We are a 13 year old OKC-based upscale food producer/distributor with strong regional reputation and customer base. We are a part of the new economy focusing on quality craftsmanship, sustainability, and responsible business practices. We have the expertise and the products, but we need capital to help build a larger national presence.

We’ve stretched owner and bank financing about as far as it can go. We now need private capital, and we prefer local investors. Our reputation has been on a low simmer for a long time now. With a little boost, we have the potential of becoming one of OKC’s anchor businesses: the sort of place people around the country will talk about.

We have significant growth potential in web sales, catalog sales, wholesale, retail, and foodservice; and we have even considered building flagship stores in OKC and Dallas. We are mainly seeking capital, but are also interested in local investors who bring additional expertise. We are currently a small business. But with the right person(s), there are few limits.

Send me a private email (ChickenInTheRough@live.com) and I’ll arrange a time to meet to discuss mutual opportunities.