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Thread: Pump Bar

  1. #1

    Uptown/23rd Pump Bar

    |address=2425 N. Walker
    |status=Opened Dec. 2014
    |owner=Land Run
    |sq. feet=
    Information & Latest News

    1/21/14: Building permit application for restrooms
    11/7/13: $185,000 Building Permit


    County Assessor Record


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Looks like a fun concept - hope it does well.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Is this going to be like the old Pump's was?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Are the edges around the top going to be lit up?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pump Bar


  6. #6

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Pete, the article says "Western" instead of "Walker"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Pete, the article says "Western" instead of "Walker"
    I saw that too but elected not to say anything since the renderings show Walker.

  8. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Looks very cool. I hope they have enough indoor tables for the 3/4 of the year that most patrons will want to eat inside.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Does look interesting, and I am not a big patio type of person. Was tired when I first looked at the drawing and had a (very) juvenile chuckle over the shiny trailer being converted to an outhouse. Airstream ... as a toliet. Not near as funny now, but I could not stop chuckling earlier.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Is the Governor's Mansion at 24th and North Walker as in the picture? And does it have a landing strip?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Looks awesome.

    And patios can work in Oklahoma, you just have to put a little more effort into than a table on concrete.

  12. Default Re: Pump Bar

    That's really cool. My partner and I have been haggling over the building next door for a while.

  13. Default Re: Pump Bar

    It can be used Spring and Fall, Summer evenings and nights [which are heavenly], and on those mild winter days if they so choose. The space is pretty enclosed on the south and west sides to help offset our winds, and I'm pretty sure I see outside heaters everywhere in the renderings. Definitely usable more than a 1/4 of the year... I like it! Very cool!

  14. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by UnclePete View Post
    Is the Governor's Mansion at 24th and North Walker as in the picture? And does it have a landing strip?
    I saw that too, lol, I wonder what all that is about.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    This is very cool. Hard-plumbed outdoor heaters will be a crutch to this establishment. 50 degree evenings are suddenly enjoyable with the chill knocked out of the air.

    This is something with huge potential. I hope it goes well!

  16. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Do we currently have any examples of local successful restaurants with primarily outdoor dining? I love the idea, but the idea keeps bumping up against the reality in my head.

  17. Default Re: Pump Bar

    I would say that Sauced - not too far from this space - probably would be a pretty good analog. The interior space is tiny, the outside space far larger. During probably 8 months of the year I'm pretty confident more revenue is derived from people sitting outside, and during the cold months the business subsists on the people in the small interior space. I think outdoor dining is grossly underexplored by operators in OKC. A few weeks ago I had breakfast at a great place in Denver, outside, and it was 40 degrees. The place was perfectly set up with walls to block the wind plus overhead heaters. The patio doors to the inside portion of the restaurant were thrown wide open, and people outside were shedding jackets as quickly as they sat down. Though it was downright chilly outside, it was warm-ish in the defined space. I've also had a comfortable meal outside on a 100+ degree day in Phoenix. If you can have great outdoor dining in Montreal, San Antonio and Phoenix you can have it here.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    The Mont in Norman has a fair sized interior, but I'm told it's patio dining stays fuller more often than it stands empty. I say told because I am apparently a Norman fluke as it's never had a huge appeal to me. Not bad, and I go there if someone is big on going, but it's really not on my hey, what about _ list at all.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I really like this idea. It kind of capitalizes on the "dusty truck stop" feel OKC is known for. I hope they have it well lit with neon.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I am fairly certain this project is going to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee this Wednesday (April 3rd) at 2:00 pm at City Hall due to its location within the boundaries of the Paseo (just barely). I have family members who are very involved in the Uptown 23rd organization as well as the neighborhood associations of some of the historic neighborhoods that line 23rd street. They tell me that there are some very vocal opponents of this develop for fear that it will bring an unwanted element to the area. I imagine this contingent will be there on Wednesday to voice their opposition.

    In my opinion, these people have a very incorrect view of what type of people this place will attract. The city's young professionals will flock to this place - not indigents or trouble makers. Such a place would be a major amenity to any neighborhood and will undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of nearby housing. The lack of these types of places (well-designed, urban beer garden) is what leads to talented graduates pursuing jobs in cities like Fort Worth, Austin and Denver. Believe me, I know quite a few.

    It would be a terrible misstep for this project to be delayed or disapproved due to a vocal minority that doesn't want to see their neighborhood become a vibrant urban district where people WANT to live. It reminds me of the small group from Heritage Hills/Mesta that threw a fit about The Edge at Midtown.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by huskysooner View Post
    I am fairly certain this project is going to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee this Wednesday (April 3rd) at 2:00 pm at City Hall due to its location within the boundaries of the Paseo (just barely). I have family members who are very involved in the Uptown 23rd organization as well as the neighborhood associations of some of the historic neighborhoods that line 23rd street. They tell me that there are some very vocal opponents of this develop for fear that it will bring an unwanted element to the area. I imagine this contingent will be there on Wednesday to voice their opposition.

    In my opinion, these people have a very incorrect view of what type of people this place will attract. The city's young professionals will flock to this place - not indigents or trouble makers. Such a place would be a major amenity to any neighborhood and will undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of nearby housing. The lack of these types of places (well-designed, urban beer garden) is what leads to talented graduates pursuing jobs in cities like Fort Worth, Austin and Denver. Believe me, I know quite a few.

    It would be a terrible misstep for this project to be delayed or disapproved due to a vocal minority that doesn't want to see their neighborhood become a vibrant urban district where people WANT to live. It reminds me of the small group from Heritage Hills/Mesta that threw a fit about The Edge at Midtown.
    I totally agree with you here. Though the brain drain has slowed, it is still alive and well. As a twentysomething myself, many nights I find myself regretting my move to OKC for that reason among others. NIMBYs need to be smart about what developments they support vs what they oppose.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by huskysooner View Post
    I am fairly certain this project is going to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee this Wednesday (April 3rd) at 2:00 pm at City Hall due to its location within the boundaries of the Paseo (just barely). I have family members who are very involved in the Uptown 23rd organization as well as the neighborhood associations of some of the historic neighborhoods that line 23rd street. They tell me that there are some very vocal opponents of this develop for fear that it will bring an unwanted element to the area. I imagine this contingent will be there on Wednesday to voice their opposition.

    In my opinion, these people have a very incorrect view of what type of people this place will attract. The city's young professionals will flock to this place - not indigents or trouble makers. Such a place would be a major amenity to any neighborhood and will undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of nearby housing. The lack of these types of places (well-designed, urban beer garden) is what leads to talented graduates pursuing jobs in cities like Fort Worth, Austin and Denver. Believe me, I know quite a few.

    It would be a terrible misstep for this project to be delayed or disapproved due to a vocal minority that doesn't want to see their neighborhood become a vibrant urban district where people WANT to live. It reminds me of the small group from Heritage Hills/Mesta that threw a fit about The Edge at Midtown.
    Good lord. What is wrong with people in this city? Must this happen over and over? Hopefully not.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I really like this idea. It kind of capitalizes on the "dusty truck stop" feel OKC is known for. I hope they have it well lit with neon.
    I was thinking the same thing. I hope they will line the top edges will either LED or neon.

  24. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I would say that Sauced - not too far from this space - probably would be a pretty good analog. The interior space is tiny, the outside space far larger. During probably 8 months of the year I'm pretty confident more revenue is derived from people sitting outside, and during the cold months the business subsists on the people in the small interior space. I think outdoor dining is grossly underexplored by operators in OKC. A few weeks ago I had breakfast at a great place in Denver, outside, and it was 40 degrees. The place was perfectly set up with walls to block the wind plus overhead heaters. The patio doors to the inside portion of the restaurant were thrown wide open, and people outside were shedding jackets as quickly as they sat down. Though it was downright chilly outside, it was warm-ish in the defined space. I've also had a comfortable meal outside on a 100+ degree day in Phoenix. If you can have great outdoor dining in Montreal, San Antonio and Phoenix you can have it here.

    I forgot about Sauced - though I'm not real sure what their overhead is, nor profitability. We eat outside at the Deep Deuce Wedge location alot. I personally like outdoor dinning. We often eat at East Side Pies in Austin and it only has outdoor dinning. Same goes for a deli in my parents neighborhood and a couple of food truck locations. We also rent electric 'picnic boats' often and eat and have wine on the river (wonder if that will come to the Oklahoma River). That said, Austin tends to have more acceptable weather for outdoor dinning more of the year.

    Perception seems to be the reality in Oklahoma. If you perceive there is not enough parking, then people often don't go. You perceive the outdoor dinning will be uncomfortable, then people don't go. Hopefully things are changing.

    I think the success of the H&8 and Plaza events have helped with outdoor dinning (and food trucks).

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by huskysooner View Post
    They tell me that there are some very vocal opponents of this develop for fear that it will bring an unwanted element to the area.
    What "element" could be worse than a boarded up gas station? I would be here often, if opened, and I hope to get that chance.

    Oh, and I'm a clean cut lawyer under 30. Lock your doors, southern Paseo - Mr. Cotter is on the loose!

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