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Thread: I'm not talking about Neptunes

  1. #1

    Default I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Trident missiles 2 of them, at the tune of $70 million a piece were launched off the coast of California.... And the Navy says it's just test. I don't know maybe so but that seems like an expensive damn test. Anyone else have any thoughts behind the two launches?

    Abe Blair captures pictures of Trident missile streaking over San Francisco | Daily Mail Online

  2. #2

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Stupid celebs with their idiotic comments, too bad this didn't veer of course into the "K" household.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2E39C55000000578-3310577-The_dark_side_Despite_the_confirmation_that_the_light_was_a_navy-a-49_1.jpg 
Views:	97 
Size:	67.3 KB 
ID:	11786

  3. #3

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Stupid celebs with their idiotic comments, too bad this didn't veer of course into the "K" household.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2E39C55000000578-3310577-The_dark_side_Despite_the_confirmation_that_the_light_was_a_navy-a-49_1.jpg 
Views:	97 
Size:	67.3 KB 
ID:	11786
    Could you imagine mourning that would take place ��

  4. Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    Trident missiles 2 of them, at the tune of $70 million a piece were launched off the coast of California.... And the Navy says it's just test. I don't know maybe so but that seems like an expensive damn test. Anyone else have any thoughts behind the two launches?

    Abe Blair captures pictures of Trident missile streaking over San Francisco | Daily Mail Online
    Doesn't raise any red flags with me.

    If you don't think its a 'test' then exactly what would you attribute it to?

    Maybe they were firing at another Chinese nuclear sub before they could flex their muscle by launching another ballistic missile off our coast like they did in 2010 (insert eye-roll here).....

  5. #5

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Doesn't raise any red flags with me

    Maybe they were firing at another Chinese nuclear sub before they could flex their muscle by launching another ballistic missile off our coast like they did in 2010 (insert eye-roll here).....
    I actually remember that , however never read where that was confirmed or denied though. I could be wrong but do you really test fire 2 - 70 million dollar missiles , you would think they work well enough that you wouldn't need to test fire a couple to make sure they still work.....

  6. #6

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    I actually remember that , however never read where that was confirmed or denied though. I could be wrong but do you really test fire 2 - 70 million dollar missiles , you would think they work well enough that you wouldn't need to test fire a couple to make sure they still work.....
    Or when you want your $70 million missiles to work for real, you realize that's not the time to wonder if they will.

  7. #7

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    Or when you want your $70 million missiles to work for real, you realize that's not the time to wonder if they will.
    So they shoot these off on a regular basis , Just to see if they work? Yes I am being serious....

  8. #8

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    So they shoot these off on a regular basis , Just to see if they work? Yes I am being serious....
    Maybe not on a regular basis, but yeah, we test stuff.

  9. #9

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    Maybe not on a regular basis, but yeah, we test stuff.
    Looks like it's a frequently reoccurring process.

    The test was part of a scheduled, on-going system evaluation test, said Cmdr. Ryan Perry with the Navy’s Third Fleet.

    Perry said launches are conducted on a frequent, recurring basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system. “Each test activity provides valuable information about our systems, thus contributing to assurance in our capabilities,” he said in a statement. What could 70 million a pop be better used for, he makes it sound like they do it every Saturday at noon.

  10. #10

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    Looks like it's a frequently reoccurring process.

    The test was part of a scheduled, on-going system evaluation test, said Cmdr. Ryan Perry with the Navy’s Third Fleet.

    Perry said launches are conducted on a frequent, recurring basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system. “Each test activity provides valuable information about our systems, thus contributing to assurance in our capabilities,” he said in a statement. What could 70 million a pop be better used for, he makes it sound like they do it every Saturday at noon.
    I don't get that impression at all. What would you rather the $70m be spent on? Do you dislike nuclear deterrent? Do you have any information on how often these are tested, or are you just manufacturing something to gripe about? Do you have any military experience that tells you how often troops should train and how often systems should be tested?

  11. #11

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    What's included in that price tag? Is that for a middle with a live warhead? If so, assuming these test missles are dummies, how does that affect the price tag?

    R&D and testing can give you sticker shock in any industry buy are necessary evils to ensure accuracy and effectiveness when needed.

  12. #12

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    $70 million is in contractor dollars. It really only cost about $99 and some change.

    Deterrence is never practiced, it is performed 24/7x365 right here in OKC. What do you think those Navy planes are doing here?

  13. #13

    Default Re: I'm not talking about Neptunes

    Shhh... we all know they were defending Stargate base Atlantis from a Hive attack.

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