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Thread: Street Parking and Businesses

  1. #1

    Default Street Parking and Businesses

    So question - hoping if someone knows the answer.

    Street Parking - Can it be controlled by businesses in front of it? Especially areas where there is parallel parking, not built into the property owned by the business?

    The specific example I'm thinking of... on Littler between S. 3rd and 4th street (near the EARC and Stephenson Park) - The Optometrist there has put signs on the parking spots along both sides of the street.

    You can see these spots here before the signs went in -


    They're ugly red metal signs on posts placed at each spot now that claim parking for the doctor's office only. My understanding is that these are public parking spots.

    So my follow up question - if this isn't allowed, who do I reach out to?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    No. It isn't allowed. And a pretty d!ck move if you ask me. You can call or email to the action center.

    Example: A couple blocks from my house the good egg group claimed the street parking outside their new HQ building for themselves and put up some fancy branded signs that all had to be removed. My friend who lives in one of the multiplexes nearby went ballistic(she'd been parking there for years while it was abandoned) since hers and all the other plexes don't have enough spots for all the tenants. They were designed for single car families but just about everyone over 16 has a set of wheels now and historic neighborhoods aren't equipped for it. Which sparks all the street parking wars and Mesta/HH residents going thermonuclear over neighbors trying to knock down old brick carriage houses and replace them with (in my opinion) appropriate 4 cars garages to go with their 8,000sf homes.

    That is unless the property line is drawn on the other side of the parking. In the case of good egg the line is drawn around the exterior walls. But when I use the county assessor site to look at a place like Bruno's furniture. It appears their property line goes all the way out to the street. It doesn't make much sense. But it probably hasn't been addressed in a close to a century.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    The county assessors website also carries a a disclaimer that "The mapped data on this site does not constitute a legal survey." I know for certain that from dealing with former property of ours, that the lines shown on their aerial shots are approximate.

    Sometimes a property line is defined by going out to the middle of the street, and then measure back a certain amount, say 30' for easment, then the actual property line starts. Anything outside of that line is fair game for the city

  4. #4

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    My first house I bought in 1980 had the plat description of the property lines all the way to the middle of the street, which is public. Also was the utility easement on the front of the property that included the sidewalk. But the street was public and anyone could park there.

  5. Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    My first house I bought in 1980 had the plat description of the property lines all the way to the middle of the street, which is public. Also was the utility easement on the front of the property that included the sidewalk. But the street was public and anyone could park there.
    There was probably a Right of Way Easement offset 25' - 30' either side of the platted lot line..... I don't see that often in residential lots but it's not that uncommon along section line roads.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

  7. #7

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    I submitted it to Edmond enforcement. Hopefully they do something. The signage is ugly.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I submitted it to Edmond enforcement. Hopefully they do something. The signage is ugly.
    Please update us when you get a response! I'm curious on the response you get.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I submitted it to Edmond enforcement. Hopefully they do something. The signage is ugly.

    I hope you meant the City of Edmond Code Enforcement office. They handle signage problems. If the sign is on private property, even if it is misleading, I don't think there is much they can do about it IF it doesn't break any of the signage ordinances. Such is the case of a business that has a sign in their window stating that the (public) parking in front of their business is for their business only. I have heard cases of the owner coming out of the business to chew people out for parking in those spaces and then walking over to the Farmers Market. They know that parking is public. They just try to bully or bluff people.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    Quote Originally Posted by MCC View Post
    I hope you meant the City of Edmond Code Enforcement office. They handle signage problems. If the sign is on private property, even if it is misleading, I don't think there is much they can do about it IF it doesn't break any of the signage ordinances. Such is the case of a business that has a sign in their window stating that the (public) parking in front of their business is for their business only. I have heard cases of the owner coming out of the business to chew people out for parking in those spaces and then walking over to the Farmers Market. They know that parking is public. They just try to bully or bluff people.
    Yes, code enforcement.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Street Parking and Businesses

    I never did get a response from the city, however the signs are all gone, so I'm assuming someone looked into it. So resolution either way!

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