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Thread: Downtown post office for sale

  1. #1

    Default Downtown post office for sale

    I wondered what was going to happen to this since it's right smack in the middle of the "Core to Shore" area. It might be a handy piece of property to own. Too bad it's out of my price range, I'm guessing.

    Downtown post office up for sale
    The U.S. Postal Service wants to sell its processing and maintenance center in downtown Oklahoma City.

    A new facility is being built at Reno and Meridian. The downtown property includes the six-story, 240,000-square-foot building, built in 1966, and 6 acres at 320 SW 5. The property lies between Interstate 40 and where I-40 will be redirected, to the south.

    To submit a proposal, call Bob Sullivan at NAI Sullivan Group at 840-0600 or send an e-mail to rsullivan@ccim.net.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    I was surprised to see this as that facility isn't that old.

    However, it does present a great opportunity with the relocation of the interstate.

    Other than Union Station, everything else in that area is likely to completely change in the next decade or so.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    I don't get it. According to the Core to Shore plan, this area would be a park. How is it that this property is not already being taken into account for that? Anyone understand this?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    I'm sure the plan has been for the city to buy the old post office and demolish it.

    But it raises the question... Where are we going to get the money to acquire all the land shown in Core to Shore?

    Better hustle up with that MAPS 3 vote because if this property is sold to a developer, it's going to cost the city a lot more.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    Does the city have money available for this kind of purchase? You would think/hope so.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    The Urban Renewal Authority has certainly sold plenty of property over the last few years.

    Perhaps some of the proceeds could be used to acquire this important property.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    Wasn't the building talked about as possibly being the site of a museum of modern/contemporary art?

  8. Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    Reno and Meridian? Id like to know where they think they are going to put it there...and on top of that, how they think traffic flow will be affected with all of those large vehicles.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    I'm pretty sure this is the site of the new facility:

    Postal Service buys 55 acres for new center
    Nov 9, 2000 by Bill May The Journal Record

    The U.S. Postal Service has bought 55 acres on W. Reno Avenue, between Portland and Meridian avenues, as site for a new mail processing and distribution center.

    Its purchase price reportedly was $1.99 million.

    When the new building is completed on that site, all of the sorting, processing and distribution activities now at the main post office, 320 SW Fifth St., will move there.

    Retail and post office box operations will move to City Center Post Office, 305 NW Fifth St., said Larry Flenner, manager of consumer affairs.

    "When the new building is complete, we will totally vacate this building," he said of 320 SW Fifth.

    Some administrative offices from the main post office already have been moved to 3030 Northwest Expressway. Those that remain also will be moved, but their ultimate location is not known, Flenner said.

    Details of the new building -- such as size, shape and materials, even the timeline -- are not known.

    "That will be up to the board of governors," Flenner said. "They will meet sometime in the near future to decide what will be done and when bids will go out for architecture and construction.

    "Then, we'll have a better idea of the timeline involved and what the building will be like."

    The processing and distribution center of the main post office now handles all mail destined for the western half of the state. When the new building is finished and operations moved there, it will handle only bulk mail and some of the business mail activities of the main post office as well as processing and distribution.

  10. Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    I think I'll scoop up this property and put in my very own indoor Thunderdome. But it's going to span a Sarlacc pit and the first 100 people through the gates get their very own Happy Fun Ball.

    Either that, or I'm going to start my own "Running Man" game show.

    Either would be fine, and I'm sure I can get Richard Dawson or Tina Turner to show up for the opening.

    Now I'll be serious for a minute.

    Somebody slap Dave & Buster's in the jimmy with this property.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    maybe it's destined to become yet another parking lot, with lots of indoor parking for bikes, trikes nad more l

  12. #12

    Default Re: Downtown post office for sale

    If the city is really sincere about their plans for the Myriad Gardens, and I think they should be, a we really need a signature park, it would be foolish to allow someone to buy the property now and end up paying a much higher price for it later.

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