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On Main (and especially on Gray), the 3-lane one-way configuration we have now encourages people to drive far too fast in an area that often sees a lot of pedestrians, and has a ton of cars backing out from angled parking in situations with low/no visibility. This is even a problem at night along Main, because as the number of cars utilizing angled parking decreases drivers are encouraged to drive faster, even as the nightlife crowd is out and about downtown.
I drive both roads all the time and while the train can be a problem on Main, it's only at certain times of day. The bigger issue with Main traffic are backups at Porter, which arise as a result of the weird configuration at Main/Porter and Gray/Porter, which in turn arises from the fact that Main and Gray are each one-way. I'd be highly in favor of both the road diet and conversion to two-way with a center turn lane.