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Thread: Little Jim's Convenience Store

  1. #1

    Default Little Jim's Convenience Store

    What Became of Little Jim's Convenience Store Around OKC.
    When did they Close. There was one at SW. 38th and S. Portland and at SW. 29th and S. May in the early 70's

  2. #2

    Default Re: Little Jim's Convenience Store

    Hey MWC59....

    Yesterday I was in Tenner's Western Wear on Reno. I got to talking to a salesman named Tim and he was a retired food broker in the OKC area. We mentioned numerous stores and business then we started talking about SW29th & May.....Griders, TG&Y, and.....Little Jim's. He knew Jim and did food-business with him, he told me Jim mentioned to him(Tim) it took him 10 years to become a millionaire.

    So if you're down on Reno and Meridan, stop at Tenner's and talk to Tim.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Little Jim's Convenience Store

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohiba View Post
    Hey MWC59....

    Yesterday I was in Tenner's Western Wear on Reno. I got to talking to a salesman named Tim and he was a retired food broker in the OKC area. We mentioned numerous stores and business then we started talking about SW29th & May.....Griders, TG&Y, and.....Little Jim's. He knew Jim and did food-business with him, he told me Jim mentioned to him(Tim) it took him 10 years to become a millionaire.

    So if you're down on Reno and Meridan, stop at Tenner's and talk to Tim.
    Well, that was helpful, but when did he close his Little Jims and close down his businesses? Did he get tired of people handing him money hand over fist for things they forgot to run to Humpty Dumpty for?

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