Originally Posted by
"was not aware Penny's had made that formal announcement, mranderson, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to make the leap. As for the rest of the comment, yawn. Yes, we know Crossroads has some problems. They're well documented, and you've certainly done your share to exaggerate them. We all know how much you hate Crossroads, and we also know how much that hatred of yours has colored your impression of the area. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But as a lifelong southsider, I'll stand toe-to-toe with you in opposition to this inaccurate bullets-and-guns notion you try to paint of Crossroads. It simply isn't true."
I have no idea what you personally think a gangbanger is, however, I see them in Crossroads every time I go there. I am nearly a lifelong (so far) resident of south Oklahoma City as well, and have followed the history of that mall. You are also entitled to your opinion, however, you are very wrong. I reccomend you drive down Crenshaw in the Los Angeles area and look at the local residents, then compare them to Crossroads' main clientelle. You will see similarities. Plus. I do not "hate" anything. Do I dislike the southside? yes. However, I do not "hate" it. Plus, it has not "colored" my views.