SE corner of Lindsey and Jenkins with retail on the first floor. That would leave the existing dorm site at the NE corner open for future hotel and/or sports condo development i.e. Gameday Centers, Luxury Sports Condominiums

  7. Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by Insider View Post
    I heard they were going to tear down the blender (math building) and rebuild a new, modern looking building of about the same height (10-15 stories). Do you know if this is true?

    From what I remember from College, this building is a fire trap. It has no windows on the bottom four floors.
    I'm pretty well connected within the OU community and have heard ZERO about this.

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918
    A $45 million aquatics center that includes 2 indoor pools and an outdoor pool connected to the Huffman Center should also start within the next 1-2 years. I've heard that could be an even bigger project but will depend on funding.
    They have actually lowered it to a $20 - $25 million dollar project largely due to student concerns and lack of donor support.

    The HUB - Articles

    Also.. here is the page for renderings of Gould Hall:
    Division of Architecture at The University of Oklahoma

  8. #8

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    the old bus station is also being worked on currently...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    A new aquatics center...

    Perfect for my 2024 plan...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post
    A new aquatics center...

    Perfect for my 2024 plan...
    It will need some serious additional funding then. They have already downsized it but IMO they should be using at least the amount they originally planned, $45 million, and possibly more. I think an overhaul of the Huffman should be one of OU's top priorities for fundraising because of its great location on campus and its ability to attract students and faculty who want a top-notch rec. and aquatics center. Imagine if OU hired an architect that designed something like Beijing's Water Cube...

    Right now I believe they are putting in a 50 m indoor lap pool with spectator seating and diving well and an indoor recreation pool with hot tubs, saunas, and new locker rooms all on the north and east sides of the Huffman with a new entrance at the NE corner. A large outdoor rec. pool with waterslides and lazy river was planned but is "delayed" because of funding issues, as is an addition to the cardio/weight room. My hope is that they build the indoor pools and then eventually redo the entire front entrance, cardio/aerobic, weight room and office/classroom areas that front Asp to make that area larger and more attractive. I also hope they build the outdoor pool because it would be nice to have on hot days before/after class and a significant portion of OU's undergrad students live in the dorms across the street or in the nearby Greek neighborhoods.

    Some universities with great rec. centers:

    South Carolina (wow)
    USC: Department of Campus Recreation

    Missouri (amazing pool)

    Cincinnati (really contemporary architecture)
    UC’s New Rec Center Is An Exercise In Geometry

  11. #11

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by CrueJones View Post
    the old bus station is also being worked on currently...
    Do you know what's going on?

  12. Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    The overpass for Robinson over the tracks is to be constructed starting next year.

  13. #13

    Exclamation Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman View Post
    The overpass for Robinson over the tracks is to be constructed starting next year.
    Last I heard, this was going to be an underpass going under the railroad. The presentation with renderings can be seen here (http://www.ci.norman.ok.us/public_wo...ss03_06_08.mht)

  14. Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    I remember being in summer school back in 2005 and they were starting the basement for the devon engineer building. I drove by it last weekend and they still weren't even close to being done. What gives?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    I heard OU was not happy with that contractor, because they are about a year behind.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by ouguy23 View Post
    I heard OU was not happy with that contractor, because they are about a year behind.
    I doubt Boldt builds another building at OU after the Devon Hall debacle. They will probably stick with Flintco and Manhattan from now on.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Major projects here in Norman

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I doubt Boldt builds another building at OU after the Devon Hall debacle. They will probably stick with Flintco and Manhattan from now on.
    Yeah, that's what I had heard as well.

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