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Thread: Malicious Link

  1. #1

    Default Malicious Link

    I wanted to let someone know that for about the past week my Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been popping up a malicious link alert every time I access OKCtalk.com. It is a trojan program referred to as HEUR.Trojan.Script.Generic. I'm not sure what AV OKCTalk.com is using but I still trust the Russians with their AV products. Thanks.

  2. Default Re: Malicious Link

    More than likely coming from one of his ad providers. There has been a lot of that going on in the last year or so.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Malicious Link

    Be very careful about the links you access--free sites especially those who like to occasionally view free porn; those sites can infect your computer with malicious malware/spyware that can not be detected or removed by the average antivirus software.

    Check out an external anti-virus device like FIX-ME-STICK it is reliable; most discount stores (Walmart, Target) will have it available.

    Don't trust these on-line services unless you know they are reliable; especially those who want permission to access your computer.

    Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a very reputable service; however, my brother has it on his computer. He is concerned, has plans to drop it, uninstall once his subscription runs out. Just don't know when the Russians may try to retaliate against our country once they can't get what they want from Trump. IMO, Kaspersky could be used by the Russians to inflict a lot of damage.

    Suggest you take your computer to Best Buy support to have malicious malware/spyware removed.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Malicious Link

    The US has banned the use of Kapersky software by federal agencies and contractors, which resulted in a lawsuit from Kapersky: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/18/...r-federal-ban/

    Similarly, civilian drones made by Chinese manufacturer DJI are now prohibited by US Departments of Defense and Energy. They cannot fly over or near their facilities and infrastructure. It isn't the photos they're most concerned about being sent back home, but the electronic data that's collected during flight.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Malicious Link

    Good link find CloudDeckMedia:

    Whether or not Kaspersky has a case, it faces an uphill battle. It offered independent reviews of its source code in a bid to prove it's not a Russian government mole, but officials have said it wouldn't be enough to change their mind. Like it or not, it may have to go without US government contracts so long as there's even a mild suspicion that it might be working on the Russian government's behalf.
    Sometimes it only takes the fear (mild suspicion) of the unknown elements. We don't trust Russian that they won't meddle in our election; therefore their software attacks wouldn't preclude antivirus software based in their country--what would stop them from a hostile takeover.

    When our on federal government doesn't want to take that risk; it cautions you to think twice.

  6. Default Re: Malicious Link

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Be very careful about the links you access--free sites especially those who like to occasionally view free porn; those sites can infect your computer with malicious malware/spyware that can not be detected or removed by the average antivirus software.

    Check out an external anti-virus device like FIX-ME-STICK it is reliable; most discount stores (Walmart, Target) will have it available.

    Don't trust these on-line services unless you know they are reliable; especially those who want permission to access your computer.

    Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a very reputable service; however, my brother has it on his computer. He is concerned, has plans to drop it, uninstall once his subscription runs out. Just don't know when the Russians may try to retaliate against our country once they can't get what they want from Trump. IMO, Kaspersky could be used by the Russians to inflict a lot of damage.

    Suggest you take your computer to Best Buy support to have malicious malware/spyware removed.
    Most antivirus programs these days aren't going to protect you like they did 10+ years ago. Most viruses and exploits are "zero day" and not caught by any antivirus software. The best AV program you have is the one that is built in the OS, and I recommend not using any third party AV because they can do more harm than good. A lot of them hooks deep in the kernel of the OS and thus causes a way of exploits to get into the first few layers of the OS which can be dangerous.

    If you think you are infected run the update service of your OS to see if there are any updates and then run the built in AV software to do a scan.

    If it finds something and can not be removed, you can take it to a computer shop if you don't feel comfortable manually removing it, however most shops these days are just going to wipe the system which I would recommend anyway, that way you are assured it is removed. Be sure to back up first and before you restore files run a scan on them to be sure you are not reinfecting your computer.

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