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Thread: Lemma CD release

  1. #1

    Default Lemma CD release

    Lemma, often compared to the sounds of Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, and Coldplay, will release their new album “Long Way Home” during a special release party March 29.

    Lemma will celebrate at Dan McGuiness Pub, located at 1003 SW 19th street in Moore. Showtime that night is at 9 o’clock.

    The new album will be available for only five dollars at the show. Fans are encouraged to buy the CD during the party to take advantage of this limited time low price.

    Lemma was created in 2004 from a collaboration of local styles and sounds. What began as a strong passion to get back to the roots of music has become a natural force that people can't help but love. People of all ages and musical preferences appreciate their toe tapping addictive sounds. Their songs are filled with deep bass lines, vibrant guitar tracks, and powerful vocals that make your soul want to dance.

    For more pictures, music, and show schedule please view the Lemma electronic press kit: Lemma*-*Sonicbids EPK

    Yeah!! It's about time. For those of you that don't know, these are my babies. I just sent this press release out this morning. I am way excited to have actual CDs in my hand.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Cool that's right across the highway...I will try and make it out to that

  3. Default Re: Lemma CD release

    If they sound like Jack Johnson, I'm in.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    I'm glad you guys might come out! I would love to see your faces and share beers and cheers with you.

    I just posted the pictures from our photo shoot on the fan page if anybody wants to have a look. The best part is my funny captions I put under each picture. lol. We had a lot of fun that day, but it was long and we were ready to collapse. Kate is an absolute doll and takes fantastic photos. She is one of those people that can capture the moment well and grabs personality in her pictures. Awesome girl!

    MySpace.com - Lemma Fan Page - 100 - Female - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma - www.myspace.com/lemmata

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Is there an MP3 download of the CD for sale somewhere?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Not yet. I plan on making that available after the release party. I'm also working on placing the CD in a couple of stores. I'll keep you posted.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    I just bought Yael Naim's new CD from Amazon by using their new MP3 Downloader. Her CD isn't to be released in the US until March 18th but the MP3 deal was immediate.

    I didn't know Amazon had MP3 until I got this CD but I like it a lot. I don't know how you get to sell on Amazon but I bet that might be helpful.

    Hope all goes well for you and Lemma.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lemma CD release


    Can't wait to see some of your faces!

    For those of you that can't make it out, the new CD entitled "Long Way Home" will be available for purchase at Guestroom Records as well as online. And you can always shoot me a message and I will be happy to bring you one.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    I just bought Yael Naim's new CD from Amazon by using their new MP3 Downloader. Her CD isn't to be released in the US until March 18th but the MP3 deal was immediate.

    I didn't know Amazon had MP3 until I got this CD but I like it a lot. I don't know how you get to sell on Amazon but I bet that might be helpful.

    Hope all goes well for you and Lemma.
    Thanks flinty. I'll be working on the websites next week. I plan on having the MP3 available on Amazon, Best Buy, and Itunes. Probably a few others as well. The next move will be to make shirts with the artwork from the CD and open a full store. Maybe even nifty little keychains and stickers.

    Lots of plans in store, I'll keep you posted. Right now I'm just ready to celebrate!

    Look for a review in next week's gazette also. Joe = awesome.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    We want to thank each and every one of you that came out to the CD Release Party at Dan McGuinness on Saturday night!! We appreciate the support you give us. Thank you so much to those of you that bought a CD, we hope you enjoy it.

    We not only reached our sales goal, we surpassed it!!

    We are sorry some of you couldn't make it out but thank those who placed an order to purchase your CD at the discounted rate.

    For those of you who didn't make it out and didn't already purchase one but would like to, they will be available at all upcoming shows, online (shortly - I'll post those as they happen), and also at :

    Guestroom Records
    125 E. Main St.
    Norman, OK 73069
    hours 11am - 9pm Mon - Saturday
    1pm - 6pm Sundays

    I have posted the pictures I took at the show. If you have any pictures you would like to share, please let me know.

    Thanks again!


    MySpace.com - Lemma Fan Page - 100 - Female - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma - www.myspace.com/lemmata

  11. #11

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Glad it went well and sorry I couldn't make it...Went down to Dallas for the Tea Leaf Green and Moe concert

    I will definitely check out the album once you get it online

  12. #12

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Glad it went well and sorry I couldn't make it...Went down to Dallas for the Tea Leaf Green and Moe concert

    I will definitely check out the album once you get it online
    How was that show??? I <3 Tea Leaf Green.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    How was that show??? I <3 Tea Leaf Green.
    It was a great show...Hadn't seen either live before

    Just wish Tea Leaf had been the headliner as they didn't play long enough dangit

  14. #14

    Default Re: Lemma CD release

    Since I can't copy and paste from the Gazette - here's a link for you.

    CD Reviews | OKG Scene.com

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