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Thread: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

  1. #1

    Default Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Last Thursday was announced that Madonna will bring her Rebel Heart tour to BOK center in Jan of 2016. This will be the first time ever for her tours to come to the sooner state.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Great for Tulsa.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Dustin View Post
    Great for Tulsa.
    20 years ago

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    'Confessions on a dance floor' was a great album, that would have been awesome to see live, her latest offering...not so much.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Why am I thinking that if this concert had been announced for OKC, many here would be complaining that all OKC gets are the tired, over the hill, pop entertainers?. LOL

  6. #6

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    I saw her MDNA show in Dallas a few years ago. It was good, but I couldn't help thinking the whole show was more about her fancy video back drops than her actual singing. And, she was two hours late opening; appparently this is her normal behavior for every tour. It's a nice win for Tulsa, though, even though she's just a shell of what she once was.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    I bet it gets sold out... not bad for a shell.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I bet it gets sold out... not bad for a shell.
    You meant shill didn't you.
    I didn't even know she was still alive.............

  9. #9

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    You meant shill didn't you.
    I didn't even know she was still alive.............
    I think her daughter (Lourdes Leon) is starting to take her place.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    I have seen the past 6 tours. Love her or hate her she is a fantastic entertainer.
    they changed the pricing scale for Tulsa and the smaller markets they announced last week to avoid some shell shock on ticket prices. top ticket prices are still high but the number of tickets at that price point is lower than in major markets and many tickets in the 90.00- 170.00 range.

    her last tour was top performing tour of 2012 and grossed 305 Million dollars.. the tour before that in 2009 is # 4 or 5 in top grossing tours of all times at 408 Million.. not bad for someone who you think would have been big news for Tulsa 20 years ago.

    Her tours aren't typically late. last tour was an exception as she thought crowds would understand a DJ as being an opening act so she started 2 hours after the ticket show time which was 30 to 45 minutes after DJ ended which would be typical of a show with a opening band. this show has been starting about 30 to 45 minutes after the ticket time and she has a DJ or in NYC case Amy Schumer opened.

    BOK reps said its the largest show they have hosted. so I'd say a big win for Tulsa.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I have seen the past 6 tours. Love her or hate her she is a fantastic entertainer.
    they changed the pricing scale for Tulsa and the smaller markets they announced last week to avoid some shell shock on ticket prices. top ticket prices are still high but the number of tickets at that price point is lower than in major markets and many tickets in the 90.00- 170.00 range.

    her last tour was top performing tour of 2012 and grossed 305 Million dollars.. the tour before that in 2009 is # 4 or 5 in top grossing tours of all times at 408 Million.. not bad for someone who you think would have been big news for Tulsa 20 years ago.

    Her tours aren't typically late. last tour was an exception as she thought crowds would understand a DJ as being an opening act so she started 2 hours after the ticket show time which was 30 to 45 minutes after DJ ended which would be typical of a show with a opening band. this show has been starting about 30 to 45 minutes after the ticket time and she has a DJ or in NYC case Amy Schumer opened.

    BOK reps said its the largest show they have hosted. so I'd say a big win for Tulsa.
    Bigger than Garth and his 122,000 tickets over 7 shows?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    Bigger than Garth and his 122,000 tickets over 7 shows?
    Garth puts on a Great show as well. but he is not in the top 10 of top grossing shows of all times. and it isn't his first Oklahoma appearance on tour.

    and by largest show I mean largest show as far as Load in and set and stage. not 122K tickets over 7 shows.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Why am I thinking that if this concert had been announced for OKC, many here would be complaining that all OKC gets are the tired, over the hill, pop entertainers?. LOL
    Didn't Cher start that years ago?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Some good burns on this thread. All I was going to ask is if was the "Walker" or Wheelchair" tour.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Always funny to me that Madonna tours and gets all the ageist remarks at 57. And Rolling Stones tour same year and are 70+ and don't get that sort of response.

    I wouldn't say there were very many good burns really. As I said. Love her or hate her she is a great business woman and very successful at what she does. Part of having a vibrant music scene in this state is attracting more acts large and small. And many major tours skip us.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Always funny to me that Madonna tours and gets all the ageist remarks at 57. And Rolling Stones tour same year and are 70+ and don't get that sort of response.
    Really? I see jokes about the seniority of the Stones all of the time.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    Some good burns on this thread. All I was going to ask is if was the "Walker" or Wheelchair" tour.
    I was hoping for a title like " liquor and poker tour".

  18. #18

    Default Re: Madonna books Tulsa for First Oklahoma appearance

    Saw the boxscore for the show in Tulsa
    made a bit more than Atlanta and some other cities.
    21 Madonna
    BOK Center Tulsa, Okla.

    22 Madonna
    Philips Arena Atlanta, Ga.

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