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Thread: Did anyone else notice?

  1. #1

    Default Did anyone else notice?

    Every thread concerning Trooper Henry was deleted by the editor of GNL.
    She even stated once that he deserved his "day in court," was innocent
    until proven guilty, blah blah blah.

    HOWEVER, not one post concerning the the school teacher, Gilbertson was
    deleted or edited. He was called many things, yet the editor did not
    step in to defend his innocence until he got his "day in court."

    Before anyone (K.R.) jumps to the wrong conclusion and makes phone
    calls, this is not a post about the trooper or the teacher. This is
    about blatant censorship at the GNL. Was that Ms. Ramsey's decision or
    did she receive pressure from someone to delete the discussions about the trooper? And if so, I'm really disappointed since I thought she was tougher than that.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Did anyone else notice?

    Were these new post that were deleted as soon as they were posted or something that had been there for awhile?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Did anyone else notice?

    The first thread made it about a day or so. After that, they were deleted immediately and people just quit talking about it because they knew it would be deleted. That's when a certain poster went off about the censorship of GNL and got banned.

    Which is also why I did not post this on GNL. I'm a skeered to get banned. lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Did anyone else notice?

    What's GNL?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Did anyone else notice?

    Guthrie News Leader

  6. #6

    Default Re: Did anyone else notice?


    What she means is this: Guthrie News Leader

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