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Thread: KFOR - The Rant

  1. #1

    Default KFOR - The Rant

    I'm all for freedom of expression especially when it's civil and helps further logical dialog. But I must say tonight's The Rant on KFOR was simply over the top to highlight bigotry and racism in Oklahoma. Why in the world would a local news station think it serves 'the public interest' to put on public display bigotry and racism in this state?? I recall feeling absolutely embarrassed (on a national level) for our state due to the fiasco with our state government and budget issues last year.

    I can't imagine wanting to relocate a company here when you look at how our state government runs and then add bigot and racism filled comments broadcast on KFOR. It's discouraging to think we've gained some impressive ground to only be disappointed how far we have yet to go.

    Come KFOR revamp "The Rant" or just get rid of it. Getting rid of it would be in 'the public's interest'.

  2. #2

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I didn't see what you saw since l am out of state, but don't get the idea what you saw is limited to Oklahoma. Our stations here in CO have shown the genre of toothless mountain hermits, pot addicted homeless, honest-to-God flat earthers, avowed racists, etc.
    TV has no need to show this other than ratings. lf the TV station seems to gloat about it, like they did hetr, talk to the advertisers and tell them you won't buy their products.

  3. #3

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I agree. The RANT is terrible, but it fits right into the sensationalism news KFOR specializes in.

  4. #4

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I don't have a problem with the Rant on KFOR because those are viewer opinions. It's My Two Cents on KWTV with the other Ogle that I have a problem with. I don't care what your two cents are, just give me the news and be off the air. No one needs to hear your opinions. You're not supposed to have opinions.

  5. #5

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Chicago Tribune owned station. Not really local. Need to change that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20190102_194249_469.jpg 
Views:	223 
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ID:	15105
    And this is what happened in our town today? What a joke.

  7. Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Personally, i dont feel like editorials have any place in news media. I dont care at all what the station employee's personal opinion is and why does it warrant air time? Give me factual news without opinion.

  8. #8
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Personally, i dont feel like editorials have any place in news media. I dont care at all what the station employee's personal opinion is and why does it warrant air time? Give me factual news without opinion.
    I’m inclined to agree.

  9. #9

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Personally, i dont feel like editorials have any place in news media. I dont care at all what the station employee's personal opinion is and why does it warrant air time? Give me factual news without opinion.

  10. #10

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Same goes for endless puff pieces on upcoming network shows that masquerade as news. I don't really care about a preview of <insert show name here>. Put it in a commercial where it belongs.

  11. #11

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    As KFOR was running the verbal phone-in comments last night I just cringed. I thought if some company representative was here in a fact finding/vibe gathering mission to consider OKC as a possible location and they watched The Rant from last night I wouldn't blame them for saying, "no thanks" to OKC. I cannot fathom why a local news station would think it's beneficial to highlight us at our worst! It's been very discouraging to see how local news has deteriorated so rapidly in the past 20 year or so.

  12. #12

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by rte66man View Post
    Same goes for endless puff pieces on upcoming network shows that masquerade as news. I don't really care about a preview of <insert show name here>. Put it in a commercial where it belongs.
    People have to speak out against this. It is a 100% result of Clinton's 1996 Telecom Act that allowed these big conglomerates to buy up all the local stations. It will only get worse if people don't do something -- and there is a lot we can do.

  13. #13

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I stopped watching KFOR a long time ago. But the others aren’t just a whole lot better. I’ll tune into 9 or 5 just to catch what I want to and I tune out the rest. And their endless self promotion spots are very tiresome.

    Hey,... how come the local stations don’t buy self promotion spots from their competitors?. Seems pointless to advertise yourself on your own station to the people who are already watching you.

    And then you have the Ogle dynasty that is alive and well at all of the Big 3 local stations.

  14. #14

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I have started watch Fox 25 for local news. I do enjoy them not going to a national news broadcast at the 7am hour. But I only watch them in the morning, which is mostly feel good pieces and nothing with any meat.

  15. #15

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    For now, if you see a story that you think should be covered, call in and talk to someone about it...the staffs are so depleted, many times they'll appreciate a lead on something...and don't have the numbers to know what is going on here without some help.

  16. #16

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyShack View Post
    I have started watch Fox 25 for local news. I do enjoy them not going to a national news broadcast at the 7am hour. But I only watch them in the morning, which is mostly feel good pieces and nothing with any meat.
    They are owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group.


  17. #17

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Every single one of you so far is spot on... Reporters / broadcast entities / moguls should express no opinions. Their job is to report what happened without their personal colorization... and all these 'pretty talking heads' need to get out in the field - without my assistance - to find and REPORT the news.

    Little newspapers / stations get bought up by bigger ones... bigger ones get bought up by even bigger ones. Mom & Pop shops get driven out by Walmart and Costco and Sams et al... we're close to giant conglomerates eating one another. We used to have anti-monopoly laws in this country - what happened to them?

    I thought OKC's news photographers were the only ones seeking the toothless among us for exclusive on-air interviews... Between the red/blue seizure-inducing flashing and the least appealing citizens getting 96% of the air time, it's a wonder any company relocates here. Of course, those tax incentives DO help...

  18. #18

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    TV news is dying just like newspapers. It may not even exist in its current form in a decade. That being said I like KFOR for one reason and one reason only: Joleen Chaney. ��

  19. #19

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by bucktalk View Post
    As KFOR was running the verbal phone-in comments last night I just cringed. I thought if some company representative was here in a fact finding/vibe gathering mission to consider OKC as a possible location and they watched The Rant from last night I wouldn't blame them for saying, "no thanks" to OKC. I cannot fathom why a local news station would think it's beneficial to highlight us at our worst! It's been very discouraging to see how local news has deteriorated so rapidly in the past 20 year or so.
    What was the topic?

  20. #20

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

  21. #21

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner333 View Post
    A bunch of old biddies...

    Lol. I've seen worse on The Rant.

  22. #22

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    I personally notice a lot of closet racism and bigotry in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City. More so than other places. I haven’t seen this broadcast(I don’t even know what the rant is... I’m guessing it’s the same as the 2 cents thing on news 9), so I can’t really judge much. But if it is highlighting an issue of racial problems in Oklahoma, than good.

    It seems as almost every person here that is responding is putting forth the notion that racism and bigotry isn’t an issue in OKC or isn’t worse than other cities, and anecdotally, I’d be inclined to disagree. I say that as a white male living in LA who has witnessed some pretty bad racially charged incidents out here, especially on mass transit lines.

    I will say this with a pretty good level of confidence, oklahomans are a lot more judgemental than people from other states to my experience so far.

  23. #23

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by OkiePoke View Post
    They are owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group.

    Despite this, they still offer fairly decent local coverage, comparatively. Says a lot.

  24. Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I personally notice a lot of closet racism and bigotry in Oklahoma and Oklahoma City. More so than other places. I haven’t seen this broadcast(I don’t even know what the rant is... I’m guessing it’s the same as the 2 cents thing on news 9), so I can’t really judge much. But if it is highlighting an issue of racial problems in Oklahoma, than good.

    It seems as almost every person here that is responding is putting forth the notion that racism and bigotry isn’t an issue in OKC or isn’t worse than other cities, and anecdotally, I’d be inclined to disagree. I say that as a white male living in LA who has witnessed some pretty bad racially charged incidents out here, especially on mass transit lines.

    I will say this with a pretty good level of confidence, oklahomans are a lot more judgemental than people from other states to my experience so far.
    More southern, yes. More bigoted and judgemental? In one way, yes, but absolutely no more judgemental overall? Absolutely no. Being judgemental applies to more than just people critical of someone for being non-Christian or gay or another color. Being judgemental also applies to people, as I'm finding more and more, to older white guys, to people who are financially stable, to people who renovate old properties and "gentrify" - this is now racist, to people who others feel aren't inclusive enough, who aren't in the right political party, who drive too big a car, too nice a car, go to the wrong school, are overweight, aren't pretty enough, ........ l could go on forever.
    OKC has it's issues but until you live another place, you'll see judgemental people are everywhere, they just judge on different things.

  25. #25

    Default Re: KFOR - The Rant

    The hatred towards “gentrification” is real and quite funny to me. I find all of these fancy terms people love to make socially popular very amusing. I mean yeah... it’s sad to see people displaced, but at the same time we’re seeing the buildings restored to former glory plus the additions of modern technology such as central heat and air, more and newer appliances, more efficient lighting and energy options, etc.

    I don’t know the full solution as there are good points about it displacing long time residents and them being replaced, from my experience, by whites and Asians. I live in a gentrified area of Hollywood and it’s pretty diverse for the most part depending on how you look at it.

    LA is an interesting animal though as you have some areas like Venice that are moving backwards and becoming slums due to the homeless. That is arguably a result of disproportionate services offered and our lovely mayor who is taking a literal sh!t on Venice which itself has seen major gentrification.

    Back on the topic of bigotry in OKC or Oklahoma in general, I have brought several friends and girlfriends of many different backgrounds and ethnicities to give them experience of my hometown and state which I love greatly(not a single one is white). All of them loved it and had no issues in regards to experiencing any sort of discrimination.

    I still stand by my statements however and will reiterate(though I want to again make it clear I haven’t seen the clip so I don’t know the full context) time and time again I think more exposure on bigotry in the state is needed. Even though I will argue it’s more prevalent there; it’s really a sad argument all together to be comparing it to other states as it need not exist anywhere. I just don’t see the problem highlighting it.

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