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Thread: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

  1. #1

    Default Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    I'm hearing something about Fox25 starting a morning newscast in a few weeks. Anyone know anything else about it???? If so, where are the promo's?????

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    The Tulsa Fox station has morning, noon, 5, 5:30 and 9PM news.

    I am suprised they have not done that with the Oklahoma City Fox station. If Tulsa can find enought to fill those time the Oklahoma City station definitely can.

    I am suprised OKC FOX has not set down studied what the other three are doing wrong. There is room in OKC for another TV news outlet if they do it right. They need to cover the news the day it happens instead of the next day. They are not as bad as what they used to be but, they do occasionally air a stale story the other three stations beat to death the day before. Stale stories are not going retain any viewers.

    They need to revamp their entire daytime and moring lineup. The judge TV crap is just awful. The only people watching those shows are those who are forced to sit in a waiting room somewhere.

  3. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Quote Originally Posted by BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe View Post
    The Tulsa Fox station has morning, noon, 5, 5:30 and 9PM news.

    I am suprised they have not done that with the Oklahoma City Fox station. If Tulsa can find enought to fill those time the Oklahoma City station definitely can.

    I am suprised OKC FOX has not set down studied what the other three are doing wrong. There is room in OKC for another TV news outlet if they do it right. They need to cover the news the day it happens instead of the next day. They are not as bad as what they used to be but, they do occasionally air a stale story the other three stations beat to death the day before. Stale stories are not going retain any viewers.

    They need to revamp their entire daytime and moring lineup. The judge TV crap is just awful. The only people watching those shows are those who are forced to sit in a waiting room somewhere.
    I avoid morning Fox programming like the plague. Who honestly sits down and watches those god aweful court shows? How is staged small claims court considered entertainment in anyone's eyes? The waiting room comment is the absolute truth to the matter. You would figure Fox would be losing serious money with lazy marketing if such is the case...

  4. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Are you sure it's not Mike Jerrick and Juliet Huddy's new morning show, "The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet"????? They were the Dayside hosts on Fox News and Fox Network stole them away with a syndicated deal to Fox stations.; they are also being picked up in markets without a Fox affiliate. The show's doing well and Juliet is...well... awfully nice to look at!


  5. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Sinclair has a reputation for running TV stations into the ground. I am honestly surprised that FOX25 is still doing well after several years of ownership by Sinclair. I wouldn't be surprised to see a local show come on along with "The Morning Show".

  6. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    FOX25 ran one of its first teasers the other day. They are, by necessity, very vague. They are protecting themselves from unexpected schedule slippage.

    As far as I know, the crew will be largely new staff, and it won't be some show broadcast from somewhere else, like the Daily Buzz. It will be truly local, and will even have a meteorologist.

    I'd really like to see them do well. I believe they have a shot.

    I am very tired of NEWS9 This Morning's format from 7am to 8am, as they are dominated by commercials and cutovers to CBS. Basically the show is only decent from 7:00am to 7:10am.

    Between that and the endless number of days that Robin Marsh seems absent, I hardly ever try and tune in any more, I just head straight for the Daily Buzz to see Andrea Jackson and Kia Malone, and Mitch English makes me laugh.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    It is not really News 9's fault because they have to show CBS's crappy morning show. Honestly, I think they do their own show from 5-9 and get better ratings. I like chemistry of NEWS 9's morning team over the rest of them. They are not afraid to make fun of themselves when they make a mistake. They even trade barbs and pick on each other.

    Channel 5 and Channel 4 put me to sleep because all they do is read the news. Kent Ogle's voice is just awful he sounds like Kermit the Frog reading the news. If KWTV did the same thing as KOCO and KFOR. I would be watching Robin & Company. Not that I prefer CNN, Robin Meade is hot. I could watch that women read a dictionary every morning.

  8. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Quote Originally Posted by BaconCheeseburgerDeluxe View Post
    It is not really News 9's fault because they have to show CBS's crappy morning show. Honestly, I think they do their own show from 5-9 and get better ratings. I like chemistry of NEWS 9's morning team over the rest of them. They are not afraid to make fun of themselves when they make a mistake. They even trade barbs and pick on each other.

    I would be watching Robin & Company. Not that I prefer CNN, Robin Meade is hot. I could watch that women read a dictionary every morning.
    I really like anything with Robin Marsh in it, that's why I get so chapped that the 7 to 8am format is like watching Swiss Cheese with all the cutaways.

    I know exactly what you mean about the dictionary thing. I've heard people use the phrase "She could read the phone book and I'd still watch". The stations want to tell us it's all about journalism, but men know better. It's all about the Robin.

  9. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    I won't start a new thread on FOX25 here, I'll just tack this on to the end of this one.

    FOX25 last night unveiled some beautiful new graphics, and it gives the show an incredible new look. It's obvious from the opening seconds. This is FAR from the show we had even two years ago.

    If some of you out there weren't happy with the old FOX25, you need to give it another try, and be sure and watch an entire hour. You'll get everything you could want in an hour-long show, including some good laughs.

    At the half-hour mark, the show really lightens up and has some fun, and that's something you won't get to see on a 30-minute newscast dedicated to nothing but crime, death, and destruction.

    It's actually FUN to watch FOX25 at 9pm, rather than depressing. The anchors do and say things you'll never get on another station.

    They also have some excellent reporters and stories, so the journalism doesn't suffer either.

    And yes, I'm really looking forward to their new morning show.

  10. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    The new morning Meterologist will be Jeff George. He was previously Chief Met at WUPW-TV in Toledo OH and before that was Chief at a station in Abilene TX.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    They need to revamp their entire daytime and moring lineup. The judge TV crap is just awful. The only people watching those shows are those who are forced to sit in a waiting room somewhere.
    Now hang on one sec - being a legal junkie who probably should have been a lawyer but didnt, I will grant you that ALL but ONE of the judge shows are awful - but I will allow one exception - People's Court is good. I actually watched that back when it first ran as a 30 minutes show and Judge Wapner presided - actually attended a taping once in LA (its shot in NYC now). It's the only one of the court shows I've seen where they do attempt to maintain a veneer of actual law, wherein the rest are mostly arbitrary hysterics...

    I, for one, could do without more cutesy morning newstalk shows. I think reruns of Captain Kangaroo would actually be more socially beneficial.


  12. Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    I, for one, could do without more cutesy morning newstalk shows. I think reruns of Captain Kangaroo would actually be more socially beneficial.
    I do miss the ping-pong balls falling on the moose. Maybe we could have Ed Murray do that to Robin Marsh. Hope springs eternal. :-)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Fox25....Rumor has it.....

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    I do miss the ping-pong balls falling on the moose. Maybe we could have Ed Murray do that to Robin Marsh. Hope springs eternal. :-)
    Now THAT would be funny. I'd rather Robin Marsh drop them on Gary England, but I don't think England is required by contract to be awake before 3pm unless an F5 tornado is bearing down in the middle of the state. AAAIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!


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