Is it rude to text message in public? If I invite someone to my house and they text message frequently during the meal and afterwards, should I say something or would I be out of line. Am I just being an old fogy?
Is it rude to text message in public? If I invite someone to my house and they text message frequently during the meal and afterwards, should I say something or would I be out of line. Am I just being an old fogy?
If its in public and other people not those you know, then I would think it would be ok, as long as its not annoying, and there phone is on silent. Now if you invite themn over for dinner and they are texting during then its rude on there part and should be doing that. I think if you asked politley that they stop while you are eating, and not do that. If I am somewhere I try to keep mine to a minium or just call or just wait all together, putting a phone on silent is not a hard thing to do.
I would say that texting at dinner is RUDE! I tried to see a man (notice I said tried) that loved to text message during his time with me, and at dinner. He said " my friends like to stay in touch" He got 6 during one of our dinners, did not text just had to read all of them, sorry, but I think all this texting is rude.
Say something to the person, if you feel its rude then say something...dont stand around with hands in your pockets...and wonder just speak up. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Using tact is a good thing too!
texting is just stupid in general imo. if you have something to say to me, call and we'll discuss. if you want to say some random crap just because you're thinking about me, email me. i'm so sick of seeing people screwing with their damn cell phones. almost every other day i see people screwing with their cell phones while driving. texting? changing their ringtones? who knows. it's lame and unsafe.
and bringing up ringtones... do i even need to start my rant on that subject? lame.
"TEXT dumbass to 456 to get this cool wallpaper that says BLING for your phone that you'll end up paying for when you can easily make on your own which is still pointless and time wasting. text idiot to 789 to get this cool ringtone that will make you look retarded when it goes off in public"
/rant for now
I gotta ask? Are you inviting teenagers over for dinner? If not, then certainly you know the answer.If I invite someone to my house and they text message frequently during the meal and afterwards, should I say something or would I be out of line
I have never liked the casual use of cell phones in many public places and those blue tooth trekky ear pieces only make it worse.
Don't get me wrong, my wife, kiddo and I all have a cell phone. I use over 2,000 minutes a month, but I use it for work. Even with that many minutes used people joke all the time that they can never reach me because I leave it on vibrate or off most of the time and refuse to talk while in most public places (mall, restaurant, stores, etc.).
I do have to leave it on all night because the nature of my work requires it.
As for texting, I use it when I have to tell someone something and I know they are probably busy (i.e. I'm running late, I sent you an email, check your fax, call when you are out of your meeting, etc.).
My wife never uses more than 100 minutes in a month and my son is limited to only using the phone after 6pm (free) and NO TEXTING!
I see people texting everywhere I go. There were two people texting in the movie theatre the other day! I know my son's school has a huge problem with it even though cell phones are never to be visible.
I do not text. I don't see why we can't just be "alone" for a few minutes without having people constantly contact us through phone, email, and text. Besides, people are hunched over, fingers flying, eyes doesn't really look all that appealing to me.
The one time I tried, it kept filling in words for me that I didn't want so I just stopped for sheer frustration.
If you need to talk to me, call me, and if I don't answer, leave a message. You don't have to be available 24/7.
Still corrupting young minds
At risk of sounding like an old fogey-Thank you Bandnerd for shattering yet another stereotype!
At times I'm to quick to generalize all "20 somethings" as chained to cutting edge technology, all the latest trends, and being self-centered.
The quote above and your latest on the school closing thread remind me you are your own woman, one I consider as hope for tomorrow. That said, texting is rude. My grandson and his ex-girlfriend brought the great grandkid for a visit last week, and niether could carry on a conversation due to almost non-stop texting. My favorite quote for how to act in public - "Be here now".
Oh believe me, I know a lot of 20-somethings that are addicted to it. I'm addicted to emailhaha. And myspace, BUT I don't stop paying attention to the person who is with me to do these things. If I have a kid who needs something, and I'm in the middle of writing an email, I stop the email and help the kid.
Granted, if I'm on the phone it's not as easy to do that but I try if possible. I don't answer my phone if out with people unless it's a really casual thing or I'm expecting an important call that I really do need to for instance, an update on an ill relative's health.
I am very much my own woman, so is my sister. Our mother made sure to raise us that way!
Still corrupting young minds
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