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Be very careful about the links you access--free sites especially those who like to occasionally view free porn; those sites can infect your computer with malicious malware/spyware that can not be detected or removed by the average antivirus software.
Check out an external anti-virus device like FIX-ME-STICK it is reliable; most discount stores (Walmart, Target) will have it available.
Don't trust these on-line services unless you know they are reliable; especially those who want permission to access your computer.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a very reputable service; however, my brother has it on his computer. He is concerned, has plans to drop it, uninstall once his subscription runs out. Just don't know when the Russians may try to retaliate against our country once they can't get what they want from Trump. IMO, Kaspersky could be used by the Russians to inflict a lot of damage.
Suggest you take your computer to Best Buy support to have malicious malware/spyware removed.