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Thread: Panhandler problem/ solution

  1. #1

    Default Panhandler problem/ solution

    I know this topic was brought up a few months back and I mentioned a solution was in the works. Well folks it has now been implemented. I know it is not a solve all but at least it is a step in the right direction for the ones who do truly need help.

    City seeks change in aid for homeless

    By John Sutter
    The Oklahoman

    A program that encourages giving homeless people and panhandlers bus tickets to city shelters instead of cash kicked off today in downtown Oklahoma City.
    The "Real Change, Not Spare Change" program is designed to prevent panhandlers from pocketing money they don't need or spending it on drugs and alcohol. Recipients can redeem specially printed vouchers only for a bus ride to one of three city shelters -- City Rescue Mission, Grace Rescue Mission or the Salvation Army.

    There, they can get a free meal, a place to stay and other help, said Dan Straughan, executive director of the Homeless Alliance, a local advocate group for the homeless and one of the program sponsors.

    "Oklahoma Citians are people who want to help; they're givers by nature," Straughan said. "We think the Real Change vouchers are just a healthier, smarter way to give that help."

    Books of five $1 tickets are on sale at the alliance's Web site -- www.homelessalliance.org. Dave Lopez, president of Downtown OKC Inc., said some downtown executives will sell tickets in office buildings. Additional downtown sales points are coming soon, he said.

    Jerry Kraus, 45, sleeps in a field just south of Interstate 40 near downtown. He's homeless, wears three coats to keep warm and says he never has to ask for money. He supports the Real Change concept.

    "Most people on the streets are into drugs and alcohol," he said. "You can get all the food you want at these places (shelters)."

    If tickets aren't used on the city's bus system, then the money spent on the tickets will essentially become a donation to the Homeless Alliance, which is working to end homelessness in the city.

    Lopez said panhandling and homelessness are not as large of a problem in Oklahoma City as in some other places. This program's trying to jump out "ahead of the curve" to help those in need, he said.

    Straughan said there are about 1,500 homeless people on Oklahoma City streets and in shelters on any given night.

    Black market possible
    Kraus said many panhandlers and homeless people resell food stamps, so a black market for bus vouchers may develop.

    "People are very creative in getting what they want," he said.

    "If they want drugs and alcohol, they will get it. It's worth a try. At least it puts a certain obstacle between drugs and alcohol and the user."

    Straughan agrees. But if Real Change catches on, the vouchers will be less valuable if resold, he said.

    "There will be a black market for these things. Today in Oklahoma City, five bus tickets will get you a joint (marijuana cigarette), or so I'm told. If we put 50,000 of these (vouchers) out on the street, though, that's going to really depress that market," Straughan said.

  2. #2
    crazy4ou Guest

    Default Re: Panhandler problem/ solution

    That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Who is going to buy bus tickets, carry them around, and wait to give one to a homeless person?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Panhandler problem/ solution

    Yeah, I agree - sorry...retarded. I think the spirit behind it is good, but who is going to go out of their way to do this?

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Panhandler problem/ solution

    Quote Originally Posted by crazy4ou
    That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Who is going to buy bus tickets, carry them around, and wait to give one to a homeless person?
    Exactly. I do my best to avoid the homeless that are out begging for a hand out. Plus, if you give them a voucher, chances are they will throw it away, because they want alcohol and drugs....not a free ride to a shelter. Can you imagine a bus load of homeless people going to a shelter? I don't see it happening.

  5. Default Re: Panhandler problem/ solution

    I think it would make me feel better giving them vouchers than hard cash. But maybe they should give these vouchers out for free for those who request them say for the first 2 or 3 months...so that way we can see if we are funding a solution or just a pointless waste of paper and time.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Panhandler problem/ solution

    I wouldnt say it is a complete waste of cash if they don't actually work that well. as the article stated, if they don't use them, the donated proceeds are basically going to the homeless shelters in which the shelter can use the funds elsewhere.

    If tickets aren't used on the city's bus system, then the money spent on the tickets will essentially become a donation to the Homeless Alliance, which is working to end homelessness in the city.

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