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Thread: Myspace background

  1. Default Myspace background

    I made my daughter a myspace and we do not know how to put in those fun backgrounds that take up the whole page underneath your pics and stuff....can someone give me instructions? thanks!!

  2. Default Re: Myspace background

    Go to:


    It's where I get my layouts, they are all kid-friendly and some of them are very nice looking.

    It'll give you the option to preview the layout, or get it for your page. It brings up a window where you can copy the code, and you go to "edit profile" on your myspace homepage and put the code in the "about me" section. The code will not show up on the profile except for "get your layout at whatever.com" because you have to credit them and the code does that for you.

    Hope this helps.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. Default Re: Myspace background

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Go to:


    It's where I get my layouts, they are all kid-friendly and some of them are very nice looking.

    It'll give you the option to preview the layout, or get it for your page. It brings up a window where you can copy the code, and you go to "edit profile" on your myspace homepage and put the code in the "about me" section. The code will not show up on the profile except for "get your layout at whatever.com" because you have to credit them and the code does that for you.

    Hope this helps.
    Hello, BN, are you enjoying your day off!! I did not want to get her a myspace, but long story I found my birthson after 18 years and he has one, but wanted to see pics so I made a myspace and set it to private so he could view them......he is my first child, I have 3 after I got married,.....told you long story. Anyway thanks!!

  4. Default Re: Myspace background

    Hey, it is not working...........I took out her profile too, like the words so how do I do it, and I pasted what she wanted like it said in the ABout me place just like it was on the code....now what?

  5. Default Re: Myspace background

    ^ You click "save changes" and everything should be working fine...but it doesn't sound like it's going right.

    After you click "save changes" or "update changes" or whatever it is. Go back to your Home page and click onto Profile. That's where you'll see it.

    Or I believe there's a "Preview Profile" option on the page where you paste the code.

  6. Default Re: Myspace background

    There is. You're sure you copied ALL the code? Also--sometimes the layouts from myspacoryours.net can come up a little slow, at least they sometimes do on my computer. Just depends on their server. But they are the nicest layouts I've found, at least in my opinion.

    As for enjoying my day off...eh...kinda bored lol. Not really willing to drive on this crap and don't have a whole heckuva lot to do. I plan on working out later, and I have some score study (lesson plans for band and orchestra) to do but that'll take me like, 15 minutes :P Daytime TV needs some help.
    Still corrupting young minds

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