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It's sad for the fans there but there are going to be an awful lot of good reasons for the team not to move back. Don't judge N.O. for pro basketball on what it WAS, look at what it will be. The population's going to be much, much smaller and what funding their is for economic development's going to view basketball as a back burner issue, probably. A lot of people are going to be in bad straits financially for some time, and spending to go to a basketball game may not be the top priority. We'll see, maybe Louisiana will bounce back quicker than I think, but I'd be surprised. Neither the Hornets nor the Saints should be forced to stay in a market that may not be able to adequately support a pro franchise just because we feel sorry for the people there. Otherwise the Jazz would still be there (another factor to bear in mind, they've already failed once to support an NBA team...of course, the same can be said, TWICE, for baseball in D.C.)