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Thread: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

  1. #1

    Default Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    I'm looking for someone who is Catholic or belongs to an Episcopalean church to chime in here. Would I be allowed to just go to your church two or three times a week to pray, or would I have to join your church?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Why would you want to go to a church to pray if you didn't go there? I'm being serious, not a smart butt. God can hear you from where ever you are.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    It's hard to explain, and I don't want to give you a big loaded "crisis of faith" explanation.

    I just find myself easily distracted in my home or other places.

    I want the feeling of actually going to God, like the old Hebrews did with the tabernacle. So to speak.

    Maybe "God can hear me anywhere", but I'm not sure that I'm exactly coherent anywhere.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    No problem.

    Go for it.

    Either church would love to have you, Catholic or no.

  5. Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Your situation is very understandable. I think most churches would welcome you as a visitor. Membership is rarely a requirement.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Quote Originally Posted by JB1975 View Post
    It's hard to explain, and I don't want to give you a big loaded "crisis of faith" explanation.

    I just find myself easily distracted in my home or other places.

    I want the feeling of actually going to God, like the old Hebrews did with the tabernacle. So to speak.

    Maybe "God can hear me anywhere", but I'm not sure that I'm exactly coherent anywhere.
    makes sense. thank you. Do you have a church in mind or do you need some ideas on where you can go during the week? I'm thinking you want to light a candle and do the whole ritualistic process?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    makes sense. thank you. Do you have a church in mind or do you need some ideas on where you can go during the week? I'm thinking you want to light a candle and do the whole ritualistic process?
    Well, St. Monica's up in northwest Edmond is what has prompted me to ask about this. It's a beautiful church, and I am just looking for a quiet and "holy" place to pray. I've done a little bit of research, but it's a little overwhelming. I just want a place to pray. I already belong to a great church, but I am just looking for a place of open prayer.

  8. Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    I imagine they have times when the sanctuary is open for prayer. That is a common thing in Catholic churches. You might call and ask.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Someone is going to have to help me on this one.

    As I recall, Our Lord's Community Church (is that the right name), at Portland and Hefner Roads (the beautiful spanish-looking church just North of Hefner at Portland) has a "prayer tower" outside of its church.

    I'm not sure the denomination, I believe it is, or was, Dutch Reformist. The prayer tower is quite literally that, a bell tower with a small prayer "room" inside of it. I believe it is more or less open 24/7 (at least it used to be). I used it once during a "crisis" of sorts where I was looking for a quiet, private place to pray.

    That has been about 9 or 10 years, so other might have to let us know if this prayer room is still open and available to the public, or if I am imagining the whole thing in the first place.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    I think I remember that St Monica's had a 24 hour adoration chapel. Not sure if it still does, it gets hard to find people to sit in a chapel at all times of the day.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    JB1975.......no membership is required at a Catholic church to come and pray.

  12. Default Re: Question for Catholics or Episcopaleans (sp?)

    Catholic churches are generally open during the day, and nobody has to flash a baptismal certificate to come in and pray. Just come in, find a place, and sit or kneel as you choose. No one will think it odd, since people do that all the time.

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