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Thread: Where can I get a copy of DVE?

  1. #1

    Default Where can I get a copy of DVE?

    Hi, all.

    I'll be getting a new DLP TV later this week (STAY AWAY ICE STORM!!!) and I would like to perform a basic calibration of the set with the DVE (Digital Video Essentials) calibration DVD.

    Does anyone here know if someone in town stocks this? It's only $25 or so, but its a specialty title, not the kind of thing you're likely to find at Blockbuster et al.

    If anyone has a pointer, please advise..


  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Where can I get a copy of DVE?

    Have you tried checking with Audio Demensions on N. May?

  3. Default Re: Where can I get a copy of DVE?

    Audio Dimensions
    10407 North May Ave.
    Oklahoma City, OK 73120
    (405) 752-1115

    Audio Dimensions
    I-35 & Robinson
    Norman, OK 73072
    (405) 292-1115

    Circuit City has them.. 19.99 but it says available for shipping only.. but you might call the one closest to you and ask.

    In case you can't find it locally:

    eBay: DIGITAL VIDEO ESSENTIALS HOME SYSTEM SETUP NTSC NEW DVD (item 190068767213 end time Jan-10-07 19:15:08 PST)
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where can I get a copy of DVE?

    Great! Should have thought of Audio Dimensions myself. Duh.

    Thanks Karrie, MadMonk...


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