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Thread: Coach's

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 Coach's

    I just went off on Coaches on a thread in Thunder sectoin but realized that if would be better suited over here.

    To me Coaches could easily be the best sports bar in the city if they wanted to be with little effort. I went there about a month ago for the first time in forever and watched a couple of NCAA games. Coaches has so many built in advantages. I had forgotten that they have their own brewery, and apparently so did the waitress when I asked her what beers they had on tap. Anyway, the place is huge and needs no fixing up. Being at the ballpark is an awesome atmospehere that no one else can match. Problems. The food sucks. It was not good at all, one can just tell everything is prepackaged and reheated. The tvs were good back in 1994. I mean really is it that hard to have good tvs. It took BWW forever to figure it out and now they are packed all the time (although it was busy before but mainly bc of lack of competition I think). That place could be so much better with a new tv set up and a chef with a new menu. That being said the place was busy when I was in there. They seem to get so much traffic from just being in bricktown that I dont think it really matters if they try and attract the loacl consumer. Too bad, I would love to go there more often but I just wont. The space is huge, they have their own brewery and they are in the ballpark. So many built in advantages, but sucks they screw up the simple things like good tvs and good food. Rant over.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    They are in need of an overhaul. Never been much of a Coach's fan anyway, as BBQ goes, but they do seem to have gone downhill even for them. The one in Norman isn't any better IMO, but they do have a following.

    How cool would something like Republic be up there...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    The first and last time I was in Coach's was back in 2006. I went down there with my family to eat and watch a game. The food and service were terrible.

    I think Johnnies or Hideway would do awesome in that location. All Johnnies would have to do is add beer, wine and a few selections of steak and to their menu and they would be a hit for all tastes.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Agree. I dont know if they just get by becuase of their name or because its a nice setting at the ballpark but they have so much more potential. And yes, television technology has come a ways since this place was built.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    My nephew got his credit card skimmed there for over $400. Leary of it now.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Tried using the search feature to find info regarding the former Coaches Bricktown location in left field of the ballpark. Any speculation or can someone direct me to a thread?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Stinger: Last I heard, that location is closed...think all of them are closed or morphed into another name???

    Coaches Closes in Bricktown, Cow-Calf Comes to Downtown, Services Set for Bill | OKC Central

    but they still have a Facebook page (appears inactive)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Yes, it's closed and all the signage is gone....just trying to figure out if anything is going to happen with that great space. I'd like to see something like Louie's, RePUBlic, etc.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Also, did Hideaway pull out of the ballpark around the same time? Noticed the pizza place doesn't carry the Hideaway name now, although the product is fairly similar.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Stinger View Post
    Also, did Hideaway pull out of the ballpark around the same time? Noticed the pizza place doesn't carry the Hideaway name now, although the product is fairly similar.
    I think in another thread someone said that the new owner of the redhawks has control of the food vendors and they didn't renew a deal with Hideaway in favor of their own vendor. Which sucks

  11. #11

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    If true, and the Redhawks ownership want control of the vendors, then they should build their own ballpark and pay for it themselves. The City should have retained all vendor control of a City facility.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Never really liked Coaches other than it had a great view of the Ballpark. Their beer selection has always been mediocre to say the least. The service has never really been good either.

  13. #13
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Coach's sucked. This location, in particular, sucked. Every single aspect sucked the last three times my friends and I went there. However, it has such good potential to be a kickass sports bar. I just don't think we have anyone that has a vision and can/wants to act on it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Anyone have any updates on what is to become of this location?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Coaches was one of my mom's & her friends favorite places.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Coaches in Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by icecold View Post
    Anyone have any updates on what is to become of this location?
    Was recently told by a Redhawk employee that they are actively searching for a new tenant. I think he said they have a broker currently marketing it.

    And to clear up earlier posts. The Redhawks ownership group leases the entire ballpark from the city. They are resposible for all events (baseball, concerts, tubing) as well as the concessions. They said Hideaway made the decision to not renew their lease.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Coaches

    ballpark and norman location are gone. defunct or still alive?

  18. Default Re: Coaches

    Norman location is long gone.

  19. Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Bits_Of_Real_Panther View Post
    ballpark and norman location are gone. defunct or still alive?
    All Coaches locations have been closed for awhile now.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Coaches

    All locations have been closed for a while now. Don't think there's any plan to reopen any. It's just kind of a tired concept.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Coaches

    I believe that it was mentioned in Steve's chat today that it's possibly being looked at as a hospitality area for the Dodgers now since it's been vacant so long...

  22. #22

    Default Re: Coaches


    I don't understand that at all.

    I know of a local, established and successful restaurant group that has been very interested in the property -- and for a concept that would be a perfect fit -- the ownership has not shown any interest in leasing it out.

    Something else is going on here and I can't figure out what. That space is awesome and could have been leased out many times over.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    I don't understand that at all.

    I know of a local, established and successful restaurant group that has been very interested in the property -- and for a concept that would be a perfect fit -- the ownership has not shown any interest in leasing it out.

    Something else is going on here and I can't figure out what. That space is awesome and could have been leased out many times over.
    Does the city of Oklahoma City not own it?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Coaches

    The City owns it but the Dodger ownership group has the right to lease it out.

    I suspect with the change in ownership this space has not be a priority but they have hardly been marketing it in any aggressive way.

    Anyway, just found out that deal I mentioned may still be a possibility.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    The City owns it but the Dodger ownership group has the right to lease it out.

    I suspect with the change in ownership this space has not be a priority but they have hardly been marketing it in any aggressive way.

    Anyway, just found out that deal I mentioned may still be a possibility.
    Hopefully that comes to fruition. It would be a shame to see this used as hospitality for the Dodgers. I thought the Coaches there was always kind of plane and poorly marketed. With the right tenant, that could be one of the coolest spots in Bricktown.

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