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Thread: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

  1. #1

    Default Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    IMHO, The Dixie Chicks multiple wins were a political statement, and to quote Jerry Sienfeld "not that there's anything wrong with that." The Grammy's are a peer voted award, not based on sales or chart position. It believe a large voting bloc recognized the Dixie Chicks for their willingness to take a controversial position and willingly suffer the consequences of thier actions by lost sales and a reduced fan base.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    I think your somewhat right for the most part, but at the same time, most of Hollywood leans to the liberal left and usually takes a "flavor of the day" approach. When everyone else is bashing the president, let's do it too, knowing they are influential people and that others will follow. As far as I'm concerned, the Dixie Chicks can go over to North Korea or Iran and see what freedom they really take for granted.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    someone actually voted for them? OH MY HELL!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well that goes to show you some people have no taste
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  4. #4

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Wife said it was the worst of their albums so go figure...Think they lost a lot of their fans with the Bushy situation, but have also lost more cause their music has gone downhill

  5. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    a blatant political statement for sure.

  6. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I think your somewhat right for the most part, but at the same time, most of Hollywood leans to the liberal left and usually takes a "flavor of the day" approach. When everyone else is bashing the president, let's do it too, knowing they are influential people and that others will follow. As far as I'm concerned, the Dixie Chicks can go over to North Korea or Iran and see what freedom they really take for granted.

    thats exactly right...ship their happy asses overseas! they aren't good singers and are barely americans...not to mention, the short chubby one is an idiot, not only for her political slanderings, but last night at the grammy's, she didn't help!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Couldn't agree with metro and oudirtypop more.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Barely Americans?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    the Dixie Chicks can go over to North Korea or Iran and see what freedom they really take for granted.
    That's funny, have you been to Iran???

    Be careful its dangerous...

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerBent View Post
    Couldn't agree with metro and oudirtypop more.
    Me too.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, the Dixie Chicks can go over to North Korea or Iran and see what freedom they really take for granted.

    Because George W. Bush fought in the Revolutionary War to free us from the British? 'Cause, that's the only way I could possibly see criticizing Bush could possibly mean they're taking their freedom for "granted." More like exercising it. I mean, would you rather us not be able to say what we think? To disagree? Are you so loyal to "America" that you truly believe anyone who disagrees with the current, 4-8 year only leadership should be shipped off to some dictatorship hellhole so they can learn to "appreciate" the freedoms they've been exercising-excuse me-taking for granted? I mean, no president, including Bush or whoever, is God ordained. He is chosen by the people and, quite frankly, people can make mistakes.

    BTW, dirtypop, that's an incorrect use of the word "slanderings." You see, slander basically means that some form of spoken language was used to incorrectly discredit someone or something. Even more basic: its a lie meant to harm. The not-anorexic, but probably also not overweight Dixie Chick said that she "is ashamed the president is from Texas" or something really close. President Bush is from Texas, and I'm very sure that she really was ashamed of that. So, there is no slander. A more correct term would have been "political opinion."

  12. Angry Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    Because George W. Bush fought in the Revolutionary War to free us from the British? 'Cause, that's the only way I could possibly see criticizing Bush could possibly mean they're taking their freedom for "granted." More like exercising it. I mean, would you rather us not be able to say what we think? To disagree? Are you so loyal to "America" that you truly believe anyone who disagrees with the current, 4-8 year only leadership should be shipped off to some dictatorship hellhole so they can learn to "appreciate" the freedoms they've been exercising-excuse me-taking for granted? I mean, no president, including Bush or whoever, is God ordained. He is chosen by the people and, quite frankly, people can make mistakes.

    I agree that people can make mistakes, but when you voicing your opionion and openly and publicly speaking humiliating words at the president is just ridiculous. I personally am just fine with the war and what we are doing. I can respect opinions that say we are there for the wrong reasons or that Bush led us to war for oil, etc. I think they are falsely warranted. People need to keep in mind, that Bush didn't take us to war. He wanted war, but ultimatly, congress had the say so. If they had such a problem, then they could have stopped it. Now that the war is not getting better, the liberal half of congress is ready to run out and leave iraq to self implode. I mean, you cant honestly say that Iraq isn't any better than before we went. I mean, Hussein was a tyrant. Hes dead and gone.

    The fact of the matter is this: The dixie chicks used their stardom to preach a political cause. That is fine and dandy. Where the screwed up is what was said and how it was said. No matter what, republicans, democrats, independents, american muslims, whomever, have to know better than to disrespect the leader of our country. No he is not god, but he is our leader and its basically treason to slander the President. You might not agree with him, thats totally fine, but dont slander him. He is just the leader of the country.

    And if you think he is bad, think if John Kerry would have been elected! Holy Hell! I bet the dixie chicks would have got on their knees and ....well you get the point!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    ou...Like Ginkasa said it definitely wasn't slander...She called him an idiot and said she was embarrassed to be from the same state I believe...Worse is said on The Daily Show and Bill Maher every week

    People that were offended stopped buying their albums, which is completely understandable...Anything over and above that is just overreaction and exaggeration...Talk of her being un-American is way off base

  14. #14
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    This just shows how much of a joke this award is. Their last release never made it above 8th on the charts. The Grammys are nothing more than a big industry circle-jerk. Of course the Dixie Chicks are playing it up to be some sort of affirmation of their greatness, but I think their sales figures speak more to reality.

    As US citizens they are, of course, free to exercise their freedom of speech (or screech) all they like, but as public figures that depend on their popularity for income, they shouldn't be surprised when their sales suffer from their unpopular statements (at least unpopular among their original demographic).

    Here's a funny spoof from MadTV:
    YouTube - MADtv - Dixie Chicks - I Will Never Apologize=
    Last edited by MadMonk; 02-13-2007 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Horrible spelling

  15. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Yes, slander in an incorrect term, and what they did is, in fact, not treason. They have the right to say anything they want about our country's leader. This isn't the UK. However like MadMonk said, they deserve whatever decline in popularity they have gotten if they piss off a huge chunk of their fan base. And the Grammys shouldn't be handed out just because they were "brave". There is no way they put out the best music of the year. That's BS.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Let's put a boot in their ***, cuz it's the American way!

  17. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Everything that's wrong with the Grammys can be summed up in two words:

    Milli Vanilli.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    window...Don't be raggin on my junior year favorite band !!

    Blame it on the rain was one of the best cassette singles ever made

  19. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Now I remember why I haven't been on these boards for so long. All this hillbilly logic gives me a headache.

  20. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by okcguy View Post
    Now I remember why I haven't been on these boards for so long. All this hillbilly logic gives me a headache.
    Care to explain that statement? It's pretty clear this was a political statement, whether you agree with their politics or not.

  21. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Absurd statements like "send them to Iran" and such is just typical of backwards attitudes I've encountered time and again on these boards, which contributed to my long hiatus. I realize not everyone in OKC or these boards feel this way, but it grew tiresome and a bit depressing for me. This thread reminded me why I haven't been here in a while.

  22. #22
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Ahh. Now I remember why you weren't missed. Perhaps next time bring some Ibuprofin and some useful input.

  23. Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Thanks for the advice. I did take some Advil. As for being missed, I knew I wasn't and I'm leaving for good now. Toodles.

  24. #24
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    Quote Originally Posted by okcguy View Post
    Thanks for the advice. I did take some Advil. As for being missed, I knew I wasn't and I'm leaving for good now. Toodles.
    I'm glad that most of our members have thicker skin than this. Oh well, nobody is forced to come here, but we sure have lots of fun .

  25. #25

    Default Re: Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks

    will yallbuy their new cd? I dont think I would walk across the street to meet any of them..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

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