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Thread: Kids TV Shows

  1. Default Kids TV Shows

    I remember Saturday mornings as a child..

    We absolutely loved watching our shows all morning long..

    I know I'm going to age myself here.. and yes, we did have TV's that long ago!

    Some of my favorites..

    Lost in Space

    Go Speedracer Go

    Casper the Friendly Ghost

    Fat Albert

    The Jetsons

    Richie Rich


    But my all time favorite ever...

    Land of the Lost

    (Who could ever forget those special effects??

    So realistic, so riveting... I was glued to the TV for hours) lol

    What were your favorites?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Kids TV Shows


    I miss the Great Space Coaster.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    • Bugs Bunny and friends

    • Superfriends

    • Laugh-a-lympics

    • Go Speedracer Go

    • Fat Albert

    • The Jetsons

    • Richie Rich

    • Underdog

    • Pink Panther

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    hr puffnstuff?


  5. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    How could I forget..

    Elmer Fudd, Roadrunner, Wiley Coyote and Bugs?

    (What was that big chicken - rooster that walked around?)

    I learned all about firearms and explosive devices through these educational cartoons.... and our kids got Barney, the purple dinosaur.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    foghorn leghorn?


  7. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Yes!! That's it... I wonder why I couldn't remember that? Giant white chickens should have a name like that.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8

    Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    I remember watching Bozo the Clown every morning on WGN...Laughing at the idiot kids that couldn't get a ball in more than one pail in the Grand Prize Game

    Even more funny was the dorks that couldn't even get it in the first one even though you could just reach down and place the ping pong ball in the pail

    We always laughed at the horrible prizes they gave away...Get a ball in every pail and you get a...............Little red wagon thing filled with crap no kid would want

  9. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Looney Tunes (Bugs, Roadrunner, et al) is/are my favorite cartoon(s) of all time!

    I also watched G.I. Joe and Transformers (can't wait for the live action movie opening on July 4th)

  10. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    I remember watching Bozo the Clown every morning on WGN...Laughing at the idiot kids that couldn't get a ball in more than one pail in the Grand Prize Game

    Even more funny was the dorks that couldn't even get it in the first one even though you could just reach down and place the ping pong ball in the pail

    We always laughed at the horrible prizes they gave away...Get a ball in every pail and you get a...............Little red wagon thing filled with crap no kid would want
    I forgot all about Bozo!

    I need a drink now. I'm old.

  11. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    A drink?

    How about Prune juice ?? lol
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    A drink?

    How about Prune juice ?? lol

    I was thinking of something a bit stronger! lol

  13. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    okay, prune juice with a splash of vodka ..ewwww
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Intrepid View Post

    I also watched G.I. Joe and Transformers (can't wait for the live action movie opening on July 4th)
    I've had to shield my eyes in the last 3 movies I've gone to see in order to NOT see all the Transformer CGI goodness during the previews.

    /can't wait

  15. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    I've had to shield my eyes in the last 3 movies I've gone to see in order to NOT see all the Transformer CGI goodness during the previews.

    /can't wait
    For me, watching previews, learning details of a movie prior to it's release has NEVER affected me that way. I WANT to know the various small details. I get's me even more excited for the movie. Granted, when the trailers go overboard and practically show the entire movie, that's where I draw the line.

    So, with that said, I've been watching the Transformers trailers and have been keeping up with the in's and out's since it was announced that Spielberg was Exec Prod, nearly two years ago.

    But that's just me. I completely understand the other point of view.

  16. Default Re: Kids TV Shows

    Less than a month to go! I can't wait to see that movie.... of course, when the kids were younger, they had each and every transformer made. Which I had to help them build so I'm sort of fond of them..of course over the years, the pieces have all been mixed in with Legos etc and most are unrecognizable but I'll never forget OptimusPrime...

    I can't wait for this movie!!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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