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Thread: Bike Pump Track

  1. #1

    Boathouse District Bike Pump Track

    Plans have been submitted and work has already commenced for a new bike pump track facility near the Oklahoma River.

    The new track would be yet another activity for Riversport Rapids and Adventures and will join whitewater rafting, kayaking and tubing, zip lines, climbing walls, stand up paddle boarding and more near the Boathouse District.

    The track was designed by Velosolutions of Switzerland. The company is internationally recognized for similar facilities around the world. They have only installed two in the United States, including a recent facility in Brooklyn, New York.

    A pump track consists of a smooth asphalt riding surface with rollers and banked turns. It is suited for all ages and levels of ability and particularly attractive to mountain bikers and BMX riders. The more experienced and daring can jump from roller to roller and refine other maneuvers.

    The track will also welcome long-board riders and skateboaders, and wants to position itself as a “wheel park” rather than just a bike park.

    Mike Knopp of the Oklahoma Boathouse Foundation told OKCTalk that this will be yet another world-class facility for the river, which will fully compliment the many other elaborate attractions.

    Velosolutions is currently in Oklahoma City and performing work; the first asphalt will be going down very soon, with the facility formally opening in August.

    The project was largely funded by a federal grant and has also received private funding.

    Ultimately, the pump track will be covered under existing day passes that group the other river attractions, but Knopp said there would be a reasonable fee for those who want to bring their own bike and just ride the track.

    One unique feature electronic wiring under the riding surface that will connect to a chip on the rider/bike and an app for tracking times.

    The wiring also will position the facility for all types of future competitions. Knopp said they hope to bring in various championships down the line.

    The course is actually two mirrored courses that would allow two competitors to ride at the same time, or the two can be combined into one larger circuit.

    Already planned is Bike Fest in October with all types of activities, including demonstrations by professionals. There will also be various youth programs.

    Knopp sees this as the first step of a much larger plan to integrate more trails and bike attractions to the river and surrounding areas.

    Plans show the track directly north of the recently completed MAPS 3 whitewater facility and very near the new Oklahoma City Boulevard entrance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    This is cool. They already have a small, temp, pump track out there as you can see in the second picture.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    This is a pretty cool deal, mainly because it's not just another recreation venue but will be world-class and will likely attract all types of interesting events.

    It should also be beginning of an increased emphasis on biking and wheel sports at and near the river. Lots and lots of room to do more.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Wow! Oh...did I say WOW! Very cool!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    My partner is so excited about this one. he is an avid Mountain biker, BMXer and Street biker. he has been wanting a quality Pump Track in OKC for a while.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    You have to give it up to Mike Knopp & Co.... Everything down there has been absolutely first class.

    I know adhering to that standard is a high priority.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    You have to give it up to Mike Knopp & Co.... Everything down there has been absolutely first class.

    I know adhering to that standard is a high priority.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    One of the biggest complaints I hear from some of my friends living in the metro area is that there is nothing to do outside. This, along with the other riverfront developments, is going a long way to making that complaint less and less valid.

    In other words, this is another fantastic development that makes living in Okc more attractive. I hope Mike Knopp stays aggressive and keeps doing such great work

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Pete, for the longest time, Steve has alluded to a Great Wolf Lodge type of hotel in the area, along with increased parking and a restaurant or two. I always envisioned it being on this swath of land. Do you know if this development derails that idea?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Pete, for the longest time, Steve has alluded to a Great Wolf Lodge type of hotel in the area, along with increased parking and a restaurant or two. I always envisioned it being on this swath of land. Do you know if this development derails that idea?
    There was never enough land in this area for that type of development.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    There was never enough land in this area for that type of development.
    Do you think we could still see a smaller hotel, structured parking and restaurants in the area, or has that ship sailed?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Do you think we could still see a smaller hotel, structured parking and restaurants in the area, or has that ship sailed?
    They could still do a smaller hotel there.

    Great Wolf (or similar) could go elsewhere on the river but I'm sure whatever they build directly adjacent to all these facilities will conform architecturally, which Great Wolf would never do anyway. And as stated, that area even without this new bike track isn't nearly big enough.

  13. Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    When Steve has mentioned that in the past I'm pretty sure he has nearly always meant adjacent to AICCM, not in Riversport area proper; at least not on north bank of river. But yes, I think a different type of hotel is a real possibility in Riversport area.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    BMX is pretty huge in Oklahoma, as nationals are held in Tulsa each year (and I think the national HQ for the BMX association is in Tulsa). One of my employees and his boys are HUGE into BMX and it seems to have a big following. This is pretty awesome.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    They could still do a smaller hotel there.

    Great Wolf (or similar) could go elsewhere on the river but I'm sure whatever they build directly adjacent to all these facilities will conform architecturally, which Great Wolf would never do anyway. And as stated, that area even without this new bike track isn't nearly big enough.
    I really like the Idea of a hotel in this area that conforms architecturally. it could be a beautiful addition.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Don't forget BMX pioneer/legend Mat Hoffman and Hoffman Bikes HQ'd in OKC! https://hoffmanbikes.com/

  17. #17

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I really like the Idea of a hotel in this area that conforms architecturally. it could be a beautiful addition.
    I always thought it would be cool if they could do a mixed use development with hotel and some reseidential. Then maybe lure some watersport shops, biking, etc. shops to the retail spaces. These would all support the area becoming more active on a regular basis.

    In general, I'd love to see some more resedential projects along the river. How cool would it be on nice days to see people regularly crossing the river to attend events on the other side?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    The bike pump track already opened north of Riversport Rapids.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bike track.jpg 
Views:	257 
Size:	653.2 KB 
ID:	12818

    Source: https://twitter.com/clouddeck_media/...20094194184192

  19. #19

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    Man. That's pretty awesome.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Boathouse Row

    they got a little more of a crowd than they expected yesterday out there for the opening, I heard it was kinda a zoo.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    What? I don't understand the grass inside the course, but okay.

    This is super cool, and hopefully they end up lighting it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    That's our aerial image that Pete just posted. There WAS a lot of action, and this was shot during a relative lull. Parking & access are excellent, grass is around the borders but more landscaping is on the way.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    What? I don't understand the grass inside the course, but okay.

    This is super cool, and hopefully they end up lighting it.
    Looks like those are low spots in the course. I would imagine the grass is there to help with drainage as well as give it an aesthetic touch.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    Are we going to add parking (maybe a garage) to the River area? It's getting tight!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Bike Pump Track

    If I bring my own bike, what is the cost? What all safety gear is required?

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