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Thread: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

  1. #1

    Default Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    On downtown guy's blog there was mention of a series of books called "The Vanished Splendor -- Postcard Views of Oklahoma City". There were at least three volumes but all of them are out of print.

    I remember buying the books for a friend as a gift in the 80's but I didn't keep any for myself.

    It makes me wonder if there is any sort of OKC history exhibit in town...

    Seems like there should be some sort of formal collection and exhibit housed somewhere -- either in a new space in Bricktown or in one of the existing museums or libraries.

    I'd love to look through the original Pei Plan, historical photos, even articles/information about the proposed Galleria development.

    Anybody know if there is anything that exists currently?

  2. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    I don't know if this will be clear but the website will help you find museums. The red numbers depict historical museums.

    This is a historical museum:

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Thanks for that!

    Looks like the have a new facility planned for the state, which will be located across from the governors mansion:

    However, I'm pretty sure there is no place that has any sizable exhibit on just OKC history. Seems like we should have something downtown so visitors (and citizens) can see the huge changes over the years.

  5. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    The "Vanished Spendor" books were marvelous pictoral histories ... as far as I know there were only 2 books but maybe I missed one and there were 3 ... and I am the owner of vols 1 & 2 ... except that I loaned them to someone many years back AND CAN'T REMEMBER TO WHOM!!! So, I don't have them any more. When at Borders a month or so ago, I checked, and, yes, they are out of print. They are well worth having if you like vintage Okc stuff.

    My vintages pages focus on downtown Okc, but these books were more comprehensive ... I'm pretty sure one volume even included a pic of one of my favorites in the late 50s early 60s, that most wonderful Toddle House on NW 23rd, near the OCU campus. Best chocolate ice box pie ever, and, certainly, to die for! But, if you like vintage Okc pics and run across any of these books, BUY!

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    We used to have a local museum featuring memorbilia from OKC several years ago....it was located just south of NW 50th and I-235. Unfortunately, the building's owners broke the lease with the museum and the museum never re-located.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Seems like a great opportunity for a Bricktown/downtown site.

    And since the landrun was a big part of the city's history, that could be featured as well. Locating it near the landrun sculptures would be an especially good idea, as the two could play off of each other.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    About the Vanished Splendor books mentioned above, I was just in the little bookstore at NW 30th & Penn today, and he had some. Warning: The one I took off the shelf was priced at $75; I didn't check the rest. They are very rare, long out-of-print collections though.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    I think they're renovating the old Mid Continent insurance building into an Oklahoma history museum. It is located just south of heritage hills on Shartel and about 12th, I believe.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    You can find a three volumes of The Vanished Splendor on eBay for an average of about $55 each plus shipping.

    I think Doug now owns them all.

  11. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    There is an Oklahoma Museum. It was on the southeast side of the capatol building, but they are, or have built a new one on the northeast side of the capatol. Iremember going to it when I was a kid, and it was a great Oklahoma history museum.

  12. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    We used to have a local museum featuring memorbilia from OKC several years ago....it was located just south of NW 50th and I-235. Unfortunately, the building's owners broke the lease with the museum and the museum never re-located.
    Was that the Museum of the Unassigned Lands? Talk about a terrible location. You can still see it on the east side. It's a grey building with a giant arrow sticking off it. Pretty ugly actually.

  13. Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    I have all three books. For those interested, here's what they look like....

  14. #14

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    cool. I'll have to get some.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Yes also try the Oklahoma History Museum as well as the Downtown Library. They both offer historical pieces about Oklahoma City that are rare finds.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Yes also try the Oklahoma History Museum as well as the Downtown Library. They both offer historical pieces about Oklahoma City that are rare finds.

  17. #17
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Is there an OKC history museum / display?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    Was that the Museum of the Unassigned Lands? Talk about a terrible location. You can still see it on the east side. It's a grey building with a giant arrow sticking off it. Pretty ugly actually.
    Yup, it was a history museum focused on OKC history. You're right....the building was ugly and still is ugly.

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