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Thread: City Growth

  1. Default City Growth

    I was thinking on the drive home tonight about city connections to the Downtown area... If you leave downtown and head north, you're instantly in Edmond, it flows right in. Same thing but south, you flow right into Moore/Norman, but if you go east or west, and live in a city like Yukon/Mustang or Mid-Del, there are infastructure breaks between them and downtown. Nothing "flows" to those cities. Could slow or poor growth be a potential factor for those cities who have "infastructure breaks"?

    Just a question, serious replies towards a conversation please, i'd rather not fight about this hypothetical question.

  2. #2

    Default Re: City Growth

    I could be wrong but I think Mustang/Yukon were separate and distinct cities/towns than Oklahoma City and the population/"infrastructure" is gradually bridging the gap. Edmond and Moore are more of Oklahoma City sprawl - unless I am just wrong. I am not sure I agree that the Mid-Del has an infrastructure break. I grew up on the NE side of town and Midwest City/Del City always seemed like just jampacked neighborhoods that were overcrowded. I never really viewed them as stand alone towns. We are talking about my perception, of course.

    Husband recalls moving to Mustang from Oklahoma City in the early sixties. Yukon was a thriving town but Mustang was just an agricultural community. He felt like a "city kid" moving to the farm. And that is another factor - to the west is farm land whereas the crosstimbers cut through Edmond and the east. Not as good for farming so smaller parcels sold. Better for single families who aren't families. That draws other merchants and tradesmen.

    The biggest thing is probably I35. It is a major, if not THE major North/South route in the midwest. Lots more people heading south to Dallas than heading East/West to Amarillo, Texas or Toad Suck, Arkansas.

  3. #3

    Default Re: City Growth

    I think it depends a lot of what side of Midwest City you are talking about.

    I can "flow" from my driveway (3 blocks north of Lowe's at SE 29/AD) to the Galleria parking lot in about 11 minutes each morning. Reverse - about 15 in afternoon, all but 6 blocks are interstate. That's much faster than most of my south or west living friends can commute.

    Maybe I'm missing your definition of a break in infrastructure. If so, I'll gladly consider it!

  4. Default Re: City Growth

    I actually feel like the East Side of town has the most connection of any direction. Check out a map and see how close Mid-Del is to downtown. Seriously it's like less than half the distance of any other direction.

    If you drive North, you have a crap load of empty land, same to the South and West. Only going East do you have a continued presence of stuff the entire way out.

    Are we just not seeing the same parts of the highway here?

  5. Default Re: City Growth

    Okay guys, i'll try to reiterate what I mean by "infrastructure break". More or less, I want to convey the presence of "busy urban life" Basically, if feels when you pass over MLK/Eastern you get kind of a "lack of life" sort of feel. I really feel this way when I pass over on Reno from OKC to Del City. Everything north of reno on that side is empty except for the buildings and their street fronts which all seem to be industrial. Poor Del City, it seems just beat up compared to other cities when you drive through on 15th or 29th before you hit Sunnylane.

    @bomber, provided if you take I35 up north, there are some parcels of land that look bare. If you drive 235 it's a different feel.

    The east side may be closer to OKC, but it seems to be neglected.

  6. #6

    Default Re: City Growth

    What about the stretch of 235 between 63rd and Memorial??

    Also the stretch south I-35 from I-40 to I-240 is in sad shape too.

  7. Default Re: City Growth

    How do non-midwest city dwellers feel about Midwest City? Not to include Del City, just MWC.

  8. #8

    Default Re: City Growth

    While you're waiting for a "non-midwest city dweller" to respond, I'll tell you a little secret. I hope that the benefits of living in MWC stay on the q.t.

    When I make my short commute, I am going the opposite direction of the main flow of traffic - morning and evening. With the placement of the various interstates and bypasses, I can get nearly anywhere in Oklahoma County in less than 30 minutes. My homeowner's insurance is a bargain, thanks to the fire department rating, and I can walk to Town Center in less than 10 minutes. Traffic is heavy only when Tinker is letting out or going in and that happens relatively early and quickly.

    I've lived in every single sector of Oklahoma City and purposely bought my home here. Other than the lack of a bookstore, living in MWC is ideal. (Amazon is cheap.)

    But...shhhhhh...don't tell anyone...

  9. Default Re: City Growth

    My father worked for the City of Midwest City Pubic Works for over 20 years, up until a couple of years ago. When I was a kid, we spent lots of time there. I also worked a couple of summers at City Hall. At one time my family was considering a move there to MWC. I general, I like the Midwest City south of NE 10th a lot. What I don't like about MWC is it's lack of a city center...(I don't count the Town Center).

  10. Default Re: City Growth

    I've lived all over midwest city except two years in OKC and 2 months in Houston. I love the morning commute, until I got fired this morning because of a lack of communication between manager and owner, and my request off wasn't processed and approved like I thought it was, but that's another story.

    It really is easy to get in and around okc from mwc, so I love it as well. but shhh. lol.

    @CuatrodeMayo, what would you consider a "City Center" and what would it have in it?

  11. Default Re: City Growth

    Sorry you got fired.

    In short, a downtown.

    Nearly every city in the metro has some sort of downtown. Usually the main banks of the town are there, as are city hall and other municpal services. The soul of the community in a way. It's history is there. Where the local retailers and businesses are.

  12. Default Re: City Growth

    Hmm... Well, with some of MWC original mile buildings gone and the municipalities in their own complex farther away, and in essence, everything is spread out.. perhaps we are unique in that fashion.

  13. Default Re: City Growth

    Well MWC doesnt have a downtown basically because of when it and how was developed. Most places that still have a downtown...like Edmond or Norman, had a history predating WW2, so they have some turn of the century - post landrun structures to base around. Since MWC popped up out of no where in about a year time span after WW2, there was no historical base. In 1942, we had a log cabin gas station, a small community of homes that Carl Albert sits on now, and that was about it.

    The closest thing we had after that was 29th St. Atkinson's plan focused most retail ventures there, rightly so with it near the base. Then ther was Uptown on 15th, but still no real downtown. I think the closest we ever got was Reno and Midwest...just becuase the hospital and MD Tower are there...but that's not much.
    We're the typical no-downtown suburb...Mustang/Yukon...

    I especially enjoy NOT having the sun in my face on my commutes like all the other people do! HAHAHAH

  14. #14

    Default Re: City Growth

    Mustang has no downtown, but Yukon does, and a rather nice one IMO. It sets on a hill ( kind of) like Drumright.

  15. Default Re: City Growth

    Perhaps we can finagle a downtown out of what is currently uptown, it just needs to be updated some more. I really do enjoy the new uptown building. I just wish it had tenants.

  16. #16

    Default Re: City Growth

    I think Town Center could be a good substitute for a downtown, as it continues to grow and as the landscaping is completed.

    Downtowns can be highly overrated anyway - ever seen Poteau's?
    Last edited by Lauri101; 04-09-2008 at 05:00 PM. Reason: spelling

  17. Default Re: City Growth

    As much as anybody may love the Town Center, it is esentailly a shopping center.

  18. Default Re: City Growth

    No I haven't, pictures maybe?

  19. Default Re: City Growth

    Yeah I wish the Uptown folks would get some businesses back in there. We've got crap building all over, so I'm not sure why they are having such a hard time there. Maybe they want too much for rent??? The suites on Key still have the same tenants before, but the areas closest to 15th have stayed empty.

    The Oklahoma Journal bldg looks like it's nearing completion. I still think the stilts are a big weird looking.

    Now if they would just start on Phase 2 and 3 and get the whole complext looking that good!

  20. Default Re: City Growth

    We were just talking about the Uptown buildings when we drove by last night. They're very impressive at night. I'll have to get some pictures. I have no idea why no one wants to move into them. It's just like the Cherry Center, Nick Harroz has had a hard time getting the few tenants he has. The Uptown properties are for sale by North Star Properties.

  21. #21

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    How do non-midwest city dwellers feel about Midwest City? Not to include Del City, just MWC.
    I think they should relocate all of the flop-houses, homeless shelters, rescue missions/soup kitchens in and around the C2S area to MWC.

  22. Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    I think they should relocate all of the flop-houses, homeless shelters, resue missions/soup kitchens in and around the C2S area to MWC.
    Wow. GFY :P

    If you would have said Del City.. fine. But MWC is a lot better than that.

  23. #23

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Wow. GFY :P

    If you would have said Del City.. fine. But MWC is a lot better than that.
    Well. GFYT :C

  24. #24

    Default Re: City Growth

    mmonroe, what exactly do you have against Del City??? There are a lot of neighborhoods that MWC can't be too proud of...

  25. #25

    Default Re: City Growth

    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    Wow. GFY :P

    If you would have said Del City.. fine. But MWC is a lot better than that.
    OK your really showing yourself to be a snot.

    so I echo the others..........royally

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